h1917 betrayed state secrets? [1/5]

Vienna local time, close to ten o’clock in the evening.

An Liang is playing the piano in the living room of the executive suite of the Royal Palace Hotel. In order to facilitate Chen Siyu’s piano practice, the hotel An Liang chose naturally has a piano.

Chen Siyu came out of the shower, walked to An Liang’s side, and asked casually, “When are you going to West Half?”

An Liang stopped playing the piano, he moved a position, motioned for Chen Siyu to sit on the piano bench, and then hugged Chen Siyu.

“You compete on the 4th. I’ll go tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow, just to watch you compete.” An Liang explained.

“This time, it was mainly about negotiating wine imports in the past. If there are no accidents, the magnitude of this cooperation will be between 2 billion and 3 billion, and the profit may be around 15%.” An Liang added.

An Liang continued to explain the arrogance of the Great Australia, monopolizing the channel for importing red wine from the Great Australia, and suspending the import of red wine from the Great Australia.

Chen Siyu hummed, 30 “I’m just asking, I don’t mean anything else.”

“Yes, yes, you just ask.” An Liang laughed.

Chen Siyu whispered again.

An Liang picked up Chen Siyu and returned to the bedroom. The big cat in the imperial capital was a little bit untidy, and An Liang was going to clean up her.

Half an hour later, Chen Siyu snuggled into An Liang’s arms. She gently tapped the five fingers of her right hand on An Liang’s shopping hall. An Liang recognized that Chen Siyu was playing “Our Love”.

An Liang pulled Chen Siyu up, the two returned to the living room, and then played “Our Love” together with four hands.

This piece is An Liang’s repertoire, and he played it very well.

Chen Siyu praised, “If you only watch the song “Our Love”, you are considered to be in the middle and upper reaches of our school.”

Nai He An Liang is only specialized in this song.

After the two played together with four hands, An Liang kissed Chen Siyu on the face, and Chen Siyu pushed An Liang in disgust, “I will continue to practice, you go, Shuangshuang, I want to practice more today.”

“Okay!” An Liang responded a little helplessly.

Chen Siyu is perfect in all aspects, not only has a good appearance, a good figure, but also has a very elegant temperament to play the piano. The only problem is the five scumbags. Every time he is defeated by An Liang, he will betray his secrets.

Ning Ruoshuang was playing games with Hu Xiaoyu and Song Qian in the suite next door. She also lived in this suite. This suite was two bedrooms and one living room, but she was just playing games there.

An Liang came to the next suite, Hu Xiaoyu and the others were playing games with their mobile phones. An Liang glanced at it and saw that it was not the pesticide of the deceased, but the chicken tonight.

Ning Ruoshuang also joined it. An Liang sat next to Ning Ruoshuang, but he did not expect that Ning Ruoshuang’s game level was quite high, and he belonged to the absolute main force of the team.

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, Ning Ruoshuang dances and has good physical coordination. It doesn’t seem to be a problem to have talent for shooting games?

About 20 minutes later, Ning Ruo finally defeated her opponent with a one-two, and successfully won the chicken dinner tonight.

Hu Xiaoyu cheered, and then took the initiative to say, “It’s getting late, I’ll go back to my room first, how about we go to the Pamhagen Zoo tomorrow and take a look at the lakeside?”

Zhou Linlin said in agreement, “Okay, I checked on the Internet. Many animals in their house are free-range, and we can feed them.”

Roman Die also agreed, “Well, I think it’s okay.”

Wen Jingmei added, “The day after tomorrow we can go to the Pokerdorf Heide Nature Reserve in the Alps, have a hike, and have a picnic.”

The crowd again agreed.

An Liang reminded, “Be careful, I will send someone to go with you, but don’t run around.”

Hu Xiaoyu nodded again and again, “Okay, thank you Brother Liang.

An Liang took Ning Ruoshuang back to his suite.

Ning Ruoshuang’s face was a little red. Although she had been with An Liang for a while, Ning Ruoshuang was still prone to shyness, especially when she was pulled away by An Liang in front of her sisters, which made Ning Ruoshuang even more shy.

An Liang likes Ning Ruoshuang’s shy character, maybe there is a different kind of stimulation?

Approaching midnight.

An Liang came to Chen Siyu’s side with Ning Ruoshuang in his arms. Chen Siyu was lying down playing with her mobile phone. An Liang took her mobile phone and locked it down, reminding him, “It’s early in the morning, and counting the time difference, we are almost 180 I haven’t slept for ten hours, so hurry up and rest.”

Chen Siyu was already sleepy, she was just waiting for An Liang, she took the initiative to snuggle in An Liang’s arms, and fell asleep after a while.

The night is hurried.

The next day, near nine o’clock in the morning, An Liang woke up. Chen Siyu was still sleeping, and Ning Ruoshuang didn’t wake up either. After all, because of the jet lag, everyone hadn’t slept for almost 20 hours, and it was normal to sleep a little longer.

An Liang yawned, he got up first, he checked the email that Queen Lydia replied.

Given that Lenoir is not yet an adult, it is naturally impossible for An Liang to contact Lenoir directly, so he contacted Queen Lydia to briefly explain the cooperation in importing wine and that he will go to the Western half of the country in person.

Queen Lydia expressed a warm welcome in the email, and at the same time said that she would hold a welcome dinner for An Liang, as well as the corresponding telephone contact information, so as to facilitate An Liang’s contact.

Looking at the message replied by Queen Lydia, he smiled.

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