Chapter 1745

Faced with Li Cunyuan’s proposal, Qian Xiaogang seconded, “Brother Yuan’s proposal is very good!”

Qian Xiaogang continued, “The holly seeds can be reproduced asexually by cuttings. The holly seeds reproduced in this way are genetically identical to the mother plant, thus forming a large-scale cultivation of holly seeds.”

“At most five years, the scale can be formed; within ten years, the scale can be expanded.” Qian Xiaogang described the future.

“According to the effects of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid, it can definitely become the hegemon in the health care product market. In the future, when it is marketed globally, it will be a 100 billion-level market and a trillion-level hegemonic company.” Qian Xiaogang sighed.

Yun Haiyang said enviously, “Brother Liang’s luck is really good!”

Qian Xiaogang sighed in response, “It is indeed very lucky. The three holly seeds should have undergone benign mutations. Through cutting and propagation, they can become large-scale. This time, Brother Liang will make a lot of money!”

Anliang murmured on the side, “There is nothing wrong with the eight characters, do you start blowing?”

Qian Xiaogang responded, “This is the future!”

“Since you are so optimistic about this industry, and you are still looking forward to what a billion-level market, a trillion-level dominant company, are you interested in participating?” Anliang asked casually.

Qian Xiaogang was taken aback, “Brother Liang, are you kidding me?”

According to Qian Xiaogang’s analysis, these holly children are equivalent to putting money in front of them, and they only need to put the money into their own pockets to become their own money.

Under such circumstances, is Anliang still willing to share?

“I’m not kidding.” Anliang responded, “If you want to participate, then join in together.”

“This…” Qian Xiaogang hesitated. He looked at Yun Haiyang next to him before refusing to respond, “Thank you, Brother Liang, for taking care of it, but this matter is too cheap, so I won’t participate. Brother Liang, I I suggest you operate it yourself, the benefits it will generate in the future are immeasurable.”

Li Cunyuan seconded, “We won’t participate anymore!”

Yun Haiyang added, “Although we won’t participate, Brother Liang shouldn’t forget about us, our Dongqingzi oral liquid. Brother Liang has contracted it?”

Anliang first complained, “Listening to you, I seem to have a huge health care empire, but in fact I just discovered three holly trees.”

Anliang continued, “I have contacted Professor Bian Xiaogang to help breed holly. By the way, Brother Gang, do you know Professor Bian Xiaogang?”(Read more @

Qian Xiaogang replied affirmatively, “Of course I do! This botany expert with the same name as me is quite famous in related fields, and he is much better than Professor Zeng in the field of botany.”

Qian Xiaogang continued, “Brother Liang, where did you get this kind of boss?”

“I delivered it to my door, and it’s free.” Anliang quickly explained the situation.

Qian Xiaogang chuckled, “Leaving Professor Bian to deal with the small things like cuttings and breeding, it’s all about missiles hitting mosquitoes.”

“The reproduction of these holly seeds is stable, I said Qian Xiaogang!” Qian Xiaogang obviously believed in Professor Bian Xiaogang’s ability.

Anliang smiled secretly, this time Qian Xiaogang had miscalculated!

The life winner system has already made a limit. The output of holly seeds is fixed, cannot be transplanted, and cannot be reproduced. It is difficult for anyone to come. The life winner system says that it cannot be reproduced, that is, it cannot be reproduced.

In the Guben Huajiao Chicken Store, Li Cunyuan and the three drank chicken soup one after another to replenish their nutrition.

It’s definitely not five seconds for a real man. Although you can be a real man, you have to keep up with your nutrition. Otherwise, how to be a real man?

“Crap!” Li Cunyuan said suddenly.

“Oh?” Anliang looked at Li Cunyuan suspiciously.

Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang also looked at Li Cunyuan, waiting for Li Cunyuan to continue.

“Emperor Capital University of Science and Technology is completely a sieve, and all kinds of information have been revealed, including the effects of Dongqingzi.” Li Cunyuan complained while sending screenshots of messages in the Imperial Capital group.

Anliang looked at the screenshot of the message, which was a chat record between Li Cunyuan and Lin Yili. Lin Yili directly asked about Dongqingzi and expressed his desire for a little bit.

After Yun Haiyang finished watching, he directly complained, “. I vomited, Brother Gang, your school is poisonous!”

Qian Xiaogang also complained, “It is indeed poisonous, and those dog things have no sense of confidentiality at all.”

Anliang responded casually, “In fact, it’s normal, after all, it’s not a confidential matter.”

At the beginning, Anliang didn’t think about keeping it secret, and he himself didn’t need the holly seed of [A Real Man Is Never Five Seconds·Plant Edition], so why did he need to keep it secret?

Li Cunyuan complained, “Brother Liang, what should I do?”

Yun Haiyang said happily, “When you encounter this kind of thing, don’t look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha. You have to be more or less even.”

Qian Xiaogang concurred, (OK Zhao) “Yes, it must be evenly distributed, otherwise it would seem too stingy!”

Li Cunyuan complained, “The little blue pill is not ineffective. These people are simply poisonous spears.”

Qian Xiaogang retorted, “It’s different. The small blue pill is uncomfortable and has side effects. Coupled with the problem of backache and back pain, there is a certain gap between it and this Dongqingzi oral liquid.”

“Brother Haiyang, Brother Gangzi, you seem to be gloating?” Li Cunyuan looked at the two.

Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang suddenly felt that they were surrounded by danger!

“Fuck, Brother Yuan, don’t mess with me!” Yun Haiyang said vigilantly.

Qian Xiaogang also realized the problem, “Brother Yuan, I was wrong, please let me go!”

Li Cunyuan sneered, “It’s late!”

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