Chapter 1818

Shengqing, Shiliwan.

The entrance to the branch road of Anjia’s former residence has been blocked by iron roadblocks to better protect the holly.

The fleet of Pfizer, the top pharmaceutical company in the Bald Eagle country, was stopped, and these people were not allowed to enter.

Ai Peng took the Lawrence expert to get out of the car and walked to the location of the roadblock. He looked at Xiao Jiahao and introduced them with complacency.

“This is an expert Lawrence Clare from the Bald Eagle Country. He is the world’s top medical expert. This time coming to help you study Holly, it is a great thing for you!” Ai Peng explained. .

Lawrence was holding the shelf with a haughty look on his face.

Xiao Jiahao took the walkie-talkie and called, “Captain Zhong, this is Xiao Jiahao.”

Zhong Honglin responded, “What’s the matter?”

“Some Pfizer medical experts have come here, they…” Xiao Jiahao continued to report the situation.

After listening, Zhong Honglin directly ordered, “Let the other party get out, if Pfizer is not Pfizer, we don’t need help.”

“Okay.” Xiao Jiahao put down the walkie-talkie, looked at Ai Peng and said, “You heard it too, our captain said, let you go off.”

Ai Peng’s face flushed, he raised his voice, “We are a big company from the Bald Eagle Country!”

“Then what?” Xiao Jiahao asked rhetorically.

Ai Peng gritted his teeth and said, “Aren’t you afraid of being suppressed by Pfizer?”

“You unseen country folks, it is easier for Pfizer to squeeze you than to squeeze an ant!” Ai Peng continued to speak wildly.

Zhong Honglin rode an electric car over, and he heard Ai Peng’s unspoken words.

In the face of such arrogant Ai Peng, Zhong Honglin hummed, “Take a horse! These people are trying to steal our business secrets and beat me fiercely!”

The four Xiao Jiahao heard Zhong Honglin’s instructions and all pulled out the rubber sticks.(Read more @

Ai Peng shouted nervously, “What do you want to do?”

Xiao Jiahao laughed weirdly. He held a rubber stick in his right hand and patted on his left palm. This is an action he learned from TV, but no one told him that this action looks like a villain?

“Fight!” Xiao Jiahao greeted.

When Xiao Jiahao took the shot, seven or eight people dropped off from Pfizer’s three off-road vehicles. Zhong Honglin immediately called for reinforcements through the walkie-talkie, and then he joined the battle group.

Zhong Honglin was a professional security officer of Renyi Security Company. He had a lot of black hands. When the reinforcements arrived, Zhong Honglin had already released four people.

In less than a quarter of an hour, ten people from Pfizer, including six foreigners including Lawrence, were knocked to the ground by the Shiliwan Security Team.

Looking at the wailing guy, Zhong Honglin chose to report to the police.

In less than five minutes, Gao Lu, the patrol team leader of Shiliwan, arrived at the scene with his partner Feng Shihua. Shiliwan was a small town and there was no traffic jam. The patrol came very quickly.

Gao Lu looked at the people wailing on the ground, especially a few foreigners, he quickly asked, “Captain Zhong, what’s the situation?”

Zhong Honglin responded, “These guys are trying to break into our Holly Child Research Base. I suspect they want to steal our trade secrets. We chose to stop them when the warning was invalid. But they still resisted violently, so we only Can be forced to defend.”

Gao Lu was speechless, and this kind of rhetoric sounds problematic.

However, on both sides of the branch road at the entrance of the Anjia Former Residence, several signs have indeed been erected, indicating that this is the Shiliwan Hollyzi Research Base and that foreigners are prohibited from entering, etc…

In addition, the guys like Ai Peng looked like outsiders, and Gao Lu didn’t want to be outdone. He looked at Ai Peng and asked, “Who are you and why you want to break into the Dongqingzi Research Base?”

? ? ?

Forcibly breaking into the research base of Holly?

Ai Peng knew the calf as soon as he heard it. He quickly explained his identity, and then added that they did not force it, but only expressed that they wanted to help study the situation of Dongqing.

Gao Lu complained in his heart to help study Holly?

Do these guys really don’t understand, or are they deliberately pretending to be garlic?

“Mr. Ai, we are going to take you back to make a transcript now.” Gao Lu explained.

Ai Peng looked at Zhong Honglin and others, “Where are they?”

“Also make a transcript.” Gao Lu responded, so as to achieve a consistent treatment on the surface.

However, Ai Peng soon understood that he was too naive, because all ten of them were taken back to the patrol station. Opposite them were Zhong Honglin and Xiao Jiahao, and their treatment was completely different.

Ai Peng suddenly thought of a word: Qianglong does not crush the snake!

Pfizer is a top-ranking company in the global pharmaceutical field, but it is of no use here in Shiliwan, and Shiliwan has not developed the pharmaceutical industry. Why should Pfizer be given face?

Fortunately, the other party didn’t want to make the matter worse. They were released after they left a record of forcing the Shiliwan Hollyzi Research Base at the patrol station.

As soon as Zhong Honglin came out of the patrol station, he sent an information report to Anliang and asked Anliang what to do next.

Zhong Honglin came from Renyi Security Company. He knew what level of company Pfizer was and reported to Anliang immediately. .

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