h1933 stress test?[2/5]

Like Vienna, there is a seven-hour difference between the capital and the capital, Madry at three o’clock in the afternoon and the imperial capital at eight o’clock in the morning.

An Liang communicated with Anxin Investment and Wangguan Import and Export Trading Company, and asked Sun Jie of Wangguan Import and Export Trading Company to be responsible for related matters. They will depart by plane today, arrive in Madrid tomorrow, and start wine tasting the day after tomorrow. meeting.

After the affairs of the Crown Import and Export Trading Company were arranged, An Liang sent all relevant information, including the member information of the communication team, to Philip VI.

Philip VI looked at the message sent by An Liang, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and then ordered a press conference to announce the corresponding events to ease the pressure on the royal family.

The pressure on the royal family in the western half of the country is considerable, especially after the security incident yesterday, the pressure on the royal family is even greater.

After the news of this wine tasting was announced, a large number of wineries and enterprises began to tout Philip VI, and at the same time began to gather in Maderi.

The venue of this wine tasting will be in the Maderi Wine Museum, and Philip VI also released gossip. If this wine tasting goes well, the transaction volume between the two parties may exceed the current export of Western Spain. The total amount of wine to Xiaguo.

This kind of gossip directly detonated the wine field, more than the total amount of wine exported to the summer country from the Western half of the country?

How much is that export?

Different from the wineries and wine manufacturers in the western half of the country, in the National Security Bureau of the Imperial Capital, the atmosphere is a bit depressing now.

Huang Guoxiang asked, “Are you saying that he has other secret operations in the western half|?”

Shi Feng, the technical elite of the Information Security Section, responded affirmatively, “Yes!”

“Are you sure?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“I can confirm!” Shi Feng explained again, “On the surface, it seems that Mr. Ann went to the western half to see Princess Lenore, but we investigated more information, and Mr. Ann’s power in Europa spread to the western half. tooth.”

“Although the security on Mr. An’s side is very strict, we have special channels to obtain information. Mr. An has other purposes in the western half of the country. The specific purpose is not known for the time being, but we found that the funds he invested in the western half of the country have exceeded more than 2 billion US dollars, and all the funds mobilized from overseas.” Shi Feng explained.

Huang Guoxiang rubbed his brows.

Shi Feng continued to report, “Section Chief Li of the Operations Department also reported a situation before. Mr. An’s power in Vienna has far exceeded our expectations.”

“Renyi Security Company has a large number of foreign employees in Vienna. The local court and local patrol houses in Vienna are all highly infiltrated by Renyi Security Company. According to our investigation, Renyi Security Company’s ability to control the field in Vienna may exceed that in the imperial capital. degree.” Shi Feng continued to report.

Renyi Security Company’s ability to control the field in the imperial capital is very exaggerated. When Renyi Security Company handled the Jia Dewen case, it was seamless.

“Are you sure?” Huang Guoxiang asked again.

Shi Feng still nodded, “I’m sure.”

“The reason? Huang Guoxiang” asked rhetorically.

“I used the dark web over there to publish a simple social engineering task, and explained an attack against Chen Siyu through the local public phone, so as to check the corresponding situation through the local security monitoring system.” Shi Feng introduced.

“Stress test?” Huang Guoxiang frowned.

“Yes, the stress test, in this way, tests the opponent’s ability to control the field. In fact, Mr. An did not let us down. Starting from this stress test, in just seven minutes, the people participating in the test disappeared mysteriously. The account that posted the task on the Internet has been tracked, and all traces of me in the Deep Web are being investigated.” Shi Feng explained.

“Woman, haven’t you been found?” Huang Guoxiang asked immediately.

“Of course not!” Shi Feng responded, “Since it’s a stress test, of course, we have prepared measures.”

“That’s good.” Huang Guoxiang breathed a sigh of relief, “Who did you tell this to?”

“Up to now, I have only told you.” Shi Feng explained.

“Then forget about this.” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“Okay.” Shi Feng replied, “There is one more thing, we found information about Avlora Vasilevich Kerber, whose father is Vasilevich Nekov Kerber , Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the North Bear Country.”

Mr. An “has established a relationship with the North Bear Country through Avrolola, and obtained a large amount of advanced equipment from the North Bear Country. At present, the strength of Renyi Security Company is rapidly expanding, including in Southeast Asia, Europa, and Africa, in addition to Outside North America, where the Bald Eagle Country is located, including South America, there are signs of the activities of Renyi Security Company.” Shi Feng added.

“The field control ability exposed by Renyi Security Company in Vienna this time made me realize one thing. Renyi Security Company is absorbing local security personnel on a large scale, thus achieving the purpose of rapid expansion.” Shi Feng added.

“What do you want to say?” Huang Guoxiang looked at Shi Feng. .

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