h19101 Integrating resources: Monopoly! [5/5]

At four o’clock in the afternoon, An Liang left from Liang Xue’s side.

After An Liang’s investigation, Liang Xue completely gave up the endorsement cooperation with the mutual wealth company. The risk of this endorsement cooperation is too great, and it is very easy to become a black history.

On the way home, An Liang received a call from Huang Guoxiang.

Waiting for An Liang to answer the phone, Huang Guoxiang’s voice came out first, “Your business is done!”

“Huh?” An Liang wondered, “What’s the matter?”

“What else can happen, of course, Xihai Company, and Tara Company, everything has been done!” Huang Guoxiang explained.

“These two companies do have tax evasion and smuggling. In order to recover the tax amount of tax evasion and smuggling fines, the two companies are insolvent. “One Six Zero” will see you next?” Huang Guoxiang Replenish.

Okay, “wait for my good news.” An Liang responded.

Huang Guoxiang asked one more question, “If you refuse the red wine from the big Australia country, and there is such a huge gap in red wine, where are you going to import red wine from?

“Guess what?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Western Hemisphere?” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“So why ask knowingly?” An Liang teased.

“That one is the future queen of the West. The current king has already determined her first-in-line heir. There is no possibility between you!” Huang Guoxiang reminded.

“Vulgar!” An Liang complained, “Am I that kind of person?”

“Why can’t we just be friendship?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Huang Guoxiang complained, “We know what kind of person you are.

“..” An Liang was speechless.


The National Security Bureau of Investigation does know the details of An Liang. For example, the fact that An Liang has several girlfriends is extremely clear to the National Security Bureau of Investigation.

“I’m too lazy to say, time will tell, you always misunderstand me.” An Liang sighed.

“If I didn’t know you, I would have almost believed it. I just told you that the Royal Family of the West and Half of Spain would not agree, even if you treat her wholeheartedly, the Royal Family of the West and Half of Spain would not be able to agree.” Huang Guoxiang added.

“Stop talking, I’ll hang up first, and I have to deal with the West Sea Company and Tara Company.” An Liang felt that Huang Guoxiang was poisonous.

When An Liang hangs up the phone, the winner of life system prompts.


“Congratulations to the host for monopolizing the channel for importing wine from the Great Australian Country, and receiving a special talent reward: [Sun Jie.”

Sun Zhe has worked diligently in Tara Company for six years and has not been reused, but he is a key talent for the development and growth of Tara Company.

“It is recommended that the host propose a self-recommendation model among the three major companies, so that through Sun Jie’s self-recommendation, the host can assist the host in managing wine-related businesses.

An Liang naturally adopted the suggestion of the winner of life system. He sent a message to Wei Ziyang of Renyi Security Company codenamed Zhu Queyi, asking the other party to be responsible for the acquisition of the three major wine companies, and explained the situation of self-recommendation.

Xihai Company and Tara Company are currently in turmoil, because the two companies were severely investigated by the imperial court, and it was announced that the two companies were involved in smuggling and tax evasion, resulting in the insolvency of the two companies.

Originally, the employees of the two companies thought they were going to be unemployed. After all, the company was insolvent, so there is a high probability that the company went bankrupt?

As a result, the two companies were actually taken over by a mysterious company, and they received an internal email from the company, saying that everyone can recommend themselves and have the opportunity to become management. This situation makes ambitious employees eager to try.

For example, Sun Hua of Tara Company, he is very capable. He used to be Hai’ao, Xihai, Tara, the three companies were almost evenly divided. Later, thanks to Tao Zhe’s efforts, Tara Company took the lead.

In the past, Sun Jie was always suppressed by the management of Great Australia. Now that Tara Company is insolvent, and the management of Great Australia has been eliminated, Sun Jie will naturally try to recommend himself.

What if you become a manager?

If Sun Jie becomes the management, he is confident to suppress the market share of Xihai Company and Haiao Company to less than 10%.0

Sun Jie also wrote this into the self-recommendation letter, so as to win more chances for himself.

Yunjing International Apartment, Room 8806.

An Liang checked the self-recommendation letters of the employees of the three companies in charge of the wine import license qualifications of the Great Australia. After some checking, An Liang saw Sun Zhe’s self-recommendation letters, and by the way, used the interpersonal relationship scanning system to check Sun Qian’s situation.

Then found a problem.

There is an adaptive situation in the interpersonal relationship scanning system. For example, when scanning Sun Qian, the friendliness value is ‘adapted to loyalty’, but the loyalty item is only 65 points.

This data means that Sun Jie only has basic loyalty. Once other companies put forward better conditions, Sun Jie will definitely resign and run away.

So An Liang asked about the winner of the life system. After all, Sun Zhe is a special talent reward given by the winner of the life system. Will he still run?

The winner of life system gave feedback, saying that An Liang needed to let Sun Jie take charge of things in the wine field according to the system’s suggestions, and Sun Qian’s loyalty would increase.

An Liang immediately sent a message to Wei Ziyang, asking Wei Ziyang to announce that Sun Hua had passed his self-recommendation, and asked Sun Ze to integrate the three companies of Hai’ao, Xihai, and Tara to eventually form an import and export trading company.

These – 0.9 new import and export trading companies were named by An Liang as “Crown Import and Export Trading Company, and are poised to be constructed with a complex VIE Variable Interest Entity Framework, thereby concealing that An Liang is the mastermind behind the scenes.

As for the monopoly?


Wine is not only owned by Great Australia, there are other companies in the country that are qualified to import and export wine from other countries, how can it be regarded as a monopoly?

Of course, for Great Australia, the integrated crown import and export trading company is a monopoly on their country’s wine industry!

Update time: January 13, 2021 02:20:52, good night, wish everyone good health.

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