The pictures of h1934 are not simple! [3/5

NSA headquarters.

Shi Feng was reporting the situation about An Liang to Huang Guoxiang alone. Huang Guoxiang stared at Shi Feng and asked the other party’s purpose.

“There is one more thing that I think I should tell you.” Shi Feng took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang took the U disk and inserted it into the computer, but a password box popped up.

The password is the pinyin abbreviation of “Long Live the Xia Kingdom”, plus the number 1001, and three exclamation points. “Shi Feng said the password.

Huang Guoxiang entered the password, and the contents of the document appeared immediately.

When Huang Guoxiang was checking, Shi Feng continued, “I found out about this incident purely by accident. I met a friend in the deep web, and the other party was from Kerea. He was lamenting the darkness of their Kerea. It is clear that the news of Coria can be reported freely, and it seems that there are various freedoms, but in fact, it has come to the situation where the chaebols control everything.”

Huang Guoxiang checked the information submitted by Shi Feng, and the information revealed by these documents made Huang Guoxiang’s complexion change.

“Are these 360 ​​pieces of information real?” Huang Guoxiang once again suspected that there was a problem with the information.


If the information is true, then…

Shi Feng responded affirmatively, “It’s true. I have repeatedly verified the authenticity of this information. The situation in Keriya is rather special, and the situation over there has reached a situation where it doesn’t matter even if it is publicly reported.”

Huang Guoxiang was silent for a moment before responding, “Don’t tell anyone, including our colleagues.

“Understood.” Shi Feng responded.

Huang Guoxiang waved his hand and motioned for the other party to go down. After Shi Feng left, Huang Guoxiang pulled away the drawer, opened the mezzanine in the drawer, and then pressed the button in the mezzanine, and took out a satellite phone.

Huang Guoxiang held the satellite phone, he hesitated for a while before dialing the satellite phone number of Yushuang.

On the Yushuang while sailing, An Liang received a call from Huang Guoxiang. After the two sides greeted each other, he first sent (daai) words, “Old Huang, I’m still in the sky, what do you have to do with me?”

Huang Guoxiang asked back, “What are you doing in the West?”

“You know, our family Chen Siyu is participating in the International Piano Competition in Vienna. Anyway, I have already come to Europa. Naturally, I will go to the western half of the country to see Princess Lenore, right?” An Liang said casually.

Huang Guoxiang’s heart sank.

An Liang is not telling the truth!


An Liang told half of the truth, he really went to see Lenore, but there was another purpose that he didn’t say.

This situation is not a lie, even the lie detector is ineffective, because An Liang did not lie, he only told half of it.

“Is there only one purpose?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“It turned out that you were investigating secretly.” An Liang responded with a smile, “We thought who was secretly investigating, but it turned out to be you calluses!

An Liang continued, “You said it earlier, if you want to know, I’ll just tell you!”

“Then tell me now, what are you doing in the West Half?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Two things.” An Liang explained.

“The first thing I just said, I just came to see Lenore.” An Liang explained.

“What about the second thing?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Invest!” An Liang responded.

“What about the specific project?” Huang Guoxiang asked again.

“Energy and security.” An Liang still did not hide.

Huang Guoxiang fell silent, “What’s your purpose?”

Investing “The purpose, of course, is to make money!” An Liang responded.

“But. Huang Xiang” didn’t know how to respond for a while, saying that An Liang has made a lot of money?

“Anlaan, old Huang, you are suspicious again, I didn’t do anything bad, but used this to start targeting the Great Australia, I have arranged for the Crown Import and Export Trading Company to contact the Western Hemisphere, if all goes well , we can cut off the wine import business of Great Australia.” An Liang explained.

Huang Guoxiang asked, “Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to sell it and cause losses if you suddenly switch from the wines of the Great Australia to the wines of the Western Hemisphere?”

“Why be afraid?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Are you sure that those wines will be sold?” Huang Guoxiang asked again.

“Don’t be silly, of course I’m not sure.” An Liang replied with a smile.

“But!” An Liang said of the turning point, “This is an era of big data network, as long as we are willing to invest in the early stage, promote Spanish wines on a large scale, and make the prices more favorable, who will remember the wines of Great Australia? ”

“Users are most sensitive to price, not origin information,” An Liang added.

“Besides, even if all losses are lost, it’s actually only more than 2 billion, isn’t it?” An Liang said calmly, as if he only lost 20 yuan.

“It seems that what you are doing in the western half of the country is not simple.” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“Investigations are welcome.” An Liang replied.

“What about you and the North Bear Country?” Huang Guoxiang changed the subject.

An Liang responded calmly, “I have a lot of things with the North Bear Kingdom, which one do you want to ask?”

Forget it, “Let me guess, you have to ask about the North Bear Country selling a lot of advanced equipment, right?” An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang responded bluntly, “Yes.

“We are a regular security company, and we have performed tasks on the side of justice in many regions. Our international reputation is very good, so why did the other party reject us?” An Liang asked.

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