Chapter 1286

Yellow fish noodle shop.

Anliang reminded Li Xiyan, but this silly girl was completely unaware of the situation, Anliang could only explain.

“Just now, when Yao Yao greeted the waiter, she used the local dialect of Magic City.” Anliang explained.

Li Xiyan nodded suddenly, “That’s it!”

Yao Qi responded, “In fact, such situations exist everywhere. I have encountered such situations when I travelled before.”

This kind of thing is called ‘deception’, and it does exist everywhere.

“A little angry!” Li Xiyan hummed lightly.

Anliang comforted her, “It’s okay, we also had a good meal at the time, didn’t we?”

Li Xiyan nodded, “Yeah!”

After a lunch of yellow croaker noodles, Yao Qi continued to go back to the platform of the Shengshi Changan Weaving Company. She had to work until four o’clock in the afternoon.

Anliang asked actively, “Guo Nv, Xiyan and I will not go to the ancient style event exhibition in the afternoon. We are going to the IFC for a tour. Will you go around with us, or continue to see the ancient style event exhibition?”

557 Guo Yuqing responded, “I don’t want to be a light bulb anymore. I’ll turn around here by myself.”

“Okay.” Anliang nodded.

Li Xiyan waved at Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing. After she experienced ancient style clothing, she felt dull. Li Xiyan prefers cute types of clothing.

For example, the Gucci fruit print series and the animal print series are Li Xiyan’s favorite styles.

Anliang led Li Xiyan to the parking lot.

After the two got in the car, Li Xiyan asked, “Why are we going to the IFC?”

Anliang responded, “The weather will heat up soon, let’s go buy clothes for you.”

“Summer is still early!” Li Xiyan responded.

Anliang responded with a smile, “This is not Shengqing, there is no spring in Shengqing, there is spring here.”

Shengqing basically has only two seasons: winter and summer, and spring and autumn are both very short.

Li Xiyan was a little surprised, this is the different perceptions of different regions.(Read more @

The International Expo Center and the International Financial Center are very close, only a little more than five kilometers in a straight line, and it only takes less than 20 minutes to drive there.

After half an hour, Anliang took Li Xiyan to the IFC.

Anliang knew that Li Xiyan liked Gucci’s cute style, so he naturally arranged Li Xiyan clearly.

In Gucci’s shop, Li Xiyan tried on the cute style of Gucci thin sweater, Anliang also accompanied Li Xiyan to buy together, the two naturally wanted a couple suit.

“Anliang, do you think this cat print sweater looks good?” Li Xiyan asked.

According to Anliang’s aesthetic concept, Gucci’s cat-print sweater is a little too cartoonish, but Anliang is willing to accompany Li Xiyan to wear such overly cartoonish clothes.

Li Xiyan’s weight in Anliang’s heart is very heavy.

After all, he liked Li Xiyan when Anliang didn’t have the winner system in life. Strictly speaking, Li Xiyan was Anliang’s first love, so he cherished Li Xiyan very much.

“Baby like it!” Anliang responded.

It was almost an hour before Li Xiyan had finished choosing the clothes to buy. It was troublesome for a woman to choose clothes. It was obvious that she had to try it on twice.

In the end, under Anliang’s forced advice, Li Xiyan chose a total of seven sets of sweaters, Anliang chose three sets, and then bought three pairs of Gucci sneakers and two pairs of sneakers for Li Xiyan.

All the purchases add up to only 10,000 yuan. Anliang naturally used the primary shopping cashback card, and got a 5 times cashback reward with good luck, thus realizing a zero-dollar purchase.

and many more!

Not a zero-dollar purchase!

It should be Anliang who made a thousand yuan for hard work.

After all, fortunately, it takes a bit of hard work to choose, right?

After Anliang made the payment, he deposited all these shopping bags in the Gucci store, and waited for a while to finish shopping, and then asked the clerk to help deliver them to the underground parking lot.

Otherwise, do you have to go shopping with more than a dozen shopping bags?

If it’s one or two shopping bags, that’s really fine.

But with more than a dozen shopping bags, Anliang chooses a dog belt!

“Baby, let’s visit other stores?” Anliang led Li Xiyan out of the Gucci store.

Li Xiyan asked back, “Go to Louis Vuitton again?”

“Do you like Louis Vuitton now?” Anliang laughed.

Louis Vuitton is an evergreen tree in luxury goods. After the parent company of Louis Vuitton acquired Gucci, Gucci gradually became the shape of Louis Vuitton.

Full of Logo design elements, that is the style of Louis Vuitton, right?

However, it is this seemingly vulgar design style that has won the likes of the public.

This is because when most consumers of luxury goods buy luxury goods, they are more concerned about the extra attributes of luxury goods.

For example, some little fairies prefer to squeeze the bus, save food and eat frugally, try to save money for a year or a half, or even catch the autumn wind, and finally buy a Louis Vuitton entry-level bag.

This view of consumption is really unnecessary!

After all, after buying a Louis Vuitton, it is not appropriate to carry a Louis Vuitton bag and continue to crowd public transportation.

Li Xiyan responded, “I don’t like it in particular, but Yuqing and Qiqi’s birthday is coming. I want to buy them a bag.”

“By the way, Anliang, I found one thing!” Li Xiyan said.


Humble rush on the street Author: Is there such a situation around you?

Eat frugally to buy luxury goods or copy luxury goods directly to show off? .

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