h1881 initiative and love! [4/5]

It’s nearly nine o’clock in the evening.

An Liang and Yao Qi walked out of the Xiaohe Barbecue Restaurant. The taste of this restaurant is quite good, but it was not recognized by the winner of life system, and An Liang did not receive a food reward.

“Where shall we go after a while?” Yao Qi asked.

Before An Liang answered, Yao Qi continued to ask, “I heard that the night view of Tianfu is beautiful, can you take me to see it?”

“Where do you want to go?” An Liang asked.

Yao Qi snorted softly, “How do I know?”

“Then let’s go to the Xichuan TV Broadcasting Tower!” An Liang responded, “It is like the Pearl of your Magic City, and you can overlook the night view of the entire Tianfu from above.”

“Okay.” Yao Qi agreed.

In fact, there is another place overlooking the night view of Tianfu, that is Longquan Mountain, but Longquan Mountain is about an hour’s drive away from Tianfu, and it is close to 9 o’clock in the evening, which is not the right time.

Nearly half an hour later, An Liang took Yao Qi to the Xichuan TV Broadcasting Tower. An Liang bought tickets and took Yao Qi to the 300-meter high-altitude observation deck.

As An Liang said, from the Xichuan TV Broadcasting Tower, you can overlook the night view of the entire Tianfu, and Yao Qi watched the night view of Tianfu from the 360-degree high-altitude observation deck.

She sighed and said, “I think the night view of Tianfu is even more beautiful than the magic capital!”

An Liang responded negatively, “Spring orchid and autumn chrysanthemum, each with its own characteristics.”

On the surface, the two seemed to be discussing the night scene, but in fact, both of them knew that Yao Qi used the earth as a metaphor for people, she was in Tianfu, and Li Xiyan was in the magic capital.

An Liang also made a pun, insisting on the meaning of having both.

As a winner in life, An Liang thinks what’s wrong with living up to the Tathagata?

Yao Qi sighed secretly, she understood what An Liang meant, she did not blame An Liang, but felt that it was precisely because of this that she chose An Liang.

If An Liang gives up Li Xiyan easily now, will he give up her easily in the future?

“It’s getting late.” Yao Qi said.

“Well, I’ll take you back.” An Liang responded.

Qin Tianxiang was in charge of driving, and An Liang sent Yao Qi back to the Nina Hotel.

At the entrance of Executive Suite No. 6616 of Nina Hotel, Yao Qi asked, “Are you going to the Antique Exhibition tomorrow?”

An Liang raised an eyebrow.

After he and Yao Qi confronted each other through secret words, Yao Qi was still willing to invite him to the ancient style exhibition. Does that mean that Yao Qi has given in?

“Then go and have a look!” An Liang responded, “What time?”

“Tomorrow at nine o’clock, we will gather at the hotel, and then go to the antique exhibition site together, how about that?” Yao Qi asked.

“Okay.” An Liang nodded.

“See you tomorrow.” Yao Qi waved.

“See you tomorrow.” An Liang turned to leave, and in the elevator, An Liang called Li Xiyan to report the itinerary.

Although Li Xiyan did not ask An Liang to report the itinerary, An Liang wanted to reassure Li Xiyan.

In the elevator, Li Xiyan answered the phone.

An Liang spoke first, “Baby, I have already sent Yao Qi back to the hotel, you owe me a huge favor, I will go to the magic capital in a few days, you understand?”

Li Xiyan hummed in response, “Why do I owe you a huge favor?”

“I took your friend to dinner today, and I took her to enjoy the night view of Tianfu, and I promised to send her to the Antique Exhibition tomorrow. Is this a great favor?” An Liang explained.

An Liang continued to add, “I’m a big guy with hundreds of thousands of dollars a minute, so I’m just a big human being!”

“Crap!” Li Xiyan still hummed, “I’m reviewing the news interview, you can help take care of Qiqi.”

“Then after I come here, do you understand?” An Liang said frantically again.

Li Xiyan’s face was flushed, she seemed to think of something, and then responded, “You are a big bad guy!”

-0 for flowers…  

“Of course I’m a badass, and it’s not like you don’t know.” An Liang’s cheeks are very thick!

What if you don’t have a thick skin, financiers?

“Let’s hang up first, I’m really reviewing the news interview draft. This time, Yuqing and I are the main players in the group work.” Li Xiyan explained.

When Li Xiyan was on the phone with An Liang, Guo Yuqing was sending a message to Yao Qi.

“Guo Yuqing: Who’s gone?”

“Yao Qi: ?

“Guo Yuqing: You didn’t say…

“Yao Qi: He is indeed gone!

“Guo Yuqing: Haha, you also have a day of failure?


“Yao Qi: You can shut up!!

“Yao Qi: I failed before, what’s wrong with failing now?’

“Yuqing Guo: To be honest, I am relieved, although we are honey, but my relationship with Xiyan is also very good, this result makes me relieved, I am afraid of losing Xiyan as a friend.

Yao Qi looked at Guo Yuqing’s reply, and she silently deleted the entered information. She originally wanted to tell Guo Yuqing that she was sure of success, because An Liang clearly had traces of heartbeat when she changed clothes.

“Yao Qi: I also really like Xi Yan, although it’s inappropriate to say that, but happiness has to be fought for by myself.

“Yao Qi: Okay, Yuqing, I’m going to take a bath and rest first, and I’m going to participate in the antique exhibition tomorrow.

“Guo Yuqing: Okay.

Guo Yuqing ended the communication with Yao Qi. She pretended not to know anything and asked casually, “Did your boyfriend call you?”

“Hmm!” Li Xiyan nodded.

“Ming, it’s really strict!” Guo Yuqing said jokingly.

Li Xiyan snorted lightly, “I didn’t care about him, I said before, it’s not his loss if he suffers, so I don’t bother to care about him!”


Guo Yuqing said that she was defeated, and Li Xiyan’s ability to understand is simply invincible! Nine

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