Chapter 1305

The banquet hall of the Peace Hotel.

Yao Qi invited someone to dance for the first time in her life, and was rejected by Anliang.

Is it because she has refused everyone’s invitation to dance, so the retribution has come?

As the famous saying: ‘You have rejected many people. When one day you are rejected, you should know that retribution is coming! ’

Before Anliang answered the reason, Yao Qi stepped forward and narrowed the distance with Anliang. She lowered her voice and said, “I won’t tell her.”

The so-called she is naturally Li Xiyan.

Anliang looked at Yao Qi with a smile.

Yao Qi’s face showed a blush.

“Hello, my name is Anliang, can I invite you to dance a dance?” Gentleman Anliang sent an invitation.

Yao Qi nodded slightly, “Okay.”

After she finished speaking, she placed her left hand on Anliang’s right hand.

The two walked to the center of the venue and blended naturally…


It’s not natural at all!

Because Anliang can’t dance with this beep!

Is the system there?

Help! Help!

Obviously, the Life Winner System does not mean to save it. Once somehow it was given a piano performance level skill, but now the Life Winner System does not mean to respond at all.

Maybe the life winner system judges that not dancing does not affect becoming a life winner?

Yao Qi obviously discovered that Anliang can’t dance. She couldn’t help but narrowed the distance with Anliang, and whispered, “Social dancing is very simple, you can just follow my steps…”(Read more @

Anliang responded casually, “So you now know why I rejected you?”

Before Anliang rejected her, Yao Qi thought a lot, for various reasons, but was it because she couldn’t dance?

Yao Qi is now very close to Anliang, beyond the scope of normal ballroom dancing. She patiently carries Anliang so that Anliang can keep up.

As Yao Qi said, ballroom dancing is very simple. He slowly learns with Yao Qi’s pace, and he feels his progress.

After all, at the beginning, he stepped on Yao Qi’s feet, and now he has finally improved to the point where he can’t step on Yao Qi’s feet.

While Yao Qi was dancing with Anliang, an uninvited guest came uninvited.

Wei Guozhong, director of the Credit Department of Mordu Commercial Bank, arrived at the banquet. He first saw Yao Qi and Anliang. When he saw Yao Qi, his eyes showed a look of regret.

He is still imagining that if Anxin Investment Company does not come out to disrupt the situation, he should have a chance to kiss Fangze, right?

Wei Guozhong looked at Yao Qi who was dancing, and he sighed lightly. Now that Yao Zhiyuan has a golden thigh like Anxin Investment, he knows that he has no chance.

“Old Yao, congratulations!” Wei Guozhong came to Yao Wei’s side and congratulated him politely.

Yao Wei’s face sank, “Huh!”

“Wei Guozhong, what are you doing here?” Yao Wei asked indifferently, “I remember not sending you an invitation?”

Wei Guozhong responded with a smile, “Lao Yao, your businessmen emphasize harmony and make money. Why should we care about the little things in the past with our fifteen-year old friendship?”

“Lao Yao, don’t worry, if you have any loan needs in the future, I will approve it as soon as possible!” Wei Guozhong promised.

Yao Wei sneered, “I still need a loan from you?”

“Wei Guozhong, I will give you one last face, do you leave quietly by yourself?” Yao Wei stared at Wei Guozhong.

Wei Guozhong put away his smile, “So we fell out?”

“Get out!” Yao Wei snorted coldly.

“Did you forget that you still have a loan of 100 million yuan? I hope you will not beg me again!” Wei Guozhong left with an implicit threat.

Both Yao Qi and Anliang, who were dancing, noticed the situation of Yao Wei and Wei Guozhong.

Especially Yao Wei, he did not hide his emotions at all!

For a big business man like Yao Wei, being incapable of emotions is the basic emotional management ability. Now that he directly shows an annoying attitude, it means that he is really annoying and it is the kind of tearing his face, otherwise nothing No cover up?

“.¨ Who is that person?” Anliang asked.

Yao Qi responded, “It seems to be Wei Guozhong from the Credit Department of Mordu Commercial Bank. I have seen him before, but that guy is not a good person. He is a bit disrespectful.”

“Oh?” Anliang was puzzled.

“He also wanted to add my WeChat before.” Yao Qi explained.

“Hahaha!” Anliang couldn’t help laughing. (Wang Nuozhao)

Fan Ping walked over next to Yao Wei, and he asked curiously, “Mr. Yao, that person just now…”

“His name is Wei Guozhong…” Yao Wei introduced Wei Guozhong’s situation. “I wanted to ask him to raise a loan of 2 billion yuan. He has the right to approve and approve it. And the credit of our Yao Zhiyuan Shipping is very good. He and I have Fifteen years of old friendship, under such circumstances, he deliberately stuck my neck.”

“I also understand that it is duty not to help me, and love to help me, but he made very excessive demands.” Yao Wei sighed.

“What kind of excessive request?” Fan Ping asked Ying curiously.

Yao Wei didn’t speak, he looked at Yao Qi who was dancing with Anliang.

How can Fan Ping not understand? .

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