H1921 repeated yards of wool: one fish and three eats! [5/5]

Facing the question raised by An Liang in the restaurant of the Royal Family of the Western Half, Philip VI fell into contemplation, what advantages did their Western half of the wine have over the wine of the Great Australia?

This question is poisonous!

In the view of Philip VI, the wines of their Western Hemisphere have no advantage over the wines of Great Australia.


There is no advantage!

Taking wine imported from Xiaguo as an example, the average price of wine exported to Xiaguo from Western Hemisphere is less than 14 Xiaguoyuan per liter, but the average price of wine exported to Xiaguo from Great Australia exceeds 41 Xiaguoyuan per liter.

Both are almost triple the price!

As Philip VI said before, the climate of Great Australia is stable, the natural conditions are too excellent, and the quality of the wines they produce is very stable, which is the core advantage of Great Australia.

The second is the problem of transportation voyage. The distance of land transportation is more than 10,000 kilometers, and the distance of sea transportation is more than 15,000 kilometers. Is the transportation cost free?

The transportation between Da Australia and Xia is much simpler, and the sea voyage does not exceed 5,000 kilometers, which is a huge advantage.

Anyway, Philip VI couldn’t think of what advantages their Western Hemisphere had compared to Great Australia.

Queen Lydia is also thinking about this issue.

She hopes to reach a cooperation agreement with An Liang and get a considerable wine export order, thereby enhancing the image of the royal family.

At present, the image of the Spanish royal family is being criticized by the Spanish people because of the corruption and bribery of the previous king. In order to restore such a bad situation, Queen Lydia has made a lot of efforts.

If the collaboration with An Liang is successful this time, the image of their royal family will also improve.

As Philip VI and Queen Lydia pondered, Lenore interjected.

“The wines in our Western Hemisphere are more historical than those in Great Australia,” Lenoir said in Xia Guoyu.

Mr. Ann, “What do you think of the Vega Sicilia that I gave you earlier?” Lenore continued.

She added, “I bought that bottle of Begas Sicilia with a scholarship I deserved, not my father and my mother for me.”

An Liang was a little surprised, he thought it was a gift from Queen Lydia, so as to maintain the connection between the two parties.

“Thank you!” An Liang expressed his gratitude first, and then added, “That bottle of wine is good!”

Actually that bottle of wine was exchanged with Sprite by An Liang..

Of course, it’s really good.

“It’s the best Vega Sicilia winery in our country. Do you think it will sell well if it is exported to Xia Country?” Lenoir responded.

An Liang thought for a while before replying, “It should be possible, but at present, the wines of Vega Sicilia winery are very few in Xiaguo, and their popularity is also very low, so a lot of investment should be required in the early stage.

Lenore responded, “As you just said, some merchants have confused the classification of our Spanish and French wines. We can promote our Spanish wine classification in the summer country, and clearly indicate the wine on the exported wine. grade, and an additional piece of wine grade classification information.”

An Liang nodded slightly, “That’s a good idea.”

The only “problem is that we are a little far away from the Xia Kingdom, but we have a land rail connection, so it shouldn’t be too difficult in terms of transportation,” added Lenore.

An Liang continued to nod, “Yes, it would be more convenient to transport if you enter Fuguo directly through the railway between Fuguo and Europa.”

In fact, even so, the shipping cost will be slightly more than that of Great Australia.0

Both Philip VI and Queen Lydia knew this.

“Mr. Ann, can you help us promote wine in Xiaguo?” Lenore asked again.

“Do you want me to help you?” An Liang asked rhetorically.


Random Quest: The Spanish Wine Renaissance

“Task content: In order to fight against the Great Australia, ask the host to help the revival of Spanish wine in the Xia Kingdom.

“Task reward: It will be comprehensively settled according to the completion of the host.

Have a mission?

An Liang was stunned inwardly!

This time, I came to Spain to discuss the import of wine, which was actually the reason for [Special Mission: Fight for Fortune!], and by the way, I gave him a favor, so as to strengthen the relationship with the royal family of Spain.

An Liang likes the little girl Lenore quite a bit, so he is willing to give this favor to West Banya.

Otherwise, there are so many wine producing countries, why choose the Western Hemisphere?

As a result, a new task has been triggered, and An Liang suddenly felt that he had made a profit.

It can not only advance the progress of [Special Mission: Fight for Fortune!], but also cultivate Lenore’s friendliness, and by the way, you can also complete new missions.

This kind of good thing, An Liang has not met for a long time.

It’s a pity that the reward is not known at the moment!

Most of the quest rewards in the Life Winner System are settled based on evaluations. Even if An Liang asks in advance, the Life Winner System will ignore An Liang.

The winner system in life is all good, the only problem is that it is dumb!

Updated: January 15, 2021 02:03:31, good night.

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