h1935 Death Light Defense! [4/5]

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the Yushuang is flying smoothly.

An Liang and Huang Guoxiang continued to talk.

While listening to An Liang’s answer, Huang Guoxiang looked at the information displayed on the computer screen. It was the information that Shi Feng had just handed him, which recorded some confidential information.

“The last question, have you heard of [XDSS]?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang responded casually, “XDSS? What’s another Weibo buzzword?”

“Little Shusi died?” An Liang tried to translate, “or Xiaoshu?”

“Wow!” An Liang responded casually, “Why do you middle-aged and old men pursue the latest trends on Weibo?”

“You really don’t know?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Should I know?” An Liang did the same. rhetorical question.

“XDSS is the abbreviation of XiaDynastySecretSecurity, do you want me to continue?” Huang Guoxiang reminded.

“Xia Guo Secret Security Bureau?” An Liang wondered, “I remember your National Security Investigation Bureau’s abbreviation is not NSIB, when did it become XDSS?”

An Liang continued, “Or is it a secret agency that I don’t know about?”

“Aah!” Huang Guoxiang chuckled, “An Liang, to be honest, I suddenly can’t tell right now whether you really don’t know or pretend you don’t.”

“Of course I don’t know.” An Liang responded calmly, “What is the situation of this Xia Guo Secret Security Bureau? Let me state first that we did not steal any information from this place.”

“XDSS is not the Xia State Secret Security Bureau, nor is it any official agency of the Xia State. To be precise, its full name should be: the abbreviation of X-ray Defend Special Security. Tell me, how should it be translated into Xia language?” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“Should I know?” An Liang wondered.

“I think you should know.” Huang Guoxiang said with certainty.

“X-ray Defense Special Security Bureau?” An Liang said casually.

“Death Light Defense Security Company.” Huang Guoxiang said the answer, do you want me to continue?”

“Security company?” An Liang hesitated, “Our Renyi Security Company’s competitor?”

An Liang asked, “Old Huang, what have you investigated about this security company?”

“Everything!” Huang Guoxiang responded.

An Liang frowned slightly.

Fortunately, the two communicated by phone, and Huang Guoxiang couldn’t see An Liang’s expression, otherwise, just frowning would have exposed An Liang completely.

“Since I’ve investigated everything, I’m very curious, what exactly is this XDSS, which makes you test me over and over again.” An Liang said in a showdown.

Huang Guoxiang tried again and again, if An Liang did not showdown, it would appear very strange.

“Really you don’t know?” Huang Guoxiang asked again.

“That’s why I want you to talk about the situation.” An Liang responded.

“This dead light defense security company is a security company of Coreya. On the surface, it is just an ordinary security company, but this company suddenly rose up three months ago, without any signs before, even It doesn’t exist.” Huang Guoxiang explained.

“In just three years, this security company has grown from nothing and is second to none in the security field of Coreya.” Huang Guoxiang continued to explain.

0 asking for flowers

“Then just like the way you think, the problem with this security company comes, they have a strong team from the very beginning, as if well-trained security personnel appeared out of nowhere, and with a lot of money, in the dark There are also countless intelligence districts and other channels, so that they can buy the equipment they want, as well as various resources. Huang Guoxiang” explained.

“In this case, is this death light defense and security company a vest made by other companies?” Huang Guoxiang made a reasonable guess.

“According to the information we have obtained, this death light defense security company is currently deeply involved in the court of Coria, and there is information that this security company is even manipulating the election of Coria, An Liang, you said that this company Could the company be successful?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Since this death light defense and security company is deeply involved in the court of Coria, according to the situation of Coria, it is too simple. I have no brains to guess that this death light defense and security company is one of the five major chaebols of Coria. , If not, then expand to the top ten chaebols.” An Liang explained.

To be precise, “It should be the top nine. Hyundai Motor and Hyundai Heavy Industries are one family!” An Liang laughed.

“In the country of Coria, I think that such a conspiracy must be made by those chaebols. After all, the situation in Coria, you don’t know, Lao Huang?” An Liang explained.

Huang Guoxiang fell into silence because An Liang was right.

An Liang continued, “Wait, Lao Huang, you are testing me repeatedly, do you think this XDSS is a subsidiary of our Renyi Security Company?”

“Isn’t it?” Huang Guoxiang asked rhetorically. Nine

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