Chapter 1317

Lujiazui, IFC.

In the 20-year-old pickled cabbage fish restaurant, Anliang had just finished eating the first piece of pickled fish, and the winner of life system issued a reminder message.

‘Ding! ’

‘The host tastes the sauerkraut fish cooked with care, and the taste buds get a taste close to the limit, and get a [premium random gift package]. ’

Advanced random gift pack?


It seems that this 20-year-old pickled cabbage fish is indeed very powerful, and it has received such a high evaluation from the winner of life system.

In fact, according to Anliang’s own evaluation, he will still give this pickled cabbage fish a high score!

Because the taste of this sauerkraut fish is really very good.

Lots of small details!

For example, the knives of sauerkraut are very particular. For example, sauerkraut fish only has grass carp fillets, no steaks, tails, and heads. Only the most essence fish fillets are retained, so as to obtain the best taste.

Including the sauerkraut fish-the soup pot has details!

This soup basin is a double-layer design, and the bottom is designed with an electric heating insulation layer, so as to ensure the constant temperature of the sauerkraut fish and prevent the sauerkraut fish from being unpalatable when it is cold.

These details can support the price of grass carp per pound!

“Wow!” Li Xiyan also ate a piece of fish fillet, she praised, “It’s delicious!”

“Anliang, this sauerkraut fish is the best sauerkraut fish I have ever eaten!” Li Xiyan said affirmatively.

Anliang seconded, “It’s really delicious!”

“Yeah, I’m going on, I want to eat more.” Li Xiyan, a little hanker, is obviously not afraid of gaining weight.

Of course, what is the fish afraid of?

Anliang did not eat politely either.

When a service staff passed by, Anliang greeted, “Hello.”

The service staff immediately walked over and bowed slightly in response, “Hello, sir, what can I do for you?”

“I read the story of your chef. Your chef has been studying art in Shengqing for 20 years, right?” Anliang asked.

The service staff nodded affirmatively, “Yes.”(Read more @

“Which sauerkraut fish restaurant in Shengqing did your chef learn?” Anliang continued to ask, and then added, “We are from Shengqing, and we will return to Shengqing later. We want to try it.”

“Sorry, sir, our chef’s master has passed away. It is precisely because of this that our chef returned from Shengqing to open a store in Magic City.” The service staff responded.

“Before the chef’s Master Xian passed away, it was actually our chef who was in charge. Our chef used to be in charge of the pickled cabbage fish restaurant in Shengqing [Lianghe Family] for five years.” The service staff said in detail.

“It turned out to be the Lianghe family. I have heard of the name for a long time, but I have never been there. Later, I heard that it was closed. This is the reason.” Anliang exclaimed.

The service staff added, “Our chef’s master has no descendants. Our chef has been taking care of him until the death of the immortal, and then following the wishes of our master chef, the two rivers are closed.”

The service staff obviously wanted to prevent Anliang from misunderstanding their chef, so they told more stories.

So as to avoid the feeling of ‘as soon as the master died, the apprentice closed the foundation of the master’.

“Okay, thank you.” Anliang nodded.

“You’re welcome, please use it slowly.” The service staff left politely.

Li Xiyan also heard the communication between Anliang and the service staff, she exclaimed, “This chef is kind and righteous!”

Anliang smiled and nodded.

No wonder the reminder of the Life Winner System is: ‘Cook with Heart’.

Sure enough, he is cooking carefully!

While eating sauerkraut fish, Anliang silently instructed the Life Winner System to open the [Advanced Random Gift Pack], and he secretly looked forward to the rewards he could get.

· ··Seeking flowers· 0

After all, [Advanced Random Gift Pack] It is impossible to give the ultimate experience 001 or the little blue pill, right?

That would be too much!

If you give these spicy chicken things again, Anliang will definitely want…


Anliang just sprayed the life winner system, and the life winner system ignored Anliang, okay?

Which is better for the dumb system?

‘Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for opening the [Premium Random Gift Pack] and getting [Limited Time Free Single Card]. ’

… … …….

Limited time free single card:

Time limit: from now to six hours later.

Maximum limit: 200,000,000 yuan

Use limit: single consumption

The limited-time free card turned out to be a big prize?

When I first saw the limited-time free card, Anliang thought he was scammed. Because of the ‘free card’ or something, Anliang naturally thought of today’s sauerkraut free order.

Although the price of sauerkraut fish with a soup in 20 years is very expensive, grass carp is only RMB per catty, Anliang and Li Xiyan chose only 2.7 catties, plus the table fee and beverage fee, which is more than 800 yuan.

If it is a free meal?

Isn’t that cheating?

However, the final result really deserves to be the [Advanced Random Gift Pack]. The maximum limit is up to 200 million free orders. The only problem is the time limit and the number of transactions.

But the problem is not big, there is a jewelry auction today, right?

Jewelry is expensive!

It happened to buy Li Xiyan a piece of jewelry as a gift.

Hope there is a suitable one! ten.

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