Chapter 1819

It was close to two o’clock in the afternoon.

Imperial capital.

The southeast edge of Erdao.

Anliang and Li Cunyuan are patrolling the situation of Yilong Villa.

Do not!

This area can no longer be called Yilong Villa Community, because the entire Yilong Villa community has been demolished and is currently in the preliminary preparations. Because the construction is to be carried out in the second road, there is a lot of preliminary preparation.

Including the fences and baffles to insulate noise, the transportation routes of construction residues, and how to deal with subsequent construction residues, etc., these are things that need to be planned in advance.

Anliang, who was visiting, received Zhong Honglin’s message, and he replied after checking it.

‘Anliang: This thing is well done! ’

‘Anliang: Our holly son does not need other people to study. ’

‘Anliang: If there are other people who want to study, also let them get out. ’

‘Zhong 29 Hong Lin: Okay. ’

Anliang put away his phone, he said casually, “Pfizer actually stared at Holly.”

Qian Xiaogang hesitated, “That Pfizer?”

Yun Haiyang asked: “Which Pfizer?”

Li Cunyuan answered, “That particularly powerful Pfizer in the Bald Eagle Country?”

“Yeah!” Anliang replied affirmatively, “This kind of giant-level pharmaceutical company is actually worthy of Dongqingzi.”

Qian Xiaogang was vomiting, “Brother Liang, you actually underestimated Dongqingzi. We have all taken Dongqingzi oral liquid. What do you think of the specific effects?”(Read more @

Li Cunyuan responded, “I think it’s very good. The key is that the waist is not sore and the legs are not painful, and the spirit is also very good.”

Yun Haiyang seconded, “Yes, I also feel that way.”

Qian Xiaogang nodded in agreement, “The effect of Holly Seed Oral Liquid far exceeds that of the small blue pill. Under this premise, although the current output of Holly Seed seems to be very small, after cutting and breeding, it will last up to ten years. Time can form a large-scale holly sub-industry chain.”

Qian Xiaogang continued, “This is a profitable business. As long as you control the confidentiality of the source, you can completely subvert the global market. If it is completely monopolized, it is not impossible to make a profit of hundreds of billions a year.”

Listening to Qian Xiaogang’s analysis, Anliang’s heart moved secretly. Others seemed to firmly believe that holly seeds can be bred and promoted on a large scale.

In that case, take advantage of it?

Anyway, everyone believes that Anliang can openly recruit partners to package and sell the future of Dongqingzi?

Just like the hype concept, the future prospects of holly son are very good, Anliang can overdraft the future of holly son, regard the future of holly son as a plan, and then sell this plan.

If it is really a market that earns hundreds of billions of dollars a year, it should be able to fool a lot of money, right?

“Brothers, you said, if I build a joint R&D and cooperation alliance based on Dongqingzi, what do you think?” Anliang asked.

Qian Xiaogang was the first to ask, “Brother Liang means it is good for everyone to go together?”

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “I prefer everyone to make money together.”

Qian Xiaogang reminded, “Regarding Dongqingzi, I think Brother Liang can make money by himself.”

Li Cunyuan seconded, “I also think that Brother Liang can eat alone this time. Dongqing’s situation is different, that is, your family’s ancestral property belongs to a situation where no one can intervene.”

Yun Haiyang nodded in agreement, “I also think Brother Liang can eat alone once.”

Li Cunyuan continued, “Although Pfizer is indeed very powerful, in our country, Xia, it can’t make waves at all.”

“Yes!” Qian Xiaogang said confidently, “This time, Pfizer is not easy to come.”

Anliang did not make a decision immediately, “I will go back today to see the situation before making a decision. Actually, I have some doubts in my mind.”

“Brother Liang is leaving the imperial capital?” Li Cunyuan wondered.

“Yeah!” Anliang nodded affirmatively, “Anyway, a private jet is also convenient. I’m going to go back and have a look today.”

“By the way, are you going there together?” Anliang asked, and then added, “We flew directly from the imperial capital to Shengqing, and then you followed the plane back to the imperial capital, and I went directly from Shengqing to Tianfu.”

“Okay!” Li Cunyuan responded.

Yun Haiyang seconded, “That’s okay, I just went to see Xiao Xinxin.”

Qian Xiaogang joined in and said, “I want to go too. By the way, Brother Liang, save my brother again, my brother is really too difficult, I want another bottle of Holly Seed Oral Liquid.”

Anliang Tucao responded, “I was almost bald by you. Before at Shengyawan, Li Mingfei and Zhou Ronghua also came to have a slap, and Pang Zhengfeng also pretended to be a pitiful slap with this beep. It’s really difficult for me!”

“The last bottle!” Qian Xiaogang pretended to say pitifully, “Without Dongqingzi oral liquid, I am really not their opponent.”

Anliang sighed, “I will give you two bottles.”

“Thank you Brother Liang!” Qian Xiaogang responded.

“Don’t thank you first, I will explain in advance that I still have eight bottles in total, and the four of us will split evenly. Each of us will have two bottles. These are the last two bottles.” Anliang explained.

Qian Xiaogang said distressedly, “Does the holly child mature in winter?”

“Why is it called Holly?” Anliang murmured in response. .

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