h19105 Powerful Infiltration: Safe Arrangement! [4/5]

In a Volkswagen hatchback, Li Fei explained the situation to Liu Xinyi while driving.

The bakery on our “right” changed owners three days ago, the same situation has several locations near the State Opera House, among them a rental car company, which is currently closed, you can think about it for yourself “Li Fei explained.

“To be honest, the ministers of the imperial court and cabinet of some medium-sized countries do not have such strict security measures when they visit. I can only say that this person is really ostentatious!” Li Fei sighed.

Liu Xinyi is recalling the situation of An Liang. Did the other party have reached such a high level without knowing it?

“Captain Li, I found that your observation skills are very good. After this operation, maybe you can join the investigation of Renyi Security Company.” Liu Xinyi responded.

Li Fei directly denied, “Don’t hurt me!”

“Huh?” Liu Xinyi wondered.

Li Fei sighed, “What I just said was that the other party was not prepared to be investigated. Simply put, the other party publicly expressed their actions, thereby deterring some unnecessary troubles.”

“When I entered the National Security Investigation Bureau, I re-investigated the case of Jia Dewen in the imperial capital. Just like the patrol investigation, the other party did it flawlessly, and there were no flaws at all.” Li Fei continued.

In this case, how can I investigate the other party? Li Fei didn’t say it clearly, but the meaning of the expression has been – very clear.

Liu Xinyi also understood what Li Fei meant, and she sighed.

It was nearly nine in the morning local time in Vienna.

Li Fei arrived near Vienna International Airport by car. He had just turned around twice when he was stopped by the Vienna local patrol.

The patrol first asked in German, but found that neither Li Fei nor Liu Xinyi knew German, so they switched to English.

“Hello, sir, I need to check your driver’s license, as well as your passport,” the patrolman asked.

Li Fei took out his exchanged international driver’s license, took out his passport at the same time, and handed it to the local patrol in Vienna.

The patrolman took over to check the situation and checked the match between the passport photo and Li Fei. After some checking, the patrolman continued to ask, “Sir, what are you doing here in Vienna?”

Li Fei responded in English, “I’m here for a tour.

“That gentleman went the wrong way. This is the airport, and there are no tourist attractions at all.” The patrolman reminded Li Fei. When reminding him, the patrolman was a little cautious, obviously suspicious of Li Fei.

Vienna International Airport is in the southeastern suburbs of Vienna, and there are really no tourist attractions. In addition, Li Fei has just driven around the neighborhood twice, so the patrolling will naturally suspect Li Fei.

“Sorry, I have a friend who is coming over today, so I came to pick him up, but I couldn’t find the parking lot.” Li Fei changed his explanation.

The local patrol in Vienna was silent for a few seconds before returning the international driver’s license and passport to Li Fei, and reminded, “There is a parking lot at the airport, sir, do you need me to take you there?”

“Thank you, no need, I will find my way there.” Li Fei responded, “Mr. Patrolman, can I go?”

Patrol waved his hand.

Li Fei immediately started the vehicle and set off. After he left, the patrol officer took out the walkie-talkie and reported the relevant situation. Li Fei also discovered the situation through the rearview mirror.

See “Have you?” Li Fei asked Liu Xinyi.

“Huh?” Liu Xinyi was puzzled, she didn’t understand what Li Fei meant.

Li Fei said with a sigh, “I was wandering around on purpose just now, but I was stopped in the second lap. It was still a local patrol in Vienna. I have reason to think that the Renyi Security Company infiltrated the local court in Vienna, or at least infiltrated the local court in Vienna. The Vienna local patrol room was established, so the Vienna local patrol will especially strengthen the security issues near the airport.

…0 ask for flowers…

Liu Xinyi was secretly surprised.

“From the current situation, it seems that our action this time will be very easy. That person’s security measures are so good that we don’t need our help at all.” Li Fei explained.

Liu Xinyi’s expression was complicated.

When Li Fei drove the car into the parking garage of Vienna International Airport, the two met the Vienna local patrol again, and it was a patrol with a police dog who was checking every car in the parking garage.

Li Fei said in a low voice, “That’s a bomb search dog. I’m very curious now, to what extent that one infiltrated in Vienna to be able to do such a thing.”

“Our car will also be checked?” Liu Xinyi asked back.

Our “cars will be inspected.” Li Fei responded, “I’m afraid we will be stalked after a while. We are foreigners here, and we are the fellows of that fellow. The possibility of us being focused on is very high. .”

Wait for a while, “If the situation is not good, show our identity directly.” Li Fei reminded.

Liu Xinyi nodded affirmatively.

Local time, near ten o’clock in the morning, Vienna International Airport welcomed a Boeing 787 aircraft. This aircraft has a light blue paint, as well as the logo of Anxin Investment Company, and the fuselage painting text of “Rain Frost”. .

Liu Xinyi had seen the pictures of the Yushuang in the intelligence materials. When the Yushuang entered the airport, three foreigners surrounded Li Fei and Liu Xinyi.

Liu Xinyi became nervous, but Li Fei looked very relaxed.

One of the foreigners whispered in fluent Xia Guoyu, “Hello, Miss Liu, the boss greets you.” Nine

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