h1920 profiteer! 4/5]

Most wine consumers in Xia Guo don’t know much about wine.

Their criteria for distinguishing between good and bad wines are probably only in two aspects, the first is the origin rating and the second is the price.

The origin rating is the above-mentioned high-quality AOC wine, as well as these categories of AOC wines.

The price, of course, is a simple idea of ​​what you get what you pay for.

However, consumers overestimate the conscience and bottom line of profiteers.

Where does the average consumer know the difference between origin ratings?

Take ‘AOC’ as an example.

If it is a French “appellation wine”, it is the certification of high-quality wine.

However, 62% of the vineyards in the western half of the country have obtained the certification of the “appellation of wine”, which means that the evaluation that was originally the second highest level in the western half of the country is actually very watery, especially the new wines. A little more water.

Otherwise, the wine makers in the western half of the country would not have divided them into four grades again in the tier of the AOC, so as to further screen this tier.

In view of this situation, the profiteers mixed the wine classification concept of France and the Spanish half, so as to promote the new wine in the wine of the legal production area that is not good in the western half of the country according to the wine grade of the French legal production area. Sales.

Such sales methods have seriously damaged the brand credibility of Spanish wines.

In layman’s terms, that is to use Erguotou to compare with noble Maojiu. The more important thing is to sell Erguotou at a high price. Although it is not said to be sold at the price of Maojiu, it should be at least half of Maojiu’s price, right?

However, the high-priced new wine from the AOC cannot bring excellent quality, but it is promoted by profiteers that the rating is the same as that of the French AOC.

Under such circumstances, how can the wines of the Western Hemisphere be pleasing in the Xia Kingdom?

The behavior of these profiteers has made the wines of the western half of the country notorious in the Xiaguo market. It can only be said that the profiteers are for profit.

Also manipulated by profiteers is platinum.

In the past, platinum was a more precious metal than gold. A large number of jewelry brands, watch brands, and luxury brands have stipulated that platinum is more precious than gold.

However, in the investment market now, the price of platinum is far lower than gold, but in the commercial field, platinum is still more expensive than gold.

Ordinary people have not even thought about this issue at all, and firmly believe that platinum is more noble.

It can only be said that the conscience of the profiteers has long been gone!

An Liang spoke out about the situation of the Spanish wine in the Xia Kingdom, and Philip VI and Lydia were stunned when they heard it, how could they still do such an operation?

Treating the new wine in the AOC wine as the AOC of France?


Too cruel!

Philip VI sighed, “It’s no wonder that the market competitiveness of our Western Hemisphere wines in your summer country is low, and the wine consumption market of your summer country is increasing year by year, and the wines we export to your summer country have not only not risen. , on the contrary showed a decline.

Lydia also sighed, “It’s the first time I’ve heard of such a thing.”

An Liang asked casually, “Have the wine companies in your country not found any problems?”

This question is a bit embarrassing!

In fact, An Liang deliberately asked.

The wine companies in the western half of the country must know what the profiteers in Xia Guo did, but so what?

In the rating of Spanish wines, there are only two producing areas of the highest quality AOC wines, namely Rioja and Priorato. ?

…0 ask for flowers…

Those wine companies that received orders from the profiteers of the Xia Kingdom, even if they knew that the profiteers of the Xia Kingdom were using the Spanish wine to touch the French wine, but they also got the benefits, didn’t they?

Profiteers only talk about profit!

What is the harm to the wine industry in the Western half?

The interests are in place, these things are not important.

“How does His Majesty Philip feel about the wines of Great Australia?” asked An Liang.


Before Philip VI answered, An Liang continued, “The wine market of Great Australia is growing very fast in our country, with an average annual growth rate of over 30% since 2016.”

Last year, our Xiaguo imported 62 million liters of wine from the Great Australia, with a total price of more than 2.56 billion Xiaguoyuan. Although the total liter of wine was less than twice yours, the total price was more than five times yours. Some.” An Liang added.

King Philip VI sighed, “The quality of the wines in Great Australia is really good. The climate on their side is very good, the overall climate is stable, and there is no problem of being affected by the climate on our side. It does have natural advantages.”

The wines of Europa are related to the year, because the rain and sunshine in the corresponding years are different, which has a huge impact on the quality of the wine.

However, Great Australia is different. Their climate is very stable, resulting in stable wine quality, so the wine industry develops extremely rapidly.

An Liang smiled, “Your Majesty Philip thinks that the wines of your Western Hemisphere have any advantages compared with the wines of Great Australia?” Nine,

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