Chapter 1363

Towards the early morning of the evening, Anliang sent a message to Baiyue.

‘Baiyue: Okay, classmate An. ’

‘Anliang: Rest early. ’

‘White Moon: Hmm. ’

After Baiyue responded to the message, she held the phone and waited for a while, and determined that Anliang would not reply to the message again. Then she put down the phone, and then continued to deal with the animal star rescue foundation.

At present, the scale of the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation is getting bigger and bigger, and it has now expanded to ten universities, with more than a thousand members.

Although each university has identified an independent person in charge, it is now the start-up stage of the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation. The overall framework has not been fully completed, and the work process and rules are slowly being explored.

So Baiyue’s current job is a little bit more.

Baiyue’s workload will not be reduced until these follow-up work processes are sorted out, so that the Animal Star Man Rescue Foundation will be organized.

Although Baiyue is very tired now, she has to study and deal with the related matters of the Animal Starman Rescue Foundation, and there is almost no personal time, but Baiyue still persists.

Not only because Baiyue secretly likes Anliang and is willing to pay for Anliang, but also because Baiyue knows that doing these hard, tiring and complicated things can exercise her work ability.

Bai Yue found out herself, she has completely changed now!

She used to be the ugly duckling who just walked out of Yunyun Mountain Village. She stumbled and bumped into this prosperous world with ignorance. She felt low self-esteem when she saw anything new. She didn’t even have basic interpersonal and social skills. She only knew how to study hard but study. The efficiency is relatively low.

Later, through studying in Yuyue, Baiyue found that she gradually walked out of her inner closed world, became cheerful, and became willing to contact the surrounding social groups.

Now Baiyue has transformed into being good at learning, good at summarizing, no matter how good at application and practice, to accomplish something from nothing.

Baiyue likes herself like this!

Baiyue also likes Anliang who has always encouraged her and helped her.

if it is possible…

Baiyue thought of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, she sighed secretly, no if, no!

On the other side, 307 bedroom.

Anliang received an e-mail from the princess Lenoir of the West Half-Tooth, and she sent the e-mail on Sunday as agreed.

West Banya, like France, has a time difference of six hours from Xia Guo.

For example, when Xia Guo is approaching zero o’clock, it is close to six o’clock in the afternoon in West Banya. Should it be the time before dinner?

…(Read more @

Hello, Ann:

I am glad that it is Sunday again. I have been looking forward to it for a week.

It is now before the meal, I secretly spend a little time emailing you.

The study in the past week has been very busy, because I joined Xia Guoyu’s group interest study.

I was watching your TV series on Xia Guo recently. I met Master Heshen, Master Ji, and a King.

But I can only watch one episode a week.

To tell you secretly, I checked it on your Xiaguo Internet, the price on your side is cheap, it only costs less than 2 euros a month.

Mr. An, how are you in Xia Guo?

I overheard the conversation between mom and dad, they said you are competing with neon, bless you can win, come on!

——Your friend, Lenore

————Western Banya Time: 17:57 on March 29, 2020.

The princess in the west half of the tooth, this time even used Xia Guoyu at the beginning, and apparently found the beginning line of Anliang’s last e-mail sent to her.

As for what she said that watching TV series on Xia Guo’s network is very cheap, it should be the member of the video website, right?

Whether it’s Penguin or other video sites, the one-month membership fee is indeed under 2 euros…

After reading Lenoir’s e-mail, Anliang edited an e-mail copy and sent it back.

Good evening, Lenoir:

I am very glad to hear from you.

But I hope you should ask your mother’s consent before using the computer next time, okay?

I’m fine in Xia Guo!

We and Neon have always competed, but it is just a good business competition.

I am doing something meaningful here recently. I am working on a rescue and containment plan for stray animals.

This plan will help and protect the small animals that wander around in the city.

I will go to the protection home where they are housed next week, and I will take some photos to share with you.

Looking forward to our correspondence next week.

——Your friend, Anliang

————Xia Guo Time: March 30, 2020 at 0:03

When Anliang replied to Lainuoer’s email, the time had already been turned over and it was a new day.

Monday, 6:55 in the morning.

Baiyue came to the vicinity of the second canteen ahead of time, and she was waiting for Anliang.

At 6:58, Anliang appeared at the intersection, and Baiyue also walked past pretending to have just arrived.

“Good morning, classmate Baiyue.” Anliang took the initiative to say hello.

“Good morning, classmate An.” Baiyue responded.

When I saw Anliang again, Bai Yue was secretly happy…


Update time: October 17, 2020 06:16:26, the new rules, 5 changes first, and then update 5 chapters within 30-60 minutes.

Ask for a drop of monthly pass, a bouquet of flowers! .

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