h1925 has an advertisement on the card! 4/5]

Lenore was happily playing in the backyard on a flying motorcycle. Sophia looked at her sister enviously, and her eyes were full of the desire to ride a flying motorcycle.

Mom”, can I try it? Sophia” asked.

Queen Lydia nodded, “Go, be careful.”

Sophia responded happily immediately, “Okay, Mom, I’ll be careful.

When Sophia took off on a flying motorcycle, Philip VI responded, “What help does Mr. Ann need?”

“As for the flying motorcycle, we are going to promote the flying motorcycle in Xiaguo, so we need a commercial.” An Liang explained.

Philip VI fell silent.


That is impossible!

Philip VI is also the king of the West half of the world, so how can he shoot commercials?

Queen Lydia responded slightly embarrassedly, “I’m sorry, Mr. Ann, our identity does not allow us to shoot commercials, I think you should know.”

“Of course I know.” An Liang affirmed-responded.

“But it can be worked around.” An Liang continued, “For example, Queen Lydia, if you often wear Zara’s clothes, the corresponding style will become a hit in Zara, right?”

Queen Lydia smiled.

An Liang added, “The sunglasses worn by His Majesty Philip at the event have also become a hit. Although they are not advertisements, they have also become advertisements. This is a workaround.”

An Liang added, “We just need His Majesty Philip to make a public appearance on a flying motorcycle. If there is an interview with a reporter, it means that the flying motorcycle comes from Xia Guo’s dream future Graphene Technology Group.”

Philip VI VI neither refused nor agreed.

As An Liang said, advertising can be worked around, but more is worse than less, right?

However, Philip VI was worried that if he did not agree to An Liang, An Liang would cancel the wine cooperation.

An Liang seems to have guessed Philip VI’s concerns, he explained, “We will use the resources of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to promote Spanish wines, including the classification of Spanish wines, as well as the things that profiteers cheated before. .”

“By the way, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is very popular in Xia Guo’s Internet. If you use Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s channels to promote, it will be a very good opportunity for your wines in Western Hemisphere. .” An Liang added.

In order to prove his words, An Liang took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo, and showed the Weibo data of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to Philip VI.

Our country’s Weibo, which is equivalent to your Facer is Twitter or something, the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the number of likes on the last Weibo has exceeded 1 million, and the number of comments has exceeded 200,000 .” An Liang introduced for Philip VI.

Queen Lydia sighed, “Your peace of mind investment really has a connection with the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

An Liang responded with a smile, “Isn’t this thing already known to everyone?”


This incident has long been exposed on the Internet.

After all, Anxin Investment Company had to deal with Tesla at the beginning, and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group followed to deal with Tesla. How can you not know the relationship between Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Anxin Investment?

Later, when Anxin Invested and manipulated Apple, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group stood up and acted as a pioneer in person. As long as you were not a fool, would you still know that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group had something to do with Anxin Investment?

…0 ask for flowers..

So An Liang did not hide such a relationship at all.

An Liang went on to add that we “will also do activities on the Internet. When promoting your Spanish wine, we will link up with flying motorcycles. For example, when you publish your Spanish wine classification, we will make a comment. Retweet and like the activity of three-click to extract flying motorcycles.”

Queen Lydia asked, “What price are you going to sell your flying motorcycles at?”

“The price in Xiaguo is about 630,000 euros, but if it really enters the Europa market, it will definitely increase the price because of tariffs, other taxes, transportation, and reasonable profits of regional agents.” An Liang explained.

Philip VI, who was still in a dilemma, heard that the price of a flying motorcycle was as high as 630,000 euros, and he suddenly felt a little poor!

Because Philip VI’s annual salary is only 240,000 euros, the price of two flying motorcycles is as high as 1.26 million euros, which exceeds the five-year salary of Philip VI.

“Philip, I think Mr. Ann’s proposal is very good, and we should also contribute to the country’s wine.” Queen Lydia explained that she gave Philip the steps very considerately.

An Liang continued, “In order to thank His Majesty Philip, we will also present two flying motorcycles to His Majesty Philip after the flying motorcycles are officially launched.

Philip responded, “Thank you Mr. Ann, Lydia is right, I should also contribute to the country’s wine industry!”

An Liang secretly smiled in his heart, with the step of making contributions, everyone’s face is decent. Nine

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