Chapter 1306

Yao Wei’s performance is obvious, and Fan Ping certainly understands what Yao Wei means.

“That’s too much!” Fan Ping responded.

Anliang and Yao Qi danced for three songs. For about fifteen minutes, the two people walked out of the dance floor, and they walked towards Yao Wei and Fan Ping together.

Yao Wei is very satisfied with Anliang. He now looks at Anliang, it is that the old man looks at his son-in-law, and the more he looks at him, the more pleasing he looks.

“Dad, what did that guy just come over for?” Yao Qi asked casually.

Yao Wei responded, “It’s nothing, he came over to congratulate.”

“Uncle Yao, I heard Yao Qi said that that person was from the credit department of Mordu Commercial Bank?” Anliang answered.

Yao Wei nodded, “Hmm!”

“I had a certain business relationship with him before.” Yao Wei said simply. He has just passed the information to Fan Ping, and he believes Fan Ping will tell Anliang.

In fact, it is true!

When Anliang and Yao Qi were tasting the buffet, Fan Ping sent a message to Anliang on the phone.

Anliang took out his mobile phone to check it. After reading it, he glanced at Yao Qi, and then took the initiative to speak, “Your opinion of that guy is right.”

“Huh?” Yao Qi was puzzled.

“That old snakeskin from Magic Capital Commercial Bank.” Anliang responded casually.

Yao Qi smiled, is the old snake skin okay?

“Help me get two pieces of kiwi fruit. If you want a red core, I will go to the bathroom first.” Anliang explained.

Yao Qi nodded, “Okay.”

Anliang walked in the direction of the bathroom. In the bathroom compartment, Anliang opened the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company. He was going to teach Old Snakeskin a lesson.

“No. Zero: Investigate [Wei Guozhong] from the Credit Department of Mordu Commercial Bank”

‘Zero: By the way, give the other party a bit of black material. ’

‘Zero: A lesson to teach this person. ’

‘One: K level? ’(Read more @

‘No. Zero: Normal is fine. ’

The so-called ‘K-level’ is actually the level of death.

‘Number One: Received. ’

Anliang put away his mobile phone and came back to the banquet hall.

Yao Qi has selected two thick-cut kiwi slices in the middle for Anliang. According to Anliang’s instructions, she chose the red core kiwi.

Anliang prefers to eat red-core kiwis, instead of so-called golden kiwis and green-core kiwis.

Anliang returned to Yao Qi’s side. He looked at the thick-cut red-core kiwi, smiled and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Yao Qi responded.

Yao Qi watched Anliang eating red-core kiwi fruit. She hesitated for a moment before asking, “When will you leave the magic city?”

“Probably tomorrow?” Anliang did not hide.

“That…” Yao Qi hesitated.

“Huh?” Anliang looked at Yao Qi.

Yao Qi took a deep breath, and she continued, “Then can you tell her that you left today?”

Anliang looked at Yao Qi seriously.

Yao Qi’s face was flushed, and even her ears became flushed.

“No!” Anliang responded.

“Why?” Yao Qi asked why again.

Anliang stretched out his hand and flicked Yao Qi’s brain collapsed, “Because your mentality is wrong!”

“I did help your family, and there are indeed your reasons, but it is more for the benefit.” Anliang explained.

“Your thoughts now are only because of the impulse to be grateful!” Anliang explained.

Yao Qi was slightly moved, “Thank you, you are a good person.”

“You are wrong, I am not, I just consider it for myself.” Anliang responded calmly, “According to your current mentality, if I promise you, the follow-up will be troublesome.”

Anliang continued, “You are more grateful now, but gratitude will gradually fade over time. Once that time comes, you will fight with her, and you will fight. I will be very embarrassed.”

“I like her very much, she is my first love, and I will not let her down.” Anliang said calmly.

Yes it is!

Anliang will not and will not disappoint Li Xiyan.

Yao Qi was silent for a moment before responding, “I see.”

“Yeah!” Anliang nodded slightly. He finished the two thick slices of red-core kiwi, and said again, “It’s almost eight o’clock, I’ll leave first, goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” Yao Qi looked at Anliang’s back, and she said softly.

After Anliang left the Peace Hotel, Yao Wei walked to Yao Qi’s side. He wondered, “Huh? Qiqi, where is Anliang?”

Yao Qi responded, “He left in a little rush, let me tell you.”

“Well, since you are in a hurry, you should deal with it first.” Yao Wei said with understanding, “Qiqi, how do you feel about Anliang?”

Before Yao Qi answered, Yao Wei continued, “I feel very good! Qiqi, I am optimistic about you!”

Yao Qi barely smiled. Anliang is indeed very good, but her pressure is very high. She can’t compete with Li Xiyan. Anliang has just had a showdown. He will not give up Li Xiyan, and Yao Qi also understands what Anliang means.

Anliang said that her mentality was wrong, and Anliang also said that she didn’t want them to fight. In fact, the subtext is to make her accept that she can only associate with Anliang when she conceals Li Xiyan. .

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