Chapter 1751

Anliang has already used the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene to do things, so it doesn’t matter if he does more things, right?

So Anliang posted another Weibo.

Dream of the future graphene:

By the way, there is one more thing to add!

Netizens with magical powers are invited to move the last Weibo to Neon, and I hope our Senator Torataro Aikawa can see it.

Of course, the other party may also turn a blind eye.

After all, this matter may be a show from beginning to end, is it normal to pretend to be dead?

Anliang made up another yin and yang strangely!

At first glance, there is no problem with Anliang’s second Weibo, but in fact, psychological games are applied. Whether Aikawa Torotaro sees Anliang’s Weibo or not to Weibo, as long as Aikawa Torotaro does not respond, he will be second. The Weibo has a rhythm, indicating that Aikawa Torataro is just a hype.

There are a lot of things about stealing the concept on the Internet. Anliang’s target is Aikawa Torataro, a neon congressman. Sand sculpture netizens on Xia Guo naturally chose to support Anliang, thus ignoring the suspicion of stealing the concept.

After Anliang’s second Weibo was released, some sand sculpture netizens started taking a screenshot. They took a screenshot of Anliang’s first Weibo with a translation, and then sent it to the Neon Internet.

Although the vast majority of sand sculpture netizens have no influence on the Neon Internet, when the number of sand sculpture netizens increases, when the same message appears repeatedly in the Neon Internet, it suddenly has a strong influence.

As the protagonist of this incident, Torataro Aikawa also learned the news.

Aikawa Torataro’s assistant, Daitomo Asai, notified Aikawa Torataro of the relevant information.

“Your Excellency Aikawa, how should we deal with this problem?” Asai asked Daitomo.

Aikawa Torataro frowned, “This dream is the company that mass-produces graphene batteries for graphene in the future?”(Read more @

“Yes.” Asai Daitomo responded.

Aikawa Torataro hesitated and asked, “Why is the other party targeting me?”

Daitomo Asai was silent for a few seconds before explaining, “According to our investigation, the account administrator who dreams of graphene in the future is a nosy guy. He may be bored and ask us for trouble.”

? ? ?

Aikawa Torataro said that he has a lot of question marks, can it still be like this?

Just being bored, and deliberately making trouble for them?

“Your Excellency Aikawa, maybe we can pretend not to know?” Asai Taichi tentatively suggested.

Aikawa Torataro denied, “No!”

“I took a look, and this news has been spread all over the Internet. If I don’t answer, it will have a huge impact on me.” Aikawa Torataro added.

“Ochi-kun, you released a message to the outside world, saying that we are not a show, we will really go to Minamisanriku to taste the local fresh sashimi.” Aikawa Torataro explained.

Daitomo Asai hesitated, “But…Your Excellency Aikawa…Have you really decided?”

“I have decided!” Aikawa Torataro responded, “Although there is indeed a trace amount of radiation exceeding the limit in Minamisanriku Bay, I have consulted with experts and it is only a trace amount of radiation, and there is almost no problem.”

Daitomo Asai bowed and saluted, “I see!”

After exiting from the office of Torataro Aikawa, Daichi Asai quickly used the information on the Face cloth. He publicly named the official blog of Dreaming Graphene in the future, expressing Aikawa’s determination and reminding Dream of Graphene to pay attention to the future.

Netizens who watched the lively sand sculptures previously reposted Anliang’s information, and now they immediately reposted the information posted by Asai Daichi on Face back to Weibo, and reminded them of the @梦想未来Graphene official blog account.

Anliang naturally saw the information reposted by sand sculpture netizens. These sand sculpture netizens who eat melons are jumping horizontally repeatedly. They don’t think it is too big to eat melons.

Just now Anliang mocked the possibility of Aikawa Torataro’s possible fake show. Now after the other party responds, the sand sculpture netizens will immediately forward the relevant information. Isn’t that the problem?

Anliang likes such sand sculpture netizens!

What can these sand sculpture netizens do?

Anliang thought for a while, and then released a new Weibo message.

Dream of the future graphene:

You said that it’s not a show or a show. Guess I believe it or not?

Forget it, don’t guess, I don’t believe it!

If you are not a show, have the ability to taste sashimi live?

And allow foreigners to take pictures of your actions and broadcast them live!

I believe that the anchor from Xia Guo must be willing to participate, right?

Hosts who are interested in live broadcasting, please pay attention to this matter. If the other party agrees, I will select at least three hosts to participate in this matter, and give a challenge reward of 1 million!

Now the question comes back to Senator Torataro Aikawa. May I ask this Neon Senator, does he dare to broadcast the whole process and accept the broadcast from foreigners?


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