Chapter 1393

On Sunday, it was close to 7:30 in the morning.

The open-air parking lot of Tianfu School of Economics.

Anliang sat in the driver’s seat and Baiyue moved into the back seat. It was not that Baiyue wanted to sit in the back, but Baiyue knew that Anliang was going to pick up Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin. If she was sitting in the passenger seat, I’m afraid Xia Ruyi Xia Hexin will be upset.

Baiyue knew that she shouldn’t have extravagant hopes…

In fact, before getting into the car, Anliang also guessed whether Baiyue would sit in the co-pilot or the back row.

Because whether you sit in the co-pilot or in the back, it makes sense.

If you sit in the co-pilot, it is a respect for Anliang; if you sit in the back, it is also considered for Anliang.

As a result, Bai Yue chose to sit in the back row.

More than half an hour later, Anliang drove to Nanhu Yard. When the garage was closed, Anliang dialed Xia Hexin’s phone using voice commands through the car phone.

Making calls by voice commands is safer!

“Hey, are you here yet?” Xia Hexin said first.

Anliang responded, “I’m at the garage door. I’ll come directly to the three underground garages. Come down quickly.”

“Yeah, we will go out soon.” Xia Hexin responded.

“Okay, see you later.” Anliang replied.

“Well, wait for the meeting.” Xia Hexin responded.

Anliang waited for Xia Hexin’s reply before hanging up. He has successfully passed the access control system that automatically recognizes the license plate, and then passed through the underground passage to the elevator room of the three underground garages.

Anliang saw a brand new Audi Q7 in the A18 parking space, the one that has not been licensed, and the A18 and A19 parking spaces were the matching parking spaces that Anliang gave to the two sisters of the Xia family. How could he not know that this was the gift Which car is Xia Xiaodong’s?

In less than two minutes, the two sisters of the Xia family came out of the elevator. They were wearing black Gucci sweaters, matching sports trousers, and white sneakers from the Gucci family.

The two dresses are exactly the same again!

Anliang said he couldn’t distinguish.(Read more @

The interpersonal relationship scanning system judged that it was successful. Anliang watched Xia Hexin opened the co-pilot’s door. They obviously saw that the co-pilot was no one, so the two sisters decided Xia Hexin to sit in the co-pilot.

Probably because Xia Hexin is Anliang’s girlfriend?

Xia Ruyi opened the rear door, she said hello first, “Hello, Bai Yue.”

Bai Yue was a little nervous, “Hello, Xia… classmate.”


Bai Yue couldn’t tell the difference between Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin.

Anliang said from the driver’s seat, “Xia Hexin is next to me, and Xia Ruyi is behind me.”

Bai Yue quickly asked curiously, “Classmate An, how do you tell?”

Anliang started the engine while pretending to be mysterious, “I have a special ability, I can distinguish them by feeling.”

A man’s sixth sense?

A suspicion flashed in Baiyue’s eyes.

Xia Hexin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, directly imitated Xia Ruyi, her voice was clear and her character was lively and said, “Student Bai Yue, don’t believe him, he makes random guesses every time.”

Xia Ruyi in the back row also directly transformed into Xia Hexin’s pattern. She responded gently, “I am Xia Hexin.”

Anliang complained directly, “Xia Ruyi, why did you sit in the front?”

Xia Hexin pretended to be Xia Ruyi and said, “Brother-in-law, I’m a bit motion sick. It’s better to sit in front.”

Bai Yue listened to Xia Hexin calling Anliang to be her brother-in-law. She felt a little sour in her heart, but she silently adjusted her mentality.

After all, both Tianfu School of Economics and Tianfu Normal University know that Anliang is very close to the two sisters of the Xia family.

Xia Ruyi in the back row pretended to be Xia Hexin, and she asked gently, “Student Baiyue, how is the situation of the Animal Planet Protection Home?”

Baiyue responded to the situation of the Animal Planet Man Protection Home.. 0

Xia Hexin in the passenger seat also pretended to be Xia Ruyi to join the discussion.

It’s the so-called three women in one drama.

While the three women were communicating, Anliang drove to the animal star protection home.

The Animal Star Man Protection Home is located in Xipu, a subordinate of Tianfu, to the northwest of Tianfu, a little far from Nanhuyuan. It took about an hour on Sundays without traffic jams.

The Animal Star Human Protection Home is located on the Qinghe River about three kilometers west of the Xipu Children’s Welfare Institute. It covers an area of ​​5,000 square meters. Fortunately, it is considered a rural area and is used for charity. The rental fee per year is only 20,000. yuan.

In fact, 5,000 square meters is not big, just equivalent to the playground of most middle schools.

It was nearly half past nine in the morning.

Anliang arrived at the Animal Star Man Protection Home, and the current Animal Star Man Protection Home still looks a bit crude.

A temporary pet hospital built with a simple mobile slab, a temporary pet isolation area built with the same simple mobile slab, and a temporary stocking area enclosed by barbed wire.

Baiyue took Anliang three people into the temporary pet hospital. In the temporary pet hospital, two doctors were checking the situation of two stray cats. In order to make the stray cats cooperate, they used a cat cage.

In fact, stray cats are also very bad-tempered and basically do not cooperate with veterinarians. However, stray cats are less likely to pose a personal threat to humans, so they are more likely to be tolerated.

Four staff members are cleaning the cat litter in the cat cage. Anliang watched this scene and his heart moved secretly. He thought about the wishing bag…


Update time: 06:56:30, October 20, 2020, new rules, 5 changes first, 5 changes after 30-60 minutes. .

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