Chapter 1394

Anliang was previously awarded a wishful blessing bag and asked him to do something meaningful to open it. Now he has thought of a solution.

“Student Bai.” Yang Xiuping, a full-time veterinarian at the Animal Planet Protection Home, greeted her actively.

She was originally a part-time veterinarian at a nearby pet shop. She left her job because of salary issues, and then chose the animal star protection home.

“Hello, classmate Bai.” Li Ziqiang, the second full-time veterinarian of the Animal Planet Protection Home, also greeted him actively.

He graduated from the School of Veterinary Medicine, but he has never found a professional counterpart. After going through the channels of the Animal Starman Rescue Foundation, he joined the Animal Starman Protection Home.

“Dr. Yang, Dr. Li, let me introduce to you. This one is Anliang. He is the fund sponsor of our Zoological Man Rescue Foundation and is responsible for all the financial sponsorships of the Zoological Man Rescue Foundation and the Zoological Man Conservation Home. “Bai Yuejie 20 writes.

Yang Xiuping and Li Ziqiang understand the identity of Anliang, this is the father of the gold master!

Yang Xiuping greeted politely, “Hello, Mr. An, this is Yang Xiuping, I am glad to meet you.”

Li Ziqiang also greeted him politely, “Hello, Mr. An, welcome to Mr. An to inspect the work. My name is Li Ziqiang and Mu Zili. I am self-improving, thank you Mr. An for his care for stray animals.”

Anliang responded with a smile, “Hello, two doctors, thank you for choosing the animal star protection home.”

The work of the Animal Planet Protection Home is actually quite tiring.

Because the work load of the Animal Planet Protection Home is greater, every time a new stray animal is delivered, a comprehensive inspection is required, problems must be dealt with, isolation and observation, deworming and vaccinations, and sterilization operations are also required. Wait.

These workloads are far greater than ordinary pet hospitals.

But there are also benefits!

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, more work will accumulate more work experience.

For example, in the issue of sterilization surgery, in large chain pet hospitals, ordinary veterinarians are not qualified to practice. They must observe the operation many times and obtain the approval of the surgeon before they can practice it in person.(Read more @

And if there is a problem, there may be customer disturbances.

However, such a thing does not exist in the Animal Planet Protection Home. Take Li Ziqiang as an example. Although he has only worked at the Animal Planet Protection Home for a week, he has already performed 23 sterilization operations himself.

The average number of games per day is more than three. From the initial jerky to the current proficiency, it is only a week!

Baiyue took Anliang to browse the situation of the animal star protection home.

At present, the animal planetary protection home is indeed very rudimentary, but everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, including a brand new cattery and kennel, which are also under construction.

Anliang asked casually, “Student Baiyue, is there anything lacking in the Animal Planet Protection Home?”

Baiyue responded, “There are mainly two aspects. The first is infrastructure construction. We are dealing with this point. Manager Feng has given a lot of support, but there is a shortage of funds.”

Baiyue added, “According to Feather Moon’s profitability, it cannot support both the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation and the specific subsidy program.

“Student An, we will try to reduce operating costs here.” Baiyue added.

Anliang responded negatively, “Operating costs cannot be over-saving. Especially for the pet hospital of the Animal Planet Protection Home, the operating costs here cannot be reduced, otherwise there will be less money. Who wants to work?”

“I will inject 10 million yuan to Yuyue, and then directionally inject funds to the Animal Starren Rescue Foundation through Yuyue. Whether it is infrastructure or operating expenses, can it be solved?” Anliang asked.

Baiyue Ten million was taken aback!

“It doesn’t need that much. I calculated that it only needs between 800,000 and 1 million.” Bai Yue whispered.

“Then put it on the account as subsequent operating expenses.” Anliang added.

“Oh!” Baiyue replied, she felt a little disappointed, because this ten million made her feel that she was so far away from Anliang, as if she was separated from the entire galaxy.

“Is there another problem?” Anliang asked again.

Baiyue responded, “On the other hand, there is the problem of the staff. We need to expand the scale to take care of more stray animals.”

“Then expand!” Anliang responded.

“By the way, classmate An, if the budget is sufficient, I would like to improve the fence of the animal star protection home.” Baiyue added.

“We originally used barbed wire to prevent cats and dogs from escaping, but the sound insulation effect is very poor. The barking of cats and dogs may spread out and become noise sources.” Baiyue explained the situation.

“I want to transform the surrounding barbed wire fence into a soundproof fence, and increase the construction budget of the dog house when building the dog house, so as to upgrade the sound insulation effect of the dog house.” Baiyue added.

Anliang nodded to himself, “It’s up to you to decide, you can do it if you think it is, I believe you.”

“Because you are operating the Zootopia Rescue Foundation and the Zootopia Protection Home, you have a better understanding of their situation.” Anliang explained.

The most correct and good thing is to hand over professional matters to professionals.

Why should laymen guide experts? .

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