Chapter 1316

After four o’clock in the afternoon, Anliang changed a set of Gucci sweaters at the Huangting Holiday Hotel. He walked into Fudan University in advance and waited for him to walk to the teaching building where Li Xiyan was attending classes. It was exactly five o’clock when school ended.

When Li Xiyan and Guo Yuqing walked out of the teaching building, Anliang greeted him, “Baby! Here!”

Li Xiyan let go of Guo Yuqing, and she trot to Anliang’s side.

Anliang hugged her into her arms, then let go of her again, just led her and said, “Baby, do you want to go back and change clothes first?”

Li Xiyan understands what Anliang means, and the Gucci sweaters she and Anliang bought have couples.

“Hmm!” Li Xiyan nodded while pulling Anliang towards her dormitory.

Poor Guo Yuqing took another mouthful of dog food!

Ma Yingjun walked to Guo Yuqing and asked tentatively, “Does classmate Li Xiyan have dinner with his boyfriend again?”

“Yeah.” Guo Yuqing replied.

“Then how about we go to Wenda Plaza to eat barbecue?” Ma Yingjun pretended to invite casually.

Guo Yuqing was secretly helpless, and on the surface he pretended to be calm and refused, “No, I have an appointment with Yao Qi.”

Ma Yingjun also pretended that nothing was the same, “Okay, I’ll talk about it next time.”

“Yeah.” Guo Yuqing nodded.

“Then I’ll go first, call me if you have something to do.” Ma Yingjun pretended to be chic.

“Good.” Guo Yuqing responded.

If Anliang sees such a situation, he can only say that there is nothing to lick the dog!

Pursuing something like a girl is indeed very difficult. After all, pursuing means losing. You can only be at the mercy of the other party. Only by attracting the other party through shining points can you have a greater success rate.

Downstairs of Li Xiyan’s dormitory, Anliang waited for nearly ten minutes. Li Xiyan changed to the same Gucci Apple print sweater as Anliang, and the two walked around the campus holding hands.

“Anliang, what do you want to eat, shall we go to the Xichuan Shengqing style canteen?” Li Xiyan asked.

Anliang denied, “We will not eat the canteen today. Let’s go to the IFC. I read the comments from the crowd in the afternoon. There is a good pickled cabbage fish restaurant over there. Would you like to try it?”(Read more @

Li Xiyan likes to eat fish!

Pickled cabbage fish is Shengqing’s signature dish!

“Okay, okay, let’s try it.” Li Xiyan was a little happy, “I like pickled fish, it’s just my mother’s cooking skills…Oh!”

Is Liu Ling’s cooking skill?

excuse me!

Anliang led Li Xiyan to the open-air parking lot. After getting in the car, Anliang first set up a navigation message through Carplay, and then looked at the traffic jam, he did not feel at all congested.

The traffic jam in Magic City and the traffic jam in Shengqing are completely two concepts.

Is the traffic jam in Shengqing called traffic jam?

It’s not Anliang Hei Shengqing, but Sheng Qing’s traffic jam is really ridiculous. In the traffic jam ranking information on the navigation map, Sheng Qing’s traffic jam ranking has long been ranked first.

Even more outrageous is Shengqing’s restricted travel number, because Shengqing’s restricted number is only for some bridges and tunnels. After the number is restricted, the restricted vehicles can only bypass these major restricted bridges, resulting in other restrictions. The place is more congested.

How did you come up with this plan of patting your head?

So it’s really not Anliang Hei Shengqing’s traffic, but compared with the traffic of Demon City, although the traffic of Demon City is also very congested, the traffic of Shengqing is a pile of shit.

From Fudan University to the National Financial Center, under normal circumstances, it takes half an hour to arrive. Now it is the peak off-duty period, and it took Anliang 40 minutes to arrive.

Such congestion is completely acceptable.


In the Twenty Years One Soup Pickled Cabbage Fish Restaurant, Anliang and Li Xiyan chose the deck, and Li Xiyan is looking at the chef’s story on the back of the menu.

The chef of this restaurant is called Hou Qingbao. He started to learn how to make sauerkraut fish in Shengqing at the age of 16. It took 20 years to become a chef.

In twenty years, chef Hou Qingbao learned the first step from the selection of raw materials for sauerkraut to the final cooking of sauerkraut fish. He learned a dish for 20 years and cooked it for 20 years, so the name of the restaurant is ’20. Year one soup’.

Li Xiyan chose the most traditional sauerkraut fish, that is, sauerkraut fish cooked with grass carp, instead of choosing some high-end edible fish such as Eastern star spotted or sweet-scented osmanthus fish.

The most traditional is the most skill-testing!

After waiting for the sauerkraut fish to be served, Anliang first looked at the color. The sauerkraut fish soup is white and green and yellow. It is the color of a mixture of fish and sauerkraut.

Anliang smelled it again. In terms of smell, this sauerkraut fish is also very good!

It has no fishy smell!

This is the most basic requirement for sauerkraut fish.

At the same time, there is no watery smell of sauerkraut, which is an advanced requirement, and most sauerkraut in sauerkraut fish cannot do this step.

To achieve this step, there are not only high requirements for the chef’s craftsmanship, but also high requirements for sauerkraut.

Li Xiyan has picked up the chopsticks, “Anliang, eat it!”

After speaking, she gave Anliang a piece of fish.

Anliang picked up the fish and tasted it. It was obviously only grass carp, but the fish was delicate and not burnt, and the fishy smell of grass carp was also completely eliminated!

‘Ding! ’

The life winner system issues a reminder…

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