Chapter 1746

Faced with the problem of being begotten, Li Cunyuan did not hesitate to choose to pull his brother into the water.

“I have already told Brother Yili, we all have a share.” Li Cunyuan responded.

? ? ?

Anliang looked at Li Cunyuan speechlessly, this matter has something to do with him?

It was obviously Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang gloating over misfortune, but did they pull Anliang into the water?

Anliang glanced at the phone and received a lot of messages from people. Starting with Lin Yili, Ye Xiangyu also sent messages. Zhou Ronghua, Li Mingfei, Luo Jin, Xu Zhekai, and Pang Zhengfeng all sent messages to Anliang one by one.

They all pretended to be pitiful, begging for some holly.

Faced with such a situation, Anliang considered it for a while and decided to pull a ‘holly league’. These guys are all league game lovers, right?

How about so excited?

“Brothers, do you see who else to pull in the Holly League?” Anliang asked the three of Li Cunyuan.

The three of Li Cunyuan took a look, and brought in one or two people separately, and finally the total number reached 15.

‘An 457liang: @Everyone: The number of holly seeds is very small. Although it is effective, it is not much better than the little blue pill. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Yes, it’s actually pretty mediocre. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I testify, the number is really small. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: A total of only 22 jin, almost 2 jin was lost during the processing, we really don’t have much. ’

‘Lin Yili: Ask for 10 copies! ’

‘Lin Yili: Big guys, please, I want 10 copies! ’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I beg you, I only need 10 copies. ’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Guiqiu the big brothers can leak a little bit between their fingers, the little brother is icy and begged! ’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: A twenty-six-year-old young man is crying online, I only need 5 copies, and 5 copies will be fine. ’

‘Xu Zhekai: Big guys, the Imperial University of Science and Technology has sold you all, including the effects of Dongqingzi, and related experimental data and conclusions. ’

‘Lin Yili:…’(Read more @

“Ye Xiangyu:…”

‘Luo Jin:…’

“Zhou Ronghua:…”

‘Pang Zhengfeng: There is an honest man here, hurry up and catch him! ’

Don’t Lin Yili know the actual effect of Dongqingzi?


Precisely because they knew the effect, the people shamelessly asked Anliang to leak a little bit, otherwise would it not be good to buy the small blue pills directly?

However, it is normal for Xu Zhekai to tell the truth, because this guy really doesn’t have a lot of fun. If it weren’t for his family to force him to join the court, his dream is to be a drummer.

“Brother Liang, what shall we do?” Li Cunyuan asked.

These beneficiaries are not only members of the imperial capital circle, but also members of the Heavenly Baiyujing Club. Everyone looks up and sees their heads down. No matter how bad they are, it is a nodding acquaintance.

If you refuse directly, it is really not appropriate.

Anliang considered it for a while before responding, “Spread it evenly! But it’s not free!”

Anliang added, “I will donate all the income this time to the lonely elderly people in Shengqing who need help.”

“How much is it?” Qian Xiaogang asked, and then added, “Brother Liang, the effect of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid is so good, I suggest the price be higher.”

“How much money do you think is appropriate?” Anliang handed the pricing power to Qian Xiaogang.

Qian Xiaogang considered it for a while and then responded, “Since it is for charity, I think 8888 yuan is appropriate.”

This one is actually not expensive, right?

“Okay!” Anliang agreed.

Li Cunyuan answered, “How much do we evenly distribute?”

Anliang took the initiative, “In addition to the four of us, there are 11 people in the group. Based on an average of 5 copies per person, a total of 55 copies are needed. I will bear 25 of them, and you will take 10 copies. Isn’t it okay?”

Li Cunyuan breathed a sigh of relief, “No problem, no problem, thank you Brother Liang!”

Yun Haiyang also breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you Liang Brother for your care.”

Qian Xiaogang answered, “I somewhat believe that Brother Liang is really talented. After all, who knows who uses this powerful effect of Dongqingzi oral liquid, I am reluctant to take out so much anyway.”

Anliang said jokingly, “It seems that after I have harvested holly seeds this winter, I should continue to increase the price and take the opportunity to make a lot of money!”

“Can I order 500 copies in advance?” Qian Xiaogang quickly indicated that he wanted to make a reservation.

Li Cunyuan laughed and scolded, “You beep too greedy, right?”

Yun Haiyang seconded, “Brother Gangzi, you are too ruthless, I only need a copy to cover the whole year!”

Anliang was unable to complain.

“For the future, let’s talk about it in the future. When the output of holly seeds this year comes out, redistribute them.” Anliang added, “I just hope that Professor Bian Xiaogang’s breeding work can be faster, so that the output of holly seeds can be greatly increased. I can fully contract for future holly sons.”

Qian Xiaogang said with a little excitement, “Hahaha, Brother Liang is magnificent!”

“Sit down!” Yun Haiyang was also looking forward to it.

Li Cunyuan responded, “I only hope that Professor Bian can give me a little bit of strength.”

However, Professor Bian is doomed to fail…

Anliang is just to fill in the details logically! .

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