Chapter 1348

Su Peng, the mayor of Dongshui Village, walked ahead and led the way, Yang Maoyi followed, and Chunlan and Qiuju naturally followed.

Anliang wears a mask and mixes with the security personnel of Renyi Security Company, as if he is also a security personnel of Renyi Security Company, so as to avoid being accidentally swept by the camera without causing concern.

Nearly three minutes, everyone arrived at Su Daniu’s house.

Su Daniu’s house is a traditional stone house. Su Daniu is weaving bamboo strips in the yard to make baskets. This is the most used thing in the countryside.

Because he couldn’t do farm work and heavy work, Su Daniu could only make bamboo sticks and baskets, and he could make a little bit of money.

Seven-year-old Su Jian is assisting Su Dan in making bamboo strips, and five-year-old Su Qiang is in charge of taking care of three-year-old Su Xiaoli.

As the so-called poor children are headed home early!

Like their names, Su Jian and Su Qiang are very strong at a young age, and they understand right and wrong.

“Da Niu!” Su Peng greeted.

Su Daniu stopped making bamboo strips. He first looked at Su Peng, then Yang Maoyi and others, and asked suspiciously, “Village chief, what’s the matter?”

“Let me introduce to you, they are…” Sun Peng started to introduce, and then introduced the situation of Su Daniu’s family.

After waiting for the introduction, Su Daniu scratched his head and said, “So you are here to help us?”

Yang Maoyi responded positively, “Yes, we are here to help you. Uncle Su, what kind of help do you need most now?”

This is what Anliang reminded, let Yang Maoyi ask the other party what they need instead of directly expressing what they can do.

To do good deeds, marketing ideas must also be applied.

Ask clearly what the other party needs before providing what.

Otherwise, if you provide a lot of things directly, how can you know what the other party needs?

There is a more crucial point-to do charity is not to be a fool!

The situation in Su Daniu’s family is indeed terrible, but who can be sure that Su Daniu’s character is good?

In order to avoid being fools, the charity planned by Anliang and Yang Maoyi is an inquiry system.(Read more @

First ask the other party what they need. Through this question, you can judge to a large extent what kind of person the other party is.

If Su Daniu asks for money as soon as he speaks, he still wants a lot of money relative to them, then I am embarrassed. Anliang and Yang Maoyi will only provide the most basic material assistance.

For example, some cooking oil and rice.

Facing Yang Maoyi’s question, Su Daniu hesitated for a while before responding, “Our grandson will go to school next year. I hope you can buy some of the baskets I made.

‘Luodou’ means’luoguan’ in the Shengqing dialect.

The older generations in Shengqing basically do not speak Mandarin.

Yang Maoyi asked, “How much is your basket?”

“The small one is 5 yuan, the medium one is 7 yuan, and the largest one is 10 yuan. The baskets I woven are all finished and must be durable.” Su Daniu boasted.

The so-called ‘killing’ is actually an anti-moth treatment.

As for how to’finish’ it, there are two ways.

Including the use of fire roasting, and smoking.

Smoke is a more basic method and a little more troublesome, but it is better than the opponent artist’s requirements. Beginners can use smoke to prevent moth.

Fire roasting is more difficult!

If the technology is not in place, the bamboo ware may be carbonized during the fire roasting process, which will lead to failures.

Su Peng said to the side, “Daniu’s baskets are well-known far and wide. If you want to buy baskets in a few nearby villages, you will find them all!”

Anliang listened to Su Daniu and Su Peng’s words, he had a feeling of dumbfounding…

Because this is an endless loop!

The quality of the basket is good and durable, and Su Daniu has won the word of mouth.

But if a basket is used for too long, user demand drops, and Su Daniu loses sales, making no money at all.

However, if the quality of Luokung is not good, in this original rural sales model, if there is no word of mouth and cannot be durable, then no one will buy it, and it will also make no money.

This is completely deadlock!

Because the market is too small and the user demand is too low, Anliang can’t solve such a deadlock even when Anliang comes over.

But the good news is that Su Daniu has a good character.

He clearly said that he had come to help them. His first reaction was just to promote the goods. He was more willing to support himself and obtain corresponding rewards through his own labor.

Such a person should be of good character, right?

“We still have native eggs in our house!” Su Daniu continued, “I heard that the people in your city like native eggs. Our chickens are all raised freely. They are looking for food outside and absolutely no feed!”

This is one hundred percent sure!

Because Su Daniu can’t afford feed at home, Renyi Safety Company has already conducted a preliminary investigation, and the situation in Su Daniu’s family is basically clear.

“We also have some vegetables that we want to sell, the same ones that are free of fertilizers and pesticides. If you want to buy them, the price can be lower, and then you can make money when you pull them out.” Su Daniu actually understands the idea of ​​win-win cooperation.

Yang Maoyi naturally judged these things, she took a deep breath and responded, “No problem, we can buy all these things!”

“In addition, we will provide you with some help!” Yang Maoyi added.

Su Daniu passed the first round of tests, and Yang Maoyi decided to provide some basic help. .

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