h19106 The king of throwing the pot was thrown out of the pot [5/5]

At Vienna International Airport, Liu Xinyi and Li Fei were discovered by the security personnel of Renyi Security Company.

Facing the greeting, Liu Xinyi responded, “Hello.

“Miss Liu, Mr. Li, please don’t worry, we have made full preparations for the boss’s safety.” The foreigner still responded in fluent Xia Guoyu.

Li Fei responded first, “Okay, then let’s go first.

“Thank you Mr. Li for understanding.” The foreigner responded.

Liu Xinyi looked at Li Fei and said to leave, she nodded, and then left with Li Fei.

“Captain Li, aren’t we waiting for An Liang?” Liu Xinyi asked.

Li Yiqiqi” Fei sighed, “The other party found out my identity. ”

“Is there no problem with this?” Liu Xinyi wondered.

Li Fei did not explain that his identity information should be top secret, because he used to be a reconnaissance elite of a special force and participated in many highly secret missions.

Under such circumstances, the other party could easily find out his identity information, and Li Fei naturally understood the energy the other party possessed.

When Li Fei and Liu Xinyi left, the Yushuang had stopped on the runway, and six black bulletproof Chevrolet Saab full-size SUVs were parked beside the Yushuang.

Hu Xiaoyu followed Chen Siyu, she looked at these black Sabo classes, and said jokingly, “Brother Liang, you have too many platoons!

An Liang’s response to Tucao, “The public security environment abroad is a bit bad, especially Ottilie’s country is more problematic.”

On the Internet, some people say that Ottilie is a country that bans guns. This ignorant view really makes people unable to complain.

If you know a little bit, you will know that Ottilie has the most liberal gun control laws in Europe!

In Ottilie, an average of 100 people own 30 guns, which ranks 12th in the world. The reason why there are so many shootings here is because there are too many guns.

If the Renyi Security Company had already penetrated the local court in Vienna, and had also carried out a high degree of infiltration of local patrols in Vienna, An Liang would not have allowed Chen Siyu to come to participate in the International Piano Competition.

In fact, for ordinary people, Vienna may not be too dangerous, but An Liang’s identity is not ordinary, and Chen Siyu, as An Liang’s girlfriend, will naturally be implicated.

An Liang is really not making a fuss.

Even if he has the ability to sense danger, An Liang has made all preparations to avoid sudden danger, even if he has the ability to sense danger, it is too late to stop him.

Sun Minzhi agreed, “The public security environment here is really not as good as imagined, and the organizer of the International Piano Competition also recommends that participants from all over the world stay in the hotel as much as possible, especially at night, it is best not to go out at will. .”

Generally speaking, the public security environment in Vienna is okay, but if the security situation is not good, it is possible to encounter firearms.

An Liang reminded him, “Little fish, if you want to go out to play, I will send someone to protect you, so you should try not to run around, okay?

Hu Xiaoyu said with certainty, “I know, I said in my family that this place is not very safe, let us pay attention to safety.”

Others also agreed, saying that they would not run around.

There is a seven-hour time difference between Vienna and the Emperor. Vienna is seven hours late. According to the speed of the Boeing 787 flying over 1,000 kilometers per hour, and the distance between God and Vienna is 7,500 kilometers, so They set off at 9:30 in the morning, and it’s not even 11:00 when they arrive

Under the protection of the security personnel of Renyi Security Company, everyone browsed Vienna with great interest, such as the famous Golden Hall, the Danube River, the Schönbrunn Palace, the Cathedral and so on.

After some browsing, he did not return to the Royal Palace Hotel until nearly seven o’clock in the evening. In order to ensure safety, An Liang booked a full three floors at one time, thus avoiding the situation of mixing with other tourists and preventing threats to the greatest extent. .

The danger premonition ability did not indicate a threat, and An Liang would not take it lightly.

During dinner, Mrs. Sun was at the table with An Liang, and she took the initiative to say, “An Liang, the International Piano Competition will start on July 3rd, we have already obtained the entry information of Chen Siyu, she will be on the stage on July 4th, so this In a few days, I am going to take Chen Siyu to continue practicing the piano.

Mr. Sun meant to tell An Liang to stop traveling with Chen Siyu. Chen Siyu came here to participate in the competition, not to travel. It’s good to come here on the first day to browse around and visit. In the next few days, I will concentrate on practicing the piano. .

Chen Siyu threw the pot and said, “Yes, yes, it is all the pot of Master An 0.9. I will concentrate on practicing the piano later!”

An Liang looked at Chen Siyu speechlessly, what did this big cat in the imperial capital not learn, and learned his ability to throw the pot?

Is it okay to lose the pot king?

An Liang responded, “Okay, Mr. Sun.”

Having said that, An Liang looked at Chen Siyu, “You concentrate on practicing the piano, I’m going to go to West Half of the country.”

Western Hemisphere?

Chen Siyu raised his eyebrows.

Did An Liang go to see that Princess Lenoir?

Updated: January 14, 2021 02:15:13, good night.

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