Chapter 1148

Anliang has extensive experience in solving the trouble of queuing!

“You guys wait a moment.” Anliang let go of the hands of the two sisters of the Xia family, and he walked directly to the front of the roller coaster line, and then observed the objects that could be jumped in.

After Anliang’s observation, he selected a small team of three men, and then walked directly over.

“Hello, brother, is your location selling?” Anliang asked straightforwardly.

“Huh?” The three boys looked at Anliang suspiciously.

Anliang smiled and said, “I brought my girlfriend to play and don’t want to line up, so I want to buy your place, two hundred yuan per place, what do you think?”

One of the guys wearing glasses responded, “It can be, but we are three. If you only buy two, we are a little embarrassed.”

The boy wearing glasses is also very straightforward.

There is nothing wrong with buying a position for two hundred yuan, but who will sell the position?

this is a big problem!


Anliang responded with a smile, “I will buy it together in three locations!”

The boy wearing glasses immediately agreed, “No problem!”

“Wait a moment, I will bring my girlfriend.” Anliang responded.

In less than two minutes, Anliang led Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin to walk over, and the three boys looked at Anliang stupidly. Did the other party have two girlfriends, or twins?


The three single dogs felt that they were really hurt!

When Anliang walked over, he first let go of the two sisters of the Xia family, and then explained, “Is WeChat payment okay?”

“By the way, brother, I add you to WeChat. You can go to the Ferris wheel to queue up. When the queue arrives, you will send me WeChat. I will still buy it for 200 yuan per position!” Anliang added in response.

“Okay, no problem, thank you brother!” the boy wearing glasses responded.

Anliang and the boy wearing glasses added WeChat, and the other party immediately sent his name. The boy wearing glasses is called ‘Ge Qiushi’, a very simple name.

“Brother Ge, the money has been sent to you, and you can send it to your friends. You can now go to the Ferris wheel to line up.” Anliang prompted.(Read more @

The three of Ge Qiushi gave Anliang the place in the line, and he responded, “Okay, big brother, let’s go to the Ferris wheel to line up first, can we call big brother ten minutes in advance?”

“Yes, we need time to come over.” Anliang responded.

“No problem, let’s go now.” Ge Qiushi greeted the two friends to go to the Ferris wheel to line up.

The tourists who were queuing up on the roller coaster looked at the sisters Anliang and Xia. Most of them knew Louis Vuitton, a high-luxury brand, and they were silently envying this. This should be the daily routine of the big guys, right?

Xia Ruyi whispered, “It can still be like this?”

Anliang responded with a smile, “Why not?”

“Humph!” Xia Ruyi snorted.

Anliang stretched out her hand and squeezed her small face. “Analyzed from an economic perspective, the three boys should be college students. Their lowest fare can be 170 yuan for a single person. I use 200 yuan to buy a position, with a high probability. Passed their fare.”

Anliang continued, “In addition, they may come in just after the park opens, and the waiting time in the line does not exceed half an hour. If you use half an hour to exchange the ticket for the entire admission, most people will be willing.”

“More importantly, I also added a second paid queuing demand afterwards, and the probability of their agreement is basically 100%.” ​​Anliang explained.

“Is this a big man studying economics?” Xia Ruyi was a little surprised.

Xia He gave Anliang a blank look, she thought of more…

After Anliang used economics to analyze the success probability of jumping the line, it was their turn to play the roller coaster.

After the three of them entered, Xia Ruyi directly took Anliang to the last row.

“Let’s go to the last row!” Xia Ruyi greeted.

This is a knowledgeable player!

The first row of the roller coaster is not the most exciting position, in fact the last row is.

“Aren’t you afraid of heights?” Anliang murmured, he was ready to use his money again to select the first row.

Xia Ruyi dragged Anliang towards the last row and explained, “Is the roller coaster not high?”

? ? ?

This theory of God!

Is the roller coaster not high enough?

In the last row, Xia Hexin sits on the left, Anliang sits in the middle, and Xia Ruyi sits on the right.

When the security inspector confirmed that there was no problem with the safety device, Anliang took the hands of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin again, and he was not worried about safety issues.

Because Anliang, who has the ability to foresee danger, is destined to have no fate with various safety accidents!

Xia Ruyi said nervously, “Big brother, I’m a little scared!”

Xia Hexin agreed, “I am also a little scared.”

“Don’t be afraid, I’m by your side.” Anliang responded.

However, after the roller coaster really started running, Anliang found himself sloppy!


Xia Ruyi screamed in surprise, and Xia Hexin also exclaimed.


Anliang is no exception, he also sent out a gentle and easy-going greeting.

Compared with the first row of this beep, the horror coefficient of the last row has risen by a notch! .

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