Chapter 1347

On the branch road of the community near Linshanju, Anliang denied Yang Maoyi’s inquiry to start broadcasting.

“Don’t start broadcasting for the time being, so as not to expose your address and cause unnecessary trouble.” Anliang responded.

“Oh!” Yang Maoyi responded.

Anliang led Yang Maoyi onto the back of the LX. This Lexus LX is a top-of-the-line version, but a five-seater version. The space in the rear row is more spacious and the trunk is more spacious.

Lexus LX walked in the forefront, two parallel imported Land Cruiser 0 followed, and finally Eastwind six-wheel drive truck.

A small convoy of four vehicles set off.

In the back row of the Lexus LX, Yang Maoyi snuggled Anliang, “Majesty, what is the situation of the poor family in the village that you just mentioned?”

Anliang explained, “That is Dongshui Village in Hushan District. This Dongshui Village is located on the edge of Hushan District. It is a typical left-behind mountain village and poor village.”

“In Dongshui Village, there is a family named Su, and two elderly people in their 60s are raising three left-behind children.” ~ Anliang recounts.

“The parents of the three left-behind children worked in coastal areas, but they were killed in an accident and did not receive any compensation.”-Anliang continued.

“The oldest of the three left-behind children is seven, the youngest is three, and the middle is five. The older two are boys and the younger is a girl.” Anliang described the situation.

“The two old people of the Su family, the man named Su Daniu, is 61 years old. He used to be a carpenter. He inhaled low-quality paint while doing carpentry work. As a result, his health was very poor and he was unable to do heavy farm work now.” Anliang added.

“Su Daniu’s wife is called Dai Xiaoqin, 59 years old this year. At present, all the burdens of the family are on Dai Xiaoqin’s shoulders. They mainly rely on farming and raising chickens. As a source of income, the net income of each year is lower than Two thousand yuan.” Anliang sighed.

Yang Maoyi couldn’t imagine what it was like!

Is a family of five people and three four-legged gold swallowing beasts earning less than two thousand yuan a year?

Even in Shengqing, quite a few college students spend more than RMB 2,000 a month on living expenses, right?

“My lord, they…” Yang Maoyi didn’t know what to ask, she just felt panicked.

Anliang replied, “In addition to having a bit more trouble, in addition to having a little bit more trouble, in addition to living a little bit more awkwardly, except…well! Their situation is really terrible.”(Read more @

“That’s why they were chosen as the target of the first charity live broadcast.” Anliang explained.

“What can we do for them?” Yang Maoyi asked.

Anliang explained to Yang Maoyi in detail.

Less than an hour later, the four vehicles entered the Hushan area, and then more than ten minutes later, they entered the rugged mechanized road, which can only be passed by powerful off-road vehicles.

Similar to urban SUVs, it is basically difficult to pass.

The four cars slowed down on the rugged mechanized farming road. It was obvious that there was only more than ten kilometers of distance, and it took more time than before.

At ten o’clock in the morning, four vehicles finally arrived in Dongshui Village.

At the village head of Dongshui Village, four vehicles parked beside the mechanical farming road. Because there is no parking place in Dongshui Village, the security personnel of Renyi Safety Company have already checked the situation in advance.

Anyway, there are basically no vehicles passing by in such remote mountain villages. Even if there are vehicles, they are motorcycles. They have reserved roads that are completely enough for motorcycles to pass.

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company got off the car first, and Anliang and Yang Maoyi got off the car first. The personnel of Renyi Security Company all wore masks to hide their identities to the greatest extent.

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company even used code names instead of their real names.

For example, the code names of the two female security guards are ‘Chunlan’ and ‘Qiuju’.

· ·····Find flowers·······

Chunlan asked, “Anchor Fox, shall we start live broadcasting now?”

Yang Maoyi looked at Anliang.

Anliang also put on the mask, and then nodded slightly, “You guys start the live broadcast! Regarding the situation of the Su family, if you can’t remember, just look at the information on the phone.”

Yang Maoyi nodded, “Sister Chunlan, Sister Qiu Ju, when you are shooting, be careful not to shoot the king in!”

“it is good.”

“Roger that.”

Chunlan and Qiu Ju responded together, how could they not understand the rules?

As the live broadcast started, Yang Maoyi said to the camera, “Hello everyone, I am your anchor Lucky Fox. Today we start the first live broadcast of the Lucky Fox Charity Tour.”

…… ……. 0

In Yang Maoyi’s live broadcast room, the number of VIP seats quickly surpassed 1,000, and it is still increasing.

“Let’s take a look at our location first. This is Dongshui Village in the Shengqing Lake Mountains, about two hours away from the main city of Shengqing. Today, we are going to help a poor left-behind family whose conditions are particularly difficult.”

Yang Maoyi talked about the situation of the Su family.

During Yang Maoyi’s live broadcast, a gray-haired man came over and greeted him actively, “Hello, I am Su Peng, the head of Dongshui Village, who are you and what are you going to do?”

Faced with the inquiry from the village chief Su Peng, Yang Maoyi politely explained that she was an anchor and explained the charity live broadcast. Finally, he asked, “Mr. Su, is the situation at Su Daniu’s family really so difficult?”

Yang Maoyi asked about the situation at Su Daniu’s home, not because she did not trust Anliang, but because she asked for the audience in the live broadcast room and asked the village chief to speak out with more credibility.

“The situation at Su Daniu’s house…oh…” Su Peng sighed for a long time, “You come with me, I will take you to see!” Enter.

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