h1918 Long time no see, Her Royal Highness! [2/5]

July 2nd, 2pm.

The Rainfrost took off from Vienna and headed to Madre, the capital of Western Hemisphere, 1,800 kilometers away.

For the Yushuang, the 1,800-kilometer voyage took less than two hours, and when it was nearly four o’clock, An Liang had arrived at the Maderi International Airport.

The Renyi Security Company has arranged the reception in advance, and three bulletproof versions of the Chevrolet Saab will escort An Liang to the Zarzuela Palace, where the Spanish royal family lives in the northwestern suburbs of Madre.

Nearly an hour later, An Liang arrived at the residence of the Spanish royal family.

The Spanish royal family was clearly ready for work, including King Philip VI and Queen Lydia, who welcomed An Liang in person.

King Philip VI of the Western Hemisphere is a teacher, but unfortunately there are signs of M-shaped baldness. This is probably an inevitable problem for middle-aged people?

“Mr. An, welcome to your western half!” Queen Lydia greeted in Xia Guo while shaking hands with An Liang.

Philip VI also greeted, “Welcome to the Western Hemisphere, thank you very much for your help to Lenore.”

An Liang shook hands with Philip VI and responded politely, “Your Majesty is too polite, I just did what I should do to be righteous and brave.”

Philip VI’s Xia Guoyu level is obviously not very good, and it is estimated that he cannot understand the idioms spoken by An Liang.

After a simple chat between the two sides, Queen Lydia switched to Spanish, “Mr. An, we have prepared the specialties of the Spanish, please come here.”

The winner of life system rewarded An Liang for his entry-level Spanish language. He has no problem at all for daily communication. He politely responded, “That’s great. The last time I tasted Spanish food at the embassy, ​​I felt very good.”

Philip VI answered, “Our western half of the food is really good!”

On the way to the banquet hall, the two sides were chatting awkwardly. After all, there was very little intersection between the two sides. Apart from chatting awkwardly about food or business, what else could they do?

When he came to the banquet hall, An Liang found Reynor, and the other party also found him. Reynor winked at An Liang, and then walked over with her sister, Princess Sophia.

When Lenore came over, An Liang took the initiative to say hello, “Long time no see, Her Royal Highness.”

“Long time no see.” Lenore responded.

An Liang greeted Princess Sofia again before continuing, “Lenore, thank you very much for the wine you gave me before, and I also brought you a gift this time.”

Lenore asked with interest, “What gift?”

An Liang first glanced at Philip VI and Queen Lydia, then explained the situation of the flying motorcycles, and finally added, “I brought two flying motorcycles as gifts.”

Lenore’s eyes lit up while listening, “Where are they?

An Liang did not respond to Lenore, he asked, “Your Majesty Philip, is this a gift appropriate?”

Philip VI nodded, “I think it’s appropriate!”

As the future queen of the Western Hemisphere, Lenore even has to learn to drive a sailboat. Is it much harder for a flying motorcycle to drive a sailboat?

So Philip VI didn’t think there was anything wrong with flying motorcycles.

Queen Lydia did not refuse either.

“Okay, then I’ll arrange for someone to deliver it right away.” An Liang responded.

“Sorry!” An Liang took out his mobile phone and made a call. After waiting for the connection, he ordered, “Bring the gift here.”

After An Liang hung up the phone, Philip VI invited An Liang to the table. In order to express his attention to An Liang, Philip VI even sat with An Liang.

The royal family in modern society is completely different from the ancient one. For the royal family in the Western half of the country, their rights are far from ancient times. The royal family in modern society is more like a spiritual symbol.

Or take the Spanish royal family as an example, even though they are already representatives of the Europa model royal family, the calls for the abolition of the royal family in the Spanish half have never been interrupted.

In addition, the Spanish royal family is the poorest royal family in the whole of Europa.

Philip VI’s annual salary is only 240,000 euros, and the tuition fees of Lenoir and Sofia are 14,000 euros every year. The pressure on Philip VI can be described as considerable.

Halfway through the dinner, An Liang took the initiative to bring up the import of red wine.

“Your Majesty Philip, what do you think about our country’s wine market?” An Liang said casually.

Although An Liang asked casually, Philip VI responded earnestly, “Your Xia Kingdom is a great country, in the field of wine, your Xia (Deno’s) country has grown very rapidly, whether it is the vineyards. In terms of planting area, or the scale of wine production, your Xia Kingdom is making very rapid progress.”

Philip VI continued, “Especially the production process of the wine, the wines of your summer country are getting better and better, at least in our western half of the country, if it was ten years ago ahead of your summer country’s wine, most of the western half of the country’s wines are getting better and better. The winery will not agree, but now your Xiaguo wine has been praised by our Spanish winery!”

“I have also drank your Xiaguo wine, and it feels good!” Philip VI added.

Listening to Philip VI’s answer, An Liang could only sigh inwardly, it is not easy to be a king abroad!

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