Chapter 1364

Tianfu School of Economics, the second canteen.

Anliang and Baiyue still chose the corner position. Although Baiyue is no longer the autistic and inferior little poor, they still chose this position tacitly.

While eating breakfast, Baiyue ate while reporting to Anliang the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation and the Animal Planet Man Protection Home.

Anliang listened patiently, and he also discovered Baiyue’s growth.

The change of Baiyue made Anliang secretly relieved, feeling that the flowers he planted were finally blooming.

“By the way, classmate Baiyue, this weekend, I am going to go to the Animal Planet Man Protection House in Xipu to see the situation of the protection house.” Anliang explained.

He continued to add, “You will go with me when the time comes.”

Hearing Anliang asked her to go with her, Bai Yue was secretly excited because she could get along with Anliang for a while, right?

But there is a problem!

Are Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin not jealous?

Baiyue knows that 17 Xia Ruyi, Xia Hexin and Anliang are very close.

“By the way, I will also ask Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin to go together.” Anliang added.

“Oh!” Baiyue pretended to be okay on the surface, “Okay.”

But in fact, Baiyue was a bit lost!

Baiyue wants to go there alone with Anliang.

Unfortunately, it became a luxury.

This morning is macroeconomics, and it is still the course of a regular tutor. Anliang listened carefully.

After class, Anliang took the initiative to find Chang Shi.

“Teacher Chang, what you just said in class, I think it’s a bit interesting in the microeconomics of the macroeconomic system. Let’s continue the discussion?” Anliang proposed.

Chang Shi did not refuse, “The office?”

“Good!” Anliang agreed.

The two discussed all the way, all the way to the office.(Read more @

In Chang Shi’s office, Anliang continued to ask, “In the macro economic environment, how should we effectively target the relatively micro economy?”

Chang Shi directly asked, “Coria?”

“Slighter!” Anliang mumbled.

Chang Shi frowned, “That’s his own.”

“I know.” Anliang smiled.

“They won’t agree, you will be in great trouble.” Chang Shi stretched out his right index finger and pointed upwards.

Anliang laughed and said nothing.

Chang Shi looked at Anliang suspiciously.

“They jumped too much recently!” Anliang revealed a little bit of news.

Chang Shi responded, “For a relatively independent economy, if you want to target it economically, you need to find the key points.”

Chang Shi continued to add, “Take a certain region you are targeting as an example. The main pillar industry in this region is the electronics industry, and not large enterprises as the pillar, but a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises.”

“If it is to cure the root cause, then vigorously support related small and medium-sized enterprises in Shenzhen, and let these small and medium-sized enterprises replace enterprises in a certain region in the global economic industrial chain.” Chang Shi explained the plan.

“Once a company from the deep city defeats a company in a certain area, the pillar of a certain area will fall, and it will naturally become more and more miserable, and eventually collapse!” Chang Shi proposed a permanent solution.

Anliang added, “Are there any solutions that work faster?”

“Yes!” Chang Shi responded, “It is still a deep city enterprise. Through the deep city enterprise, we can use the advantages of our complete industrial chain to reduce costs through the complete industrial chain, and then directly compete with each other through low cost, so as to kill a thousand enemies. Eight hundred tricks to self-defeating.”

“In this way, you can hit the opponent hard in a short time!” Chang Shi explained.

“I see, thank you Teacher Chang.” Anliang nodded.

‘Ding! ’

‘Random mission: an opportunity to level up. ’

‘Task content: Please expand the scale of Anxin Investment Company, as well as its academic background, so as to promote the upgrade of the system. ’

Turned out to be a system upgrade task?

The life winner system has not been upgraded for a long time, and Anliang thought that the life winner system had been upgraded to the highest level.

The result is not finding the right upgrade direction?

Anxin Investment Company is the basic disk that the Life Winner System provides rewards for Anliang. The Anxin Investment Company is not large enough and the foundation is not deep enough, so the Life Winner system is not upgraded?

Nothing wrong!

Faced with the triggered task of the Life Winner System, Anliang looked at Chang Shi and added, “Teacher Chang, what is your phone number, and we will add a WeChat account. If there are problems in the future, I will trouble Mr. Chang.”

Chang Shi knows Anliang’s identity, so naturally he cannot refuse.

Both parties added WeChat and kept contact numbers for each other.

“By the way, Teacher Chang, are you free on Saturdays and weekends?” Anliang asked.

Chang Shi replied affirmatively, “If the school does not arrange, I usually have time.”

“Teacher Chang, are you interested in being an economics consultant?” Anliang continued, “Our family has a financial investment company in Tianfu. I hope that Teacher Chang will serve as an economics consultant in the past to help with macroeconomics.”

“During the period when Teacher Chang was a consultant, there was a monthly fee of 20,000 yuan for tea, but there was a requirement that a four-year contract must be signed at one time. Teacher Chang, how about thinking about it?” Anliang asked deliberately.

But this so-called requirement is actually welfare! .

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