Chapter 1242

At 10:06 in the evening, Tesla’s stock price came to a share of US$152.88, which exceeded the highest purchase price set by Anliang, and Anxin Investment Company stopped scanning the stock.

Anxin Investment’s cessation of sweeping goods naturally attracted the attention of financial giants. After all, there was a sudden shortage of buyers in the market. How could other financial giants not be able to find it?

But this situation did not arouse special vigilance!

Because in the U.S. stock market, people with ulterior motives released a piece of news that Anxin Investment Co., Ltd. manipulated the black material to make Tesla behind the scenes of Xia Guo.

This piece of information was originally bad news for Tesla, but after being guided by ulterior motives, this piece of news turned into good news to support Tesla’s stock price rise.

Because people with ulterior motives cleverly changed the concept when quoting the news of the Tesla Model 3 accident in Xia Guochun.

Obviously it was an abnormal car accident, but people with ulterior motives led the fishing vessel to discuss safety.

For example, in a car accident, Tesla Model 3 hit 14 cars continuously at a speed of more than 70 kilometers per hour, and turned over in the air, and then fell to the ground, there is no natural fire?

This shows that Tesla’s lithium battery pack is very safe!

Secondly, in such a car accident, the Tesla Model 3 successfully protected the life of the driver, and once again proved that the safety of the Tesla Model 3 is excellent.

After all, how many vehicles can guarantee the safety of the driver in such a situation?

People with ulterior motives learned the previous operations of Anxin Investment Company and directly pulled out the safety accident of Bentian Automobile and whip the corpse, indicating that Bentian Automobile is far inferior to the safety protection of drivers in safety accidents on a global scale. Model3.

In order to prove the safety of the Tesla Model 3, not only the Bentian car was pulled out to whip the corpse, even the public in Xia Guo did not escape the fate of the whip.

Directly by name, compared with Tesla Model3, Xia Guo’s public is a junk product in terms of safety performance!

As for the problem that the Tesla Model 3 owner said that the image record of the dash cam was lost, it was also driven by people with ulterior motives. People with ulterior motives guessed that the involved car owner removed the storage device himself, which caused the dash cam to fail to record images.

People with ulterior motives are even more outspoken. The Tesla Model 3 accident in Xia Guochun was a conspiracy manipulated by Anxin Investment Company behind the scenes in order to suppress Tesla’s stock price.

This piece of news has made a lot of noise in the Bald Eagle Country. After all, the analysis on safety has something to say. No matter how problematic the Tesla Model 3 is, it does indeed protect the safety of the driver.

This cannot be ignored!(Read more @

So it’s obviously bad news for Tesla, which turned out to be good news, and it also supported the rise in Tesla’s stock price. Isn’t it ridiculous?

Fan Ping naturally forwarded this news to Anliang.

“President An, what do we do next?” Fan Ping asked.

Anliang quickly read the news, he sneered secretly in his heart, maybe this news was sent by Tesla himself wearing a vest?

After all, this news is too shameless!

As the news said, the safety performance of the Tesla Model 3 is quite good, but can it hide its problems if the safety performance is good?

Is it better not to have a car accident?

However, this news helped Anliang, because Anxin Investment Company is not shorting Tesla, but longing Tesla.

If Tesla’s stock price rises, it can only be profitable to invest in the company with peace of mind.

Anliang saw through the conspiracy of the financial giants of the Bald Eagle Country from the very beginning, how could he be directly short?

If Anxin Investment Company is short-selling directly, isn’t it possible to be carried away by a wave of financial giants?

0 ····Find flowers···· 0

Before Anliang answered Fan Ping, he received a call from Berkshire Hathaway’s senior vice president of investment. He first said to Fan Ping: “Old Fan, you stay on hold. I will talk to Berkshire Hathaway first. Talk.”

“Okay.” Fan Ping responded.

After Anliang turned off the microphone, he answered Ron Klein’s call.

Ron spoke first, “Good evening, Mr. Ann.”

“It should be good morning, Mr. Ron.” Anliang responded.

“I am still in Xia Guo, so good evening.” Ron corrected Anliang’s statement, “Mr. An, have you paid attention to Tesla’s stock price?”

“I saw it, right now it’s more than one hundred and fifty dollars per share?” Anliang asked back.

…….. 0 0

Ron responded, “To be precise, it is the US dollar, which has risen sharply after the market opened. Mr. Ann, are you still shorting Tesla now?”

Before Anliang answered, Ron continued, “Mr. An, have you read the news from our side? The car accident you mentioned before has indeed become Tesla’s public relations tool.”

“This time Tesla’s public relations level is really high. It is a complete victory. The safety performance of Tesla Model 3 is deeply implanted in the public’s impression.” Ron explained.

Anliang responded with a chuckle, “Why not go short?”

“In fact, the higher the price of Tesla’s stock is now, the better?” Anliang added, “Let’s wait a little longer, I believe Tesla’s stock price will be higher, and then we can invest in peace of mind. !”

“By the way, we will directly hit the market and lower the price by selling orders. Will you participate?” Anliang asked.

Before Ron answered, Anliang continued to do the other party, “Mr. Ron, I kindly remind you that we have another ally here. If our two sell orders together, it will definitely suppress Tesla’s stock price. !”


Humble Attack on the Street Author: Ask for a monthly ticket, we will be overtaken again, the opponent is really strong! towel.

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