h1930 outsourced security team?[4/5]

An Liang already knew that there was definitely something wrong with this group of roadblockers!

Not only because of the ability to sense danger, but also because of the new news coming from the wireless headphones that An Liang was wearing, the road behind them was actually blocked, and a sign for road construction was hung up.

In the night sky, the drone approached the suspected car accident scene, and the loudspeaker carried by the drone issued a prompt message.

We “are the staff of the National Intelligence Center, we are carrying out the mission of the imperial court, you immediately move the vehicle to the side of the road~!

However, in the drone’s camera, the three people outside did not seem to hear it, and the infrared thermal radiation camera even found that those hidden in the car seemed to be preparing weapons.

Carlson spoke first, “Your Majesty, those people have weapons!”

An Liang seconded, “I also suspect that they have weapons, Your Majesty Philip, do your security personnel have weapons?”

Carlson responded instead of Philip VI, “We only have pistols, Mr. Ann, where are your security personnel?”

“The law in your Western Hemisphere prohibits firearms, so our security personnel do not have firearms and weapons.” An Liang responded.

“…Carlson was speechless.

Philip VI was also a little speechless.

Is An Liang so law-abiding?

The drone continued to play the prompt message, and the three people who were arguing at the scene of the car accident suddenly drew out their pistols to attack the drone, but were easily avoided by the drone.

“Trouble! Carlson” responded, “All vehicles back!”

Professional matters are handed over to professionals, and Carlson is the professional security supervisor. At this time, Carlson is naturally in charge of commanding, and Philip VI did not intervene.

An Liang took the walkie-talkie and said, “Contact our outsourced security team and ask them to come over to deal with the problem.

Philip VI’s Xia Guoyu is relatively poor, and Queen Lydia’s Xia Guoyu is better, she understands An Liang’s meaning.

Queen Lydia took the initiative to ask, and used Spanish to make it easier for Philip VI to understand, “Mr. Ann, do you still have an outsourced security team?”

An Liang responded affirmatively, “Yes, we Xia people insist on doing as the locals do, and your law bans guns, so we did not prepare weapons, but we contacted a professional outsourced security team, and they will protect our safety.”

When the six cars retreated, the three cars that were suspected of being involved in the accident chased after them, and they had already revealed their malicious intent.

Looking at this situation, An Liang added, “Director Carlson, let your car go in the middle, let our other two cars go in front and back, our cars are all B7+ bulletproof, their weapons shouldn’t be able to hit us. create a threat.”

The B7+ bulletproof rating is the German bulletproof rating, which is divided into B4 to B7 from low to high, of which B7+ is the defense that exceeds B7, but there is no official data.

The bulletproof level of the B7 level can already resist grenades and various assault rifles, including the well-known AK47, as well as the existence of extremely penetrating M16.

In fact, the B6 can fight against the AK47 and M16, the B7 is more against bombs, and the B7+ can already fight against the 12.7mm caliber anti-material sniper rifle, which is a military standard.

After An Liang’s orders, the convoy changed, with one Saab at the end and the other at the front.

The three cars behind quickly followed, but An Liang kept a safe distance.

After chasing back and forth for nearly five minutes, a reply message came from An Liang’s wireless headset, “BOSS, we are about to arrive, meet in 30 seconds, the drone has been deployed.”

…0 asking for flowers…………

“Received.” An Liang responded, and then seemed to explain, “The outsourced security team has arrived, they are right in front of us, and the people behind are handed over to them.”

Thirty seconds later, four off-road vehicles appeared in front, and the other side honked their horns. The rhythm of one long and two shorts was followed by Saboban, which was also one long and two shorts, and the two sides staggered past.

When the other side passed the convoy on An Liang’s side, they immediately stopped and stopped in the middle of the road to intercept the three vehicles behind. The three vehicles following An Liang’s convoy also noticed an abnormal situation, and they stopped and opened fire directly.

But their attack was useless, because the outsourced security team’s equipment was too advanced, and they used the latest generation of North Bear Country weapons, completely crushing the other side.

In less than a minute, An Liang’s Sabo class did not even hear the sound of gunfire, and the battle that followed was over.

“BOSS, the problem has been solved.” The personnel of the outsourced security team reported.

This so-called outsourced security team is actually the branch of Renyi Security Company on the Europa side.

Can’t tell Philip VI that he has a strong armed security guard in the Western Hemisphere?

Isn’t that slapping each other in the face?

What’s more, it will also cause the other party’s crazy speculation and fear?

An Liang doesn’t do that kind of loss-making business!

In addition, An Liang’s three bulletproof Saabs actually have hidden weapons, but the same reason as above, An Liang did not order them to be used.

“His Majesty Philip, our outsourced security team has resolved the issue,” An Liang explained.

Philip VI was stunned for a moment, did he solve the trouble so quickly?

How powerful is this so-called outsourced security team?

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