h1936 exposed! [5/5]

Facing Huang Guoxiang’s rhetorical question, An Liang responded without hesitation, “I beg you, use your brain!”

An Liang continued to complain, “Even if we really want to do such a thing, isn’t it bad to choose a country in Southeast Asia?”

“Taking the Lion City as an example, is it too convenient?” An Liang gave an example casually.

“Masia, Diacia, can’t all of these be targeted?” An Liang continued, “How about Tyrande?

“You should know that Tyrande is our core area. I believe you know better than me what kind of power we have in Tyrande.” An Liang added.

“So why go to “Three Eight Three” Corea?” An Liang complained, “The nine chaebols over there are not easy to mess with.

An Liang continued, “Although in the business field and the financial field, I can beat them all over the place, but enter the country of Coria and fight them?”

“Old Huang, are you crazy or am I crazy?” An Liang complained.

Huang Guoxiang thought about it, as if it really seemed like what An Liang said, it is definitely not a good choice to fight against the nine chaebols in Corea!

“Why do you doubt me?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Huang Guoxiang said bluntly, “We accidentally obtained a piece of information from the deep web, and all the relevant information about XDSS points to you Anxin Investment and Renyi Security Company.

“Do you think it’s possible?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Huang Guoxiang responded, “I think it is possible, and the possibility is very high. The power you control is expanding too fast. From this trip to Vienna, you can see that your Renyi Security Company has a very strong ability to control the field in Vienna. Infiltrated their local court?”

An Liang did not deny it, and to deny it at such a time would completely treat the other party as a fool!

“Where else did you infiltrate?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang answered frankly, “Prague, Budapest.”

This answer was completely expected by Huang Guoxiang, because Prague and Budapest are also the host cities of the International Piano Competition, Vienna was infiltrated by the Renyi Security Company, can the other two cities escape?

“How did you infiltrate?” Huang Guoxiang was curious.

“You are thinking too much about the problem. Our Renyi Security Company is a well-known company. We are not the same as those dirty security companies in Baitouyingguo. We are all praises.” An Liang explained.

“Taking Vienna as an example, we directly expressed our desire to improve the city’s public security environment and security level, and asked the other party to cooperate with us. After paying enough benefits to the relevant personnel, why didn’t the other party cooperate?” An Liang asked.

“For example, let me tell you that I want to improve the security level of the Imperial Capital International Airport, our Renyi Security Company will participate in it, and we also ask you to arrange patrol participation and make a complete plan, and then give you money, as well as money for the patrol, you Don’t you agree? An Liang” for example.

Huang Guoxiang was a little surprised, it turned out to be so simple!


An Liang is not trying to destroy, but only to improve the security environment. Such a thing is also a good thing for the relevant personnel.

Especially during the holding of international piano competitions, wouldn’t it be better to improve the security environment?

In the event of an accident among the participants of the International Piano Competition, it would be a serious blow to the image of the local city, which would lead to tourism losses. The local court and patrol could not accept such a result.

So An Liang’s proposal didn’t hit it off?

“But these people have overlooked a point! Huang Guoxiang” responded…

“Huh?” An Liang pretended to be curious.

“You have mastered the personal connections of the corresponding cities!” Huang Guoxiang cleared the fog, “Through the method you said, Renyi Security Company has contacted the local network of connections, from the local court to patrolling, Renyi Security Company has obtained each other’s connections. ,Right?”

An Liang just smiled and didn’t mean to respond. This Huang Guoxiang can always see the essence through the phenomenon, why should he say it?

“Let me take a guess. Renyi Security Company’s expansion of its network of contacts around the world should be the one thing you once said?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang still didn’t answer, but said nonchalantly, “Old Huang, I’ll be back around the 8th, do you need me to bring you any present?

Huang Guoxiang breathed a sigh of relief, he understood An Liang’s meaning, and An Liang’s willingness to return to Xia Guo was a guarantee.

Otherwise, according to what An Liang said just now, if he goes to Tyrande, in the core area of ​​Renyi Security Company, wouldn’t other people come in to deliver food?

Now An Liang has expressed his attitude to return to Xia Guo, which proves that An Liang has not changed.

“Is this information 0.9 wrong?” Huang Guoxiang guessed.

Could it be that someone is framing An Liang?

Such a possibility is not impossible!

“Since the wines in the western half of the country are good, how about sending me wine? Huang Guoxiang” responded.

“Okay!” An Liang promised, “See you on the eighth!”

Good “.” Huang Guoxiang responded.

After the two sides hung up the phone, An Liang said calmly with a calm expression on his face, “The matter of Coria has been exposed!”

Updated: January 18, 2021 01:57:29, good night.

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