Chapter 1752

As Anliang said, the problem now comes back to Aikawa Torataro’s side. Anliang still secretly changes the concept, but such a secret exchange concept seems somewhat reasonable.

So Aikawa Torataro, a neon congressman, was once again held up in the air by Anliang.

After Anliang posted a new Weibo, he received a message from Aphrola.

‘Aphrora: [Picture]’

‘Aphora: Our netizens from the northern bear country are also in Face to help you target that Aikawa Tiger~Taro. ’

‘Anliang: Did you organize it? ’

‘Aphrora: I think it’s an enthusiastic netizen! -’

‘Anliang: Nothing wrong! ’

‘Anliang: What about our cooperation? ’

‘Aphrora: My dad and they are still discussing. ’

Anliang was secretly helpless, are these guys so vigilant?

Obviously it is very beneficial to the Northern Bear Country, but the Northern Bear Country is still thinking about it over and over again. Their Northern Bear Country has long been poor and white. Could it be that they are still afraid of suffering?

In fact, I am afraid of losing!

The Northern Bear Kingdom knows that he is poor and white, but Anliang is still willing to spend a lot of effort to help, so what does Anliang do?

The cooperation proposed by Anliang, whether it is Northern Bear Country, Neon, or Ulan Country, has benefits, but Northern Bear Country could not think of the benefits of Anliang.

Under such circumstances, the Northern Bear Country is naturally highly vigilant!

When one thing cannot be clearly seen, it is often easy to suffer.

It is for this reason that the Northern Bear Country has not made a decision. They want to continue to analyze and see what benefits Anliang can obtain.(Read more @

The big guys of the Northern Bear Country don’t believe that Anliang is purely for help!


Aikawa Torataro was paying attention to the situation of the Internet. He naturally saw Anliang’s latest reply and the greetings from the netizens of Kitakuma Country. Faced with such a situation, Torataro Aikawa rubbed his eyebrows.

“Ochi-kun, are we at odds with Northern Bear Country?” Aikawa Torataro asked.

Daitomo Asai hesitated for a while before shaking his head in denial, “It shouldn’t be. We are not responsible for the work there. We have almost no contact with Kitakuma.”

Without contact, Kitakuma-kuni jumped out to target them, whether it was Aikawa Torataro or Asai Daichi, both of them felt a little strange.

As for what is meant by netizens targeting them?

Ha ha!

Does Aikawa Torataro believe it?

This kind of thing must be behind the scenes!

Aikawa Torataro even speculates that there is a behind-the-scenes pusher who dreams of the future graphene official blog account, but this behind-the-scenes pusher is so well hidden that it has not been discovered for the time being.

“How is our fishing situation?” Aikawa Torataro asked.

Daitomo Asai clicked on the tablet before reporting, “Since three confidential documents were exposed on the Internet, our fishery has been under great pressure, whether it is domestic consumption or export channels. All have received much attention.”

“According to current statistics, orders for overseas exports are rapidly decreasing, and this week has dropped by 12% month-on-month.” Asai Daichi explained the situation.

“The domestic situation cannot be ignored either. In view of the fact that three confidential information has been disclosed, especially the concealment of some things that happened in the past, the public’s sense of trust is lacking, which has led to a significant 30% drop in domestic marine fish consumption this week. It is expected that this situation will continue to expand its influence.” Asai reported.

· ·······Find flowers··· 0

Aikawa Torataro sighed, “Ochi-kun, you can reply to the dream of graphene in the future on the Internet, indicating that we are accepting live broadcasts from overseas media!”

“But…” Asai wanted to say that if this were the case, they would not be able to make any small movements, which meant that Aikawa Torataro would inevitably eat the nuclear-contaminated marine fish.

Torotaro Aikawa knew what Daitomo Asai meant, and he interrupted Daitomo Asai directly, “There is no room for change in this matter. The empire needs me, and I should contribute to the empire!”

….. 0

Aikawa Totaro added, “We will broadcast live the day after tomorrow, starting at 9 a.m. on May 23. We will go to Minamisanriku Bay and take a fishing boat out to sea. After the net is caught, we will taste the sashimi directly on the fishing boat.”

“Hi!” Asai Datomo replied respectfully.

After responding, Daitomo Asai immediately announced Aikawa Torataro’s arrangements on the Internet and welcomed overseas media including Xia Guo to follow the live broadcast.

Daito Asai set a limit. In order to avoid too many people, there should be no more than two live broadcast media in each country. If you need to participate in the media, you need to contact Daito Asai to apply.

The people who eat melon naturally reposted the latest news back to Xia Guo, and once again went crazy with @梦未来Graphene, waiting for comments on the official blog of Dream Future Graphene.

Anliang didn’t comment immediately. After reading the announcement sent by Asai Taichi, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Aikawa Torataro even dared to directly taste marine fish in the seas contaminated by radiation?

I’m afraid the birthday star will always eat arsenic!

Anliang suddenly thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth…

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