h1931, so Zhao wins again? [5/5]

Because the trouble had been resolved, Philip VI decided to return to the Palazzo Zarzuela.

When passing by the previous battle site, Morary, a member of the Royal Security Team of the Western Hemisphere, was left behind to deal with this matter.

After returning to the Zarzuela Palace, Queen Lydia immediately left with the two princesses Lenoir and Sofia. Today was a bit exciting for the two princesses.

However, he didn’t directly participate in the battle, and he didn’t see any bloody scenes, so it didn’t have much impact on the two princesses Lenoir and Sophia.

An Liang, who checked into the Royal Hotel in the West Half, was checking the information reported by the Renyi Security Company, such as the identities of the attackers.

Although “230” judged through the ability to sense danger, these attackers were targeting the Spanish royal family, An Liang still felt uneasy.

Zarzuela Palace.

Inside Philip VI’s office, Carlson is reporting the situation.

“Your Majesty, the case has been dealt with by Morary, and the case has been handed over to Madry Patrol to take over. Mr. An’s outsourced security team is very strong. Morary has determined the latest North Bear country equipment they use.” Carlson explained.

“Northern Bear Country?” Philip VI wondered.

Carlson responded affirmatively, “Yes, what Morary saw with his own eyes, the other party doesn’t care about being discovered by Morary, and they are not from Xia.

“Is it really an outsourced security team?” Philip VI seemed to say to himself.

Carlson responded, “I heard that this Mr. An has a good relationship with the North Bear Country, and it may be that the security company in the North Bear Country is helping.

“Where are they now?” asked Philip VI.

Carlson shook his head, “I don’t know. After the other party and Morary handed over, they left immediately. According to our intelligence channels, after the other party entered Madre, they disappeared without a trace.”

Carlson continued, “It was a professional team, they killed all the enemies in less than a minute, and they had zero casualties.

Philip VI was silent for a while, and after thinking a little, he took the initiative to call An Liang, waited for An Liang to connect, and Philip VI spoke first.

“Good, Mr. Ann, are you still used to it in the Royal Hotel?” asked Philip VI.

An Liang responded affirmatively, “It’s pretty good.”

“There is one thing that I need to ask Mr. Ann about the outsourcing security team. Can we contact them to deal with something?” Philip VI asked.

An Liang responded politely, “I’m afraid it will be difficult.

“Huh?” asked Philip VI, “Is there any difficulty?”

An Liang coughed, “They are a private security company, the security fee is 200,000 US dollars per day, as long as there is an action, an additional 100,000 yuan will be added. Another $300,000 fee.”

Philip VI did a quick mental calculation. According to the information provided by An Liang, wasn’t the attack just now 600,000?

Such an offer..

No wonder An Liang said it was difficult, the royal family of the Western half had no money to pay for such a security team.

Is it too hard to have no money?

“By the way, Your Majesty Philip, have you checked the identities of these people?” An Liang asked.

Philip VI asked back, “Have you found it?”

An Liang didn’t hide it either, “We entrusted a third-party consulting company to find out the information, and they seem to be separatist activists in your Western Hemisphere. I sent the relevant information to Queen Lydia?”

“Send it directly to my e-mail!” Philip told An Liang of his e-mail.

“Okay.” An Liang responded.

This time, Philip VI did not ask about the third-party consulting company. He guessed that it was a private company again, and then the quotation for the investigation fee should be quite high.

Even if Philip asked, An Liang prepared the answer. The question was a third-party consulting company pretending to be the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan of Renyi Security Company, and the combined query fee was 100,000 US dollars.

Such a fee is not something the poorest royal family in the Europa League can afford.

After all, Queen Lydia of the Spanish royal family wears Zara’s clothes every day, right?

On some important occasions, if a crown is needed, Queen Lydia also needs to borrow the crown from the old queen.

For example, when Lydia married Philip VI sixteen years ago, her crown was lent to her by the old queen.

I have to say that the royal family of the West is really a bit miserable!


“Congratulations to the host who turned into a warrior and successfully protected the princess!!

“Congratulations to the host for receiving a special reward: the halo of wine sales in the Western Hemisphere.

Western half of the wine sales halo:

Through the halo of Spanish wine sales, customers will be more willing to learn about Spanish wine and have more purchase intentions.


The presentation of the reward is simple, but the effect is very good!

An Liang was still worried about the problem of wine sales in Western Spain. Even with the channels left by the three major import and export trading companies, as well as the assistance of Anxin Investment and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the ghost knows whether consumers will accept it. ?

Now that he has the halo of Spanish wine sales, An Liang doesn’t think it’s a problem!

So it’s a win again?

It is indeed a winner system in life!

Updated: January 17, 2021 01:41:27, good night.

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