h1910 Trap in the sky? 4/5]

An Liang likes cooperation and win-win!

Because An Liang knows that one person can’t make all the money, and win-win cooperation can make money more stably.

An Liang is more likely to have a good impression of companies that are willing to cooperate and win-win.

Liang Xue responded, “The signing company is a company called “Common Fortune”, and the specific catering brand can only be determined after signing the contract.

“Wait a moment.” An Liang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan of Renyi Security Company, asking the other party to investigate the situation of this common wealth company.

“I have ordered people to investigate this mutual wealth company, and there should be feedback soon.” An Liang responded.

Liang Xue was sitting in An Liang’s arms, her face flushed clinging to An Liang.

An Liang asked casually, “Have you taken a shower?”

Liang Xue’s face turned even redder, and she hummed softly.

“Are there my slippers?” An Liang asked again.

“Yes, I have prepared slippers and bath towels for you, as well as various personal items.” Liang Xue said quickly.

“You are already very good-looking, and you don’t need to wear makeup when you meet at home.” An Liang reminded, then dragged Liang Xue to the bathroom together.

Under normal circumstances, An Liang takes a shower very quickly, at most fifteen minutes, but now it is obviously not normal, An Liang takes a full 40 minutes to take a shower.

In the living room, Liang Xue was blowing An Liang’s hair, and An Liang received a message from the No.

An Liang quickly checked the situation of this common wealth company.

As the saying goes, if you don’t check, you don’t know, and if you check, you will be shocked. This common wealth company is poisonous!

Originally, An Liang thought that this common wealth company really wanted to cooperate and win-win, but after reading the data of the No. 4 Tianji Shenshu investigation, An Liang realized that the previous idea was hasty.

This common wealth company is indeed a win-win cooperation, but their win-win cooperation is a joint star harvesting non-vegetable!

In the joint wealth company, there are already many celebrities who have joined the endorsement projects for win-win cooperation, such as the Xianhezhuang hot pot restaurant opened by Cheng Chi and two other celebrities.

There are also the Phoenix hotpot restaurant opened by Zhao Kai, the Shaoshanbei hotpot restaurant opened by Huang Da, and the milk tea restaurant opened by Guan Xing.


Mutual Wealth is running everything behind the scenes!

“I found out about the mutual wealth company. This company has problems. I suggest you not to cooperate with them.” An Liang explained.

Liang Xue nodded, “Okay.

After agreeing, Liang Xuecai asked, “What is the situation of this company?”

“This company specializes in cooperating with celebrities to create a catering brand, and then open the brand to join, so as to harvest leeks.” An Liang explained.

An Liang gave an example, “For example, Zhao Kai’s Phoenix Hotpot, the franchise fee is 280,000, the deposit is 20,000, and the total is 300,000.”

“According to our investigation, Phoenix Hotpot was only established this year, and the current number of stores has exceeded 200, and it is still expanding rapidly, which means that the franchise fee and deposit alone exceed 60 million.” An Liang explained .

“The more important thing is that after Phoenix Hotpot joins, you also need to pay 2% of each month’s turnover as a brand maintenance fee. Note that 2% of the brand maintenance fee is turnover, not net profit. It sounds like 2% is very little. But it’s actually quite a lot.” An Liang reminded.

The funds that An Liang has been exposed to have been in units of 100 million for a long time, so 60 million does not seem like a lot, but in fact 60 million is already a lot.

-0 for flowers…  

Even for a star, 60 million is quite a lot.

Besides, 60 million is just a one-time fee for the franchise fee and security deposit, and there will be a steady stream of brand maintenance fees waiting.

These non-cooked items are the reason why celebrities have opened restaurants in the last two years. Otherwise, do you think the celebrities really come to earn hard money for catering?

What are you dreaming about!

In fact, there is one more thing that An Liang didn’t say. It is illegal to set up this year and open the brand to join this year!


“Gu, look at these materials yourself, whether it’s Phoenix Hotpot or Xianhezhuang Hotpot, I’m afraid there will be certain problems in the follow-up operation. They charge a good franchise fee. Once there is a problem with word of mouth, the big deal is hiring. The water army washes the ground, and then deletes the post.” An Liang said with a sigh.

It’s really too hard for the non-vegetarians to think that if they escaped the stock market, they escaped their lives?

How naive!

Liang Xue read the information on the No. 4 Heavenly Mystery and Divine Calculation investigation, she sighed and said, “This is too dark!”

An Liang said with a smile, “Where will the pie fall from the sky?”

Even the opportunities for win-win cooperation that An Liang once gave are actually not pie in the sky, but to obtain other people’s resources through interests.

Including the cooperation with Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang, which was initially mutually beneficial, they followed An Liang to obtain economic benefits, and An Liang borrowed their deep background.

How could it be a pie from the sky?

Even if the pie will fall from the sky, it is better to give up the illusion, this kind of good thing can never fall on your head! Nine.

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