Chapter 1243

Anliang is playing Berkshire Hathaway’s Ron Klein again!

The so-called second ally is actually the second buying action of Anxin Investment Company using Anliang’s private funds.

Once an order is sold, the two-pronged approach can create the illusion that the investment company has allies with peace of mind.

Ron asked immediately, “Mr. Ann, who is the other ally?”

“This question is kept secret.” Anliang said jokingly, “If you have allies in Berkshire Hathaway, would you say it?”

Ron chuckled to hide his embarrassment.

“Mr. Ron, I can tell you that I still have a trump card in my hand!” Anliang reminded Ron, “As long as you are willing to short Tesla with us, we can definitely win a big win.”

“Can you talk about this trump card?” Ron asked back.

“Not for the time being!” Anliang responded, “But I can remind you that this trump card will subvert the news on your side, and we have obtained the corresponding video evidence!”

Ron listened to Anliang’s answer, and he was secretly relieved. He thought it was a trump card!

Was it the so-called video evidence?



Ron sneered in his heart, but ostensibly hesitantly responded, “Please wait a moment, Mr. Ann, I will contact the headquarters first.”

“Okay!” Anliang responded, and then reminded, “I only give you an hour. After an hour, we and our new allies will start to suppress Tesla’s stock price.”

“Received!” Ron responded.

After finishing the call, Ron immediately asked Daniel, “Daniel, what information have you investigated about the future of graphene in the dream?”

Daniel shook his head. “Dreams that the future graphene company is in Shishan District. This company is currently an empty shelf and is still building a factory. It simply does not have the capacity to produce graphene batteries on a large scale.

“Hahaha!” Ron laughed loudly, “Good job!”

“By the way, what is the relationship between this company and Anxin Investment Company?” Ron continued to ask.(Read more @

Daniel hesitated, “I can’t find any relationship. The security of the dream graphene company is very strict. I hinted at giving benefits. The other party not only refused to accept it, but warned me to leave.”

“In addition, I am inquiring about the local gray power, but no one knows the situation of the dream graphene company in the future.” Daniel added.

“The only thing that is certain is that the dream of the future graphene company will be completely put into production. I am afraid it will take quite a long time.” Daniel took out his mobile phone, “I took a sneak shot from a far away, Mr. Ron, you can see the dream future. Graphene company’s production base.”

Ron looked at Daniel’s mobile phone. Although it was far away, it could still be seen that the factory building that dreamed of the future of graphene was just an outline, and only very few buildings were completed inside.

“It turns out that the dream of the future graphene company is an empty shell, I even suspect that it and the petal phone are a joint hype!” Ron said with a sneer.

“Send this picture back to the headquarters to notify Anxin Investment Company and the so-called mysterious ally!” Ron made a decision.

As for Anliang’s trump card?

The mere video evidence is not to be feared!

Yunjing International Apartment, big tea room.

After Anliang hung up the phone, Qian Xiaogang immediately became curious, “Brother Liang, is the other party from Berkshire Hathaway?”

“Yeah!” Anliang replied affirmatively, “This person has a problem, he is not really cooperating.”

“Then give him another hour?” Qian Xiaogang was puzzled.

“Did I say this?” Anliang asked 0….

Qian Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, “Say it?”

Yun Haiyang seconded, “I said it!”

Li Cunyuan responded, “Brother Liang meant to tell the other party to wait for an hour, but was it actually a sneak attack?”

“There are no allies in the financial sector, and no promises!” Anliang responded.

“In addition to soldiers who are not tired of fraud, there are also businesses who are not tired of fraud. The financial field is comparable to the battlefield. Even if there is no sword and shadow, there are too many killings without blood!” Anliang sighed.

Nearly ten-thirty, Tesla’s stock had reached $161.82 per share. Such violent fluctuations confirmed Tesla’s previous announcement that Tesla was indeed attacked by financial capital.

But investors like it!

Because some investors have happily sold their stocks to make money. As for Tesla’s stock price fluctuations, what does it matter to them?

Anliang looked at Tesla’s share price of US1.82, and checked the feedback on the advanced five-day Tesla stock trend information card. He was silent for a moment before issuing orders to Fan Ping and Li Gang.

“First, list 10 million shares at a price of US$5.7 per share and see how the market reacts!” Anliang ordered.

“Okay.” Fan Ping responded.

Li Gang immediately started operating and put 10 million Tesla shares on a sell order at a price lower than the current stock price. Such a huge sell order directly shook Tesla’s stock price!

But in less than a minute, the capital market made a decision, and the selling order of up to 10 million shares was immediately emptied.

This is the entry of financial giants!

Seeing this result, Anliang’s mouth turned up slightly…

The fish is hooked!


The author of humble pounce on the street asks for a monthly pass! .

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