Chapter 1287

Magic City, National Financial Center.

“What did my silly baby find?” Anliang asked.

Li Xiyan groaned, “Where am I stupid?”

“Hahaha!” Anliang couldn’t help laughing.

On the surface, Li Xiyan has good academic performance and is a top student at Fudan University. It does not seem to be stupid.

But in fact IQ and EQ are never the same thing!

Li Xiyan’s IQ is very high, but sometimes she just suddenly becomes stupid and can always come up with something that makes people laugh and cry.

For example, Guo Yuqing said before that Ma Yingjun was asked to help with group work because Ma Yingjun was her licking dog, and Ma Yingjun would help Guo Yuqing willingly.

As a result, when he arrived at Li Xiyan, Ma Yingjun looked like an iron man, and he should be a very bully little fat boy.

Do you listen to others?

There are so many things like this, and Anliang has no intention of correcting it. Anyway, Li Xiyan is open-hearted!

If you forcibly correct Li Xiyan’s personality and ask her to be careful not to make mistakes when she says anything, is it really intentional-thinking?

It is enough to have a little vixen who is always wronged by himself. Anliang doesn’t want Li Xiyan to become a little vixen.

“Baby, what did you find?” Anliang asked.

“I found that Qiqi has some problems recently.” Li Xiyan explained.

“When the school started last year, I found that Kiki often wears Louis Vuitton, and the bag she carries is also Louis Vuitton, but after coming back this year, I found that Kiki has completely changed. She has never worn these luxury brands. , Even Louis Vuitton’s bag has never been carried again.” Li Xiyan explained.

“Anliang, is Qiqi testing a certain boy, so she is pretending to be poor?” Li Xiyan asked.

“Cough cough!” Anliang coughed.

Is this Li Xiyan serious?

“Why do you think so?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

“Isn’t there often such bridges in TV dramas?” Li Xiyan explained, “deliberately concealing one’s financial conditions, and then testing the other’s sincerity?”

“Baby, I advise you to watch less messy TV series!” Anliang responded.

He went on to add, “I guess what trouble happened to her at home?”

Anliang did not elaborate.(Read more @

“Oh!” Li Xiyan replied, “If it’s a family matter, I will pretend I haven’t found it, so as not to be embarrassed.”

Does this silly girl still know embarrassment?

Louis Vuitton store.

Anliang led Li Xiyan in, and a clerk greeted him.

“Welcome to Louis Vuitton.” The clerk greeted politely.

Anliang glanced at the opponent, and by the way, he glanced at the badge. The opponent was called Wang Manman.

This Wang Manman is a bit pretty, with a blind guess of more than eighty points, but he should be quite old, after all, the vicissitudes of the eyebrows cannot be concealed.

The crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes can no longer be concealed!

Li Xiyan nodded politely in response, “Hello.”

Anliang just nodded.

After Li Xiyan responded politely, she took Anliang to the handbag area.

“By the way, baby, when is their birthday?” Anliang asked casually.

Li Xiyan responded, “Qiqi is April 1, Yuqing is April 2.”

April 1st?

April Fools’ Day?

This birthday is a bit messy!

Although April Fool’s Day is an imported holiday, it is becoming more and more important among young people.

Because April Fool’s Day is regarded as a confession day.

In the group of young people, a large number of young people choose to confess on April Fool’s Day. After all, the confession has failed. It can be argued that April Fool’s Day is only entertainment, so as to fully retain the final decent.

It is precisely because of this that April Fool’s Day is becoming more and more important among young people.

“Anliang, do you think they are on their birthdays, which bag should I give them the best?” Li Xiyan asked.

Anliang thought for a while before replied, “Baby, I don’t think which one is good!”

0 ·········Ask for flowers······

“Huh?” Li Xiyan was puzzled.

“From my contact with them, it seems that if you give them a Louis Vuitton bag as a birthday gift on their birthday, when you celebrate your birthday, they will find a way to give you a gift of roughly equivalent value. .” Anliang explained.

“According to Guo Nuxia’s financial situation, it is very difficult for her to give you a gift of equal value.” Anliang added.

“For Guo Nuxia, if she forced to give you a gift of roughly equivalent value, she would be very embarrassed.” Anliang continued, “After all, it is because of your gift that you forcibly raised her gift standard, and she Louis Vuitton is not necessarily required.”

.. ….. …

“In this case, even if she finally forcibly gave a gift of roughly equivalent value, she would be quite unhappy.” Anliang added, “If she doesn’t give a gift of equivalent value, such a friend is not worth it.”

“As for Yao’s situation, it is a little more complicated. I guess she encountered troubles at home. She originally had Louis Vuitton things, but now they suddenly disappeared, indicating that they really encountered difficulties.” Anliang analyzed.

“If you give her Louis Vuitton again, you are actually tearing others’ wounds.” Anliang added.

“So, baby, I advise you not to give expensive gifts on their birthdays!” Anliang said about the principles of human relations.

Wang Manman heard Anliang’s remarks not far away, and she almost couldn’t help giving Anliang a thumbs up.

Because it was the first time she heard the reason why she would not buy a bag was so refreshing and refined!

Li Xiyan felt that Anliang was right, and she asked, “Then what should I give?”


Update time: 07:14:25, October 8, 2020. The tenth update is over. Please ask for a monthly pass and a bouquet of flowers.

I know that 1279 has been taken by Ban and is being revised, but the humble author has no human rights and can only wait patiently for the big guy’s arrangement. Big.

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