h1882 Do you have a dream? [5/5]

It was nearly eleven o’clock in the evening.

An Liang walked into the seventh building of the boys’ dormitory. When passing by the dormitory teacher’s living room on the first floor, An Liang walked in and put down a pack of cigarettes.

“Mr. Yu, I don’t smoke, you can help me deal with it.” An Liang said casually, “By the way, I got it from a friend, it’s already opened, don’t mind it!”

A smile appeared on Teacher Yu’s weathered face, “I don’t mind, I don’t mind, thank you, classmate An.

“You’re welcome, I’ll go back to the dormitory first, see you later.” An Liang waved his hand.

“I want it.” Teacher Yu waited for An Liang to leave before picking up the cigarette case. After he opened the cigarette case, he found a shopping card in the cigarette case. It was a shopping card from Huiyong Supermarket with a face value of 1,000 yuan.

The face value of 08 “seven” is very suitable, neither more nor less, which is in line with the status of life teacher.

Teacher Yu showed a happy smile when he saw the face value. He secretly sighed at An Liang’s high emotional intelligence. According to An Liang’s status in Tianfu School of Economics, in fact, there is no benefit to the teacher, and Teacher Yu also wants to please An Liang.

But every once in a while, An Liang would always give a little favor, so that Teacher Yu was extra polite to An Liang.

This is also An Liang’s way of life, he will not look down on any so-called small role, so as to avoid the small role causing big trouble.

307 bedroom.

An Liang opened the fingerprint lock and entered the bedroom. An Liang found that none of the three Shen Shizhong had studied. They seemed to be discussing the DreamCar, the so-called “dream car”.

“Huh?” Shen Shizhong said jokingly, “Brother Liang, you actually came back?”

Lu Wenshan replied, “We thought you wouldn’t come back today, after all, didn’t you spend time with those two sisters outside this Friday?

“Don’t talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with them.” An Liang responded solemnly.

Lu Wenshan gave a thumbs up, “As expected of you!”

Lu Wenshan continued to sigh, “I finally found out why I couldn’t succeed. It turned out that I couldn’t be as shameless as Brother Liang.”

Malone affirmed on the side, “Yes, yes, so do I.”

“Fuck you, all three of you are sluts, you are more shameless than me!” An Liang complained, especially the champion brother, you are a big-eyed guy, you are very disguised, but you are shameless. The first of the four of us!”

Shen Shizhong denied, “I think Brother Champion is fine.”

Lu Wenshan agreed, “I also don’t think Brother Champion is a big problem.

“You three sons are allied?” An Liang looked at the three suspiciously.

Shen Shizhong denied, “The three of us are just in the DreamCar, and the DreamCar of the three of us is the same!”

“Huh?” An Liang wondered, “What is your DreamCar?”

“Gentleman, what do you mean?” Lu Wenshan said a little embarrassedly.

Shen Shizhong responded affirmatively, “Okay, for me, the DreamCars of the three of us are all Lexus LX570s!

“Isn’t it a supercar?” An Liang sighed a little.

Ma Long replied, “It used to be a supercar, but after seeing your Ferrari and Porsche, we feel that supercars are nothing more than that. We still like the luxury and off-road powerful luxury cars like the Lexus LX570.”

Lu Wenshan agreed, “Yes, yes, this kind of car can not only give you noble enjoyment, but also take you to distant places. It is simply a dream in a dream. The only pity is that the price is too expensive, and the price must be increased.”

Shen Shizhong complained on the side, “After all, it’s Lexus, the price increase is really disgusting!”

An Liang said jokingly, “If you like it, then you must study hard, and then set off towards your dream.”

“Otherwise, you will find that the DreamCar that you have in mind is one or two million dollars. Others spend thousands of dollars to take it out and go off-road, and they are frantically stepping on the accelerator. It’s really bad!” An Liang sighed. .

“Wait!” Shen Shizhong heard other information.

Lu Wenshan looked at An Liang suspiciously, “Brother Liang, I think something is wrong with you!”

Malone agreed, “We’re talking about DreamCar, but I don’t think Brother Liang is.

“I’m also talking about DreamCar, I’m inspiring you to work hard, what else can you think of?” An Liang’s serious response.

“I’ve already vomited!” Lu Wenshan groaned, “Brother Liang, you’re really rude, I’m convinced!”

Shen Shizhong also wanted to understand what An Liang meant. He just gave An Liang a thumbs up to express his admiration.

The last thing Malone wanted to understand, he said with bright eyes, “I think Brother Liang is right, how about we realize DreamCar in advance?”

Lu Wenshan refused, “I have a girlfriend, I am a good man!”

Shen Shizhong also refused, “I’m not that kind of person!”

An Liang looked at Ma Long, “You thick eyebrows and big eyes are indeed the most deceptive scumbag!”

Lu Wenshan gave Ma Long a knife on the side, “After all, what’s wrong with big eyebrows and big eyes?”

An Liang and his roommates laughed for a while, and he started sending messages to the two sisters of the Xia family at 0.9, saying that he had to deal with work on Saturdays and weekends and had no time to accompany them.

Both of them understood very well that they also had to prepare for the final exam, allowing An Liang to pass easily.

the next day.

On Saturday, at nine o’clock in the morning, An Liang arrived at the Nina Hotel on time. He called Yao Qi and wondered if this Yao Qi was really just going to the antique show?

The author of the humble rushing street: Do you have any dreams? The dream of rushing to the street is probably that readers can subscribe, right?

Updated: January 7, 2021 01:48:23.

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