Chapter 1820

Night falls, Yunjing International Apartment.

Anliang originally planned to return to Shengqing today, but he changed his mind. He stayed today to accompany Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, and will return tomorrow.

After going back this time, Anliang will not come to the Imperial Capital again until Chen Siyu is ready to participate in the International Piano Competition.

Chen Siyu is nestled in Anliang’s arms in the master bedroom of Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment.

“Master An, are you going back tomorrow?” Chen Siyu asked.

“Yeah.” Anliang responded, “Our school will have a final exam on the 22nd. Before you leave, we will have finished the exam, and it happens to accompany you to participate in the International Piano Competition.”

Chen Siyu smiled happily, “I will cheer and strive to enter the finals!”

“Come on! I believe you can.” Anliang stroked Chen Siyu’s hair.

The next day.

Anliang woke up Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, “You are about to be late!”

Ning Ruoshuang yawned, “Today is Sunday.”

Chen Siyu said distressedly, “I have to go to class on Sunday too. Shuangshuang, Master An is going back to Shengqing today. Will you accompany Master An to play together?”

Ning Ruoshuang refused, “I want to practice dancing. I have been a little lax recently. If I don’t practice well, I’m afraid my level will drop a lot.”

Chen Siyu smirked, “Master An, shall we ask Qianqian to accompany you?”

Anliang waved his hands again and again, “Forget it, I’m going back to work, and my holly son has been missed. I want to go back and see the situation.”

“Have you missed it?” Chen Siyu was a little nervous, “No problem, right?”

“Relax, little things.” Anliang said relievedly.

At 9:30 in the morning, Anliang and his party set off from the Imperial Capital on the Yushuang private jet.

The straight-line distance between Didu International Airport and Shengqing International Airport is less than 1,500 kilometers, plus the boarding time and take-off time, as well as the landing time, it only took two hours in total.

For civil aviation, even if there are various fast lanes in first class, it will take at least three hours.(Read more @

At noon, I made an appointment at Heyuan Fish Village to taste the baby fish from Guizhou mountain spring water.

Anliang took the initiative to invite Yun Xiyue and Yun Xin, after all, Yun Haiyang had also come over, just in time to get together.

Yunxin, the bear child, is not too sticky to Yunhaiyang, but very sticky. Anliang sits next to Anliang when eating. Anliang picks vegetables for Yunxin from time to time so that Yunxin eats obediently.

“By the way, Anliang, I heard that you…the plane thing…” Yun Xiyue glanced at Yun Xin, and she said vaguely.

Anliang nodded, “My luck has always been very good, but I was lucky.”

Yun Haiyang interrupted, “Sister, you probably don’t know yet. Brother Liang bought a private jet, which was modified by Boeing. Now it feels very safe!”

In fact, Yun Xiyue knows!

Yun Xiyue is also a member of the imperial capital circle, and Yun Xiyue can get the gossip news of the imperial capital circle the first time.

“Did you come back to see the holly son?” Yun Xiyue asked casually, “Pfizer has been jumping up and down on our side these past two days, it seems to be very interested in your holly son.”

Anliang laughed, “Our security guard beat the Pfizer guy before.”

Anliang talked about the previous situation in detail, “Pfizer’s nose is really good, we did not sell it to the outside world, nor did we publicize it, so Pfizer actually knew the situation.

Yun Xiyue snorted softly, “I don’t know the situation in the imperial capital, but Shengqing has spread some news about Dongqingzi oral liquid, which has almost turned it into a magical medicine. Does Pfizer know? ”

Yun Haiyang said embarrassingly, “The situation in the Imperial Capital is similar, everyone is blowing Dongqingzi oral liquid.”

Anliang smiled and said, “In fact, Pfizer knew it if it knew it. Anyway, in Xia Guo, Pfizer couldn’t get over the big wave. By the way, Sister Xiyue, will you come with us this afternoon?”

Before Yun Xiyue spoke, Yun Xin started talking, “Xinxin is going!”

“I don’t think you, a bear kid, can go. There are dogs over there, aren’t you afraid?” Anliang frightened Yun Xin.

As a result, Yunxin was not afraid at all, “¨I like dogs!”

Suddenly, Anliang remembered that Yunxin’s earlier farm banquet, in order to touch other people’s dogs, called other people’s dogs “elder sister”, that time almost exploded the dog owner’s popularity.

“Okay, okay, it’s okay to go there together, but you have to be obedient, or you’ll beat you up, okay?” Anliang reminded.

To deal with a bear child like Yunxin, beating her is the only effective option.

“Yeah, Xinxin is very obedient.” Yunxin said.

Anliang almost believed her sneakers!

Everyone had lunch, and when Anliang was about to check out, he was told that he would waive the bill directly. Heyuan Fishing Village was opened by Wu Zhengfeng. Is this Wu Zhengfeng’s show operation okay?

At nearly three o’clock in the afternoon, everyone arrived at Shiliwan.

Yun Xin entered the rural environment and suddenly became a lawless bear boy. When she saw the rooster, she threw it away. (Mad) Yun Xiyue hurriedly followed Yun Xin to prevent Yun Xin from being in danger.

Fortunately, the dogs in the Anjia Former Residence are all working dogs, with good obedience, and will not pose any threat to Yunxin, the bear child, otherwise Anliang would definitely not allow Yunxin to run around.

“Hong Lin, you take us to see the holly seedlings bred by Professor Bian.” Anliang ordered.

He has already asked the winner system of life that there is a very small difference between the holly seeds bred by cuttings and the three mother plants. He is now going to verify the situation.

Since this is the case, Anliang is going to cheat!


Update time: 02:38:16, December 28, 2020, good night, although the monthly pass is not super, can you give me this writer who is working hard to update? .

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