Chapter 1395

Animal planet man protection home.

While Anliang and Bai Yue were discussing the budget, improvement, and development plan of the Animal Planet Man Protection Home, the two sisters of the Xia family were taking pictures.

The photos taken by them will not be wasted. Later, they will select wonderful photos to update on the animal star protection home, and accept donations.

The Animal Planet Protection Home only accepts material donations and does not accept cash donations, thus avoiding government review problems.

For example, accept cat food, dog food, cat litter, cat scratching board and so on.

Anyway, even if the Animal Planet Protection Home accepts cash donations, there is a high probability that these things will eventually be purchased, so why not directly accept the donations of these materials?

The supervision of material donations is far lower than that of cash donations.

“By the way, Bai Yue, I have an idea.” Anliang said.

“Huh?” Bai Yue looked at Anliang suspiciously.

Anliang walked to the stocking area of ​​the Animal Stars Protection Home. There are more than 60 stray cats. They have been vaccinated, dewormed, and have recovered from the sterilization operation.

There is a centralized cat litter management area in the stocking area, and the cat litter in the stocking area uses river sand.

The price of river sand is cheaper, the price of a cubic meter is about 150 yuan, and then about 1.5 tons.

That is, the price of RMB 0 kg is equivalent to 1 RMB 20 kg.

This price is far lower than the price of real cat litter, thereby reducing the operating cost of the Animal Star Man Protection Home.

As for why not use real cat litter?

Is it bad for cats to use river sand?

Twenty years back, so many cats have been raised. Is there any cat litter?

Twenty years is not enough, then two hundred years back?

Two hundred years is not enough. Do wild cats in the wild have cat litter?

Cat litter is a thing invented by humans to better raise cats in the city, so that it is more convenient to take care of the personal hygiene of pet cats, rather than a necessity for cats.(Read more @

In fact, in the past, most cat litter was actually cinder after burning coal, and it was not as refined as river sand!

In addition, the river sand can be recycled. By cleaning the river sand, then drying or even drying the river sand, it can be reused again, further reducing operating costs.

Anliang does have money, but the operating costs that should be reduced must be reduced!

“We are very close to XJTLU Children’s Welfare Institute, right 々‖?” Anliang explained.

Baiyue affirmed, “We are about three kilometers west of the Xipu Children’s Welfare Institute.”

“There are some jobs in the Animal Planet Protection Home that can be done by older children, right?” Anliang asked.

For example, cleaning up cat litter?

The cat feces in the cat litter are cleaned out to facilitate the recycling and cleaning of the cat litter.

Baiyue nodded, “It does. It includes doing some cleaning work, cleaning up cat litter, and inspecting outdoor venues, as well as cleaning outdoor venues.”

“These tasks are very simple, and can be completed a little older.” Baiyue added.

Bai Yue asked again, “Student An, do you want older children in the Children’s Welfare Institute to do some work within their power in the Animal Planet Protection Home?”

“Yes.” Anliang replied affirmatively.

“We have been to children’s welfare homes before. In addition to disabled children, there are actually many healthy children. They are abandoned infants and orphans. I hope to help them through the Animal Planet Protection Home, so that they can learn and adapt to the work situation in advance. And through this kind of work to provide them with a part of the salary.” Anliang explained.

“This can reduce our operating costs, reduce the financial pressure of the children’s welfare home, and give these older children a disposable income. This is a win-win situation.” Anliang added.

Baiyue thought for a while before responding, “We may be under pressure from fishing vessels, such as the pressure of fishing vessels such as hiring child labor.

“Don’t worry about Keyboard Man!” Anliang responded.

“Keyboardman is always so narrow. He only sees the employment of child labor. He can’t see the work and study opportunities we provide for these poor little guys. Nor can we see the pressure that we can reduce for the children’s welfare institution. The plan will bring a psychological comfort to those little guys, let them know that they are valuable and feel needed, these are things that keyboard man can’t see.” Anliang responded.

“¨` It would be fine if we directly and generously announced the corresponding plan at the Animal Planet Man Protection House, and also announced the corresponding work situation. The keyboard man is always a minority, and there are more normal people who understand right and wrong.” Anliang added.

Bai Yue sighed lightly. In this era, doing good deeds is really difficult!

As Anliang said, it is obviously a good thing, but it can be misinterpreted as a disgusting thing of hiring child labor.

“Then we go to the children’s orphanage to discuss this afternoon?” Baiyue asked.

“No problem.” Anliang responded.

“But I’m going to break my promise!” Anliang also sighed softly.

“Huh?” Bai Yue was puzzled.

(Li Zhao) “Remember when we went to the children’s orphanage during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, did you make an appointment with Zhang Hai?” Anliang asked back.

Before Baiyue answered, Anliang continued, “I agreed with him that on the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2020, I will go to the children’s welfare home again to send them Mid-Autumn Festival blessings.”

“But now I’m going to break my promise and give them new blessings six months in advance!” Anliang explained.

“I immediately asked Manager Feng to purchase some donated materials, according to the scale plan of 1 million, in the name of the animal star protection home.” Anliang added.

In this way, the Animal Planet Protection Home donated 1 million materials to the children’s orphanage. What else does the Keyboard Man have to say?

After all, with child labor, how long does it take to work to earn 1 million? .

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