H1926 Night Tour with Her Royal Highness! [5/5]

After An Liang and Philip VI discussed the matter of advertising the flying motorcycle, the topic between the two parties became relaxed, and Philip VI even proposed to go out for a night tour of Madre.

Madre, the capital of the western half of the country, is also very lively at night, and there is a night market on your side. Do you want to visit Mr. Ann? Philip VI took the initiative to invite.

“Our night market over there?” An Liang was shocked!

“Yes, that night market is called YATAIMarket. I heard that it is the “Asia-Pacific phonetic alphabet of Xia Guoyu, right?” Philip said in a mixture of Xia Guoyu.

This YATAIMarket looks really Asia-Pacific” pinyin.

“Two-three” “Should be.” An Liang responded, “Where is it?”

“Madere, the city center, the most central location.” Philip VI explained, “It is located north of the famous Puerta del Sol, about a five-minute walk, we can go and have a look.”

“Okay!” An Liang responded with interest.

Queen Lydia has the heart to stop it, but Philip VI has already said it, how can she stop it?

More importantly, An Liang agreed!

Queen Lydia sighed secretly in her heart, it really was a drinking mistake, Philip VI’s alcohol intake was too average, and the stamina of the wine just now came up, so that his brain was a little hot now.

Even though the royal family of the West is more of a spiritual symbol for the West, but when they go out, they also need careful security arrangements, and now they are suddenly going to the night market, isn’t that causing trouble?

Philip VI also greeted, “Lenore, Sophia, come back soon, we are going to YATAI Market to visit the night market.

Whether it is Lenoir or Sophia, even if they have received strict court etiquette education, they are essentially only girls, and they also have the playfulness of their age group.

Now hearing Philip’s greeting, Lenore and Sophia both came back on a flying motorcycle, and Lenore cheered in response, “Okay, Dad, I’ll change into casual clothes right away.”

Sophia also agreed.

Queen Lydia looked at her two excited daughters, and she could only helplessly arrange for Carlson to prepare for security.

Fortunately, the royal family of the western half of the country is very close to the people. They travel outside every day. Lenoir and Sofia are also in school normally. Although they are royal families, they will not cause onlookers under normal circumstances, and the security pressure is relatively small.

When Queen Lydia was making arrangements, An Liang also instructed Renyi Security Company to control the field.

One thing to say, An Liang feels that his need for security far exceeds that of the Spanish royal family, especially when overseas, because of the proliferation of guns, even if the local country bans guns, it is difficult to solve the problem.

After all, not every country has such a stable field control ability and long-term security environment as Xia Guo.

Sociologists from the western half of the country once visited the Xia country. For the sociologists in the western half of the country, the security environment of the Xia country is simply unbelievable. Even walking on the street late at night is very reassuring.

Therefore, when An Liang was in the territory of the Xia Kingdom, his security measures were actually only basic security protection. In the case of cooperating with the ability to sense danger, An Liang would not have any worries at all.

But overseas is different!

Who the hell knows who hides the gun?

In view of the complicated security situation, when he was overseas, An Liang arranged bulletproof vehicles uniformly, and the security personnel of Renyi Security Company controlled the field throughout the whole process, so as to avoid the occurrence of problems.

At around 8:00 p.m. local time in Spain, An Liang and the royal family of Spain came to YATAIMarket…

It is indeed an Asia-Pacific-style night market, not only a large number of night market snacks in Xiaguo, but also neon-style sushi restaurants and fried shops, as well as Koriya’s cold noodles and fried rice cakes.

An Liang even saw the Indian Flying Cake shop, but An Liang felt that the owner of the Indian Flying Cake shop was from Xia, not from India.

So the Xia people successfully robbed the Indians of their business?

An Liang walked side by side with Philip VI, and Philip VI said proudly, “How does Mr. An feel about this night market?”

“Very good!” An Liang responded affirmatively.

An Liang never thought that there is a Fuguo Food Street in the western half of the country. In this YATAI Market, An Liang found not only a hot pot skewer restaurant, but also various barbecue restaurants, as well as roast duck and so on.

But the price is great!

Take a roast duck restaurant as an example. In Xia, the cheapest and cheapest roast duck may be 20 or 30 yuan per piece, but the price of roast duck here is close to 400 yuan per Xia Guoyuan.

this price,

0.9 An Liang doesn’t know how to evaluate it.

More importantly, the roast duck here is made in an electric oven, which completely loses the essence of charcoal roast duck.

An Liang thought about these snack bars in Xiaguo, are they more geared towards the Spanish?

Anyway, An Liang will never eat this kind of roast duck that has lost its essence!

“Mr. An, do you want to see if that is the stew from your imperial capital?” Lai Nuoer pointed to a small Xiaguo night market shop and asked.

Just as An Liang was about to answer, he felt a faint sense of danger.

Danger premonition ability in effect!

Updated: January 16, 2021 02:26:32, good night.

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