How dare h1919 brag? [3/5]

The Western Hemisphere is one of the traditional top three in the wine sector.

The king of the traditional top three in the wine field is Yitali, whose annual output has reached 4 billion liters;

The second place is France, with an annual output of nearly 3.7 billion liters.

The third place is the Western Hemisphere, with an annual output of 3.4 billion liters.

As for Xia Guo?

Xia Guo ranked seventh, with an annual output of 1.2 billion liters.

The sixth is Ageng, and the fifth is the Great Australia, with 1.25 billion liters and 1.3 billion liters respectively. The gap between them and the Xia Kingdom is very small, and the gap with the traditional top three is very large.

The traditional top three are almost triple their output.

The fourth is the Bald Eagle Country. The annual output of wine is 2.3 billion liters. Although it is far more than the five, six, seven and three countries, there is still a huge gap with the traditional three powerhouses.

As one of the traditional top three in the wine field, the Western Hemisphere, its 200-year-old King Philip VI also praised the wine of the Xia Kingdom so much, An Liang can only say that it is too difficult to be a king overseas!

In the face of Philip VI’s praise, An Liang is naturally impossible to demolish.

“His Majesty Philip has a good eye!” An Liang praised in turn, “Our Xiaguo wine is indeed very good, and the development is quite good now.”

“Indeed!” Philip VI said affirmatively, “According to the development of the Xia Kingdom in the field of wine, coupled with the vast territory of the Xia Kingdom, the geographical conditions are very advantageous. There is absolutely no problem at all.”

“Haha, I think so too:” An Liang took the compliment unceremoniously.

Queen Lydia sighed to herself, one of them dares to boast and the other dares to admit it, so shameless?

“How does His Majesty Philip feel about the wine market in our summer country?” An Liang asked.

Philip VI understood in his heart that this was An Liang’s test, he put aside his joking attitude, and answered seriously, “There are still vacancies in the wine market of your Xia Kingdom!”

An Liang nodded slightly.

Philip VI continued, “The wine of Xiaguo is growing rapidly every year, especially in the last ten years, the consumption power of wine has increased significantly.”

This is because the younger generation of post-wavers prefer wine!

Especially female consumers, they are more fond of wine, more and more female consumers like to drink low-alcohol wine daily, and various articles touting wine are flying all over the sky, explaining how good wine is, and even beauty and beauty etc.

As for white wine?

Although the myth of baijiu has always been flying in the sky, like its close relative Patek Philippe, most people will not really own a bottle of noble baijiu, but only reincarnate between gift giving and recycling.

As for when this leek will explode, An Liang doesn’t know, anyway, An Liang won’t touch it.

“Although the scale of local wine production in Xiaguo increases year by year and the planting area of ​​vineyards is also increasing year by year, it still cannot catch up with the consumption speed (daai), so your Xiaguo imports a large number of overseas wines every year.” Philip The sixth explained.

“According to the data we collected, in 2019, the total scale of wine imported by Xiaguo reached 12 billion Xiaguoyuan, and many countries around the world benefited from this market.” Philip VI continued.

“Take our Western Hemisphere as an example, we are the fourth largest wine supplier in your country, with a supply of 38 million liters in 2019, with a total value of nearly 500 million yuan.” Philip VI added.

This export volume is not worth mentioning for the total production of the Western Hemisphere!

Because the wine produced in the western half of the country reached 3.4 billion liters last year, the import volume of Xiaguo can exceed 1% of the total production. It is really not worth mentioning, right?

“Actually there is one more question!” An Liang answered.

Philip VI asked, “What’s the problem?”

“Among the top 10 wine importing countries in Xiaguo, you have the lowest unit price of wine in Western Hemisphere.” An Liang responded.

The Western Hemisphere is one of the wine-producing countries in the old world. Its wine rating draws on the French scheme, and it is roughly divided into five grades and eight grades.

The five grades from top to bottom are: high-quality legal production area wine, legal production area wine, excellent regional table wine, high-quality daily table wine, and five grades of daily table wine.

There is also a special feature of the wine classification in the Western Hemisphere, that is, it is divided into four grades in the level of the wine of the legal production area.

They are premium wine, reserve wine, aged wine, and new wine.

Such complex grading has made the grading of Spanish wines a little less popular.

The wine classification in France is much simpler, and it is divided into four grades from top to bottom, legal production area wine, fine regional table wine, regional table wine, and daily table wine.

This kind of classification is simpler and clearer, and the learning cost for laymen is lower, so it can be promoted better.

Because of the large number of classifications, the import and export trading companies in Xiaguo began to cheat and cheat. They usually import wines of lower grades into Xiaguo, so as to sell shoddy wines.

Especially the new wine in the imported wine from the legal production area pretends to be a high-end wine. This kind of arrogance has brought great harm!

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