Does h1939 deliver food? [3/5

After the first day of the International Piano Competition, Chen Siyu suddenly felt that he was going to be cold, because the opponent was really too strong, and Mu Xinmei’s overall score was only 69.5 points.

This score basically bid farewell to the International Piano Competition.

An Liang comfortably held the imperial capital catlou in his arms, “I think you are a lot stronger than Mu Xinmei, so there shouldn’t be a big problem, at least you have to make it to the finals, right?”

Chen Siyu hummed, “It’s still the final!”

“It’s all your fault, fooling me every day makes me feel as if I can rush to the finals, but from the current point of view, my initial judgment is correct, my biggest hope is to break through the preliminary rounds and enter the semi-finals. , As for the quarter-finals, I don’t have any extravagant hopes.” Chen Siyu said with a sigh.

There are no semifinals or semifinals in the International Piano Competition. There are only preliminary rounds, semi-finals, quarterfinals, finals, and tour performances.

The number of people in this preliminary round is as high as 227, and only 64 people are selected to participate in the semi-finals, and the elimination rate is close to 72%.

In the semi-finals with 64 participants, the elimination rate was 50%, and 393 means that there are 32 players left.

In the third round of the quarterfinals, the elimination rate was as high as 75%, which is equivalent to eliminating 24 people, and only 8 people were selected to enter the final.

The relatively short format means stricter grading criteria.

After all, the quarterfinals are equivalent to the semifinals, right?

Such a competition system makes Chen Siyu feel that it is quite good to enter the semi-finals. After all, the semi-finals are the top 64!

“Are the contestants really that strong?” An Liang wondered.

Chen Siyu nodded affirmatively, really “so strong!”

“Today, 80 people participated in the performance, and if the final score exceeded 90 points, there were 9 people.” Chen Siyu explained.

“There are still 147 people who have not participated in the competition. They will participate in the competition tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. God knows how many people have a final score of more than 90 points.” Chen Siyu sighed.

Listening to Chen Siyu’s explanation, coupled with the competition system of the International Piano Competition, An Liang suddenly felt that Chen Siyu was cold?

“Come on, it’s good, it won’t work this year, there’s still a chance next year!” An Liang relieved.

Chen Siyu rolled her eyes at An Liang, and she pushed him, “Get out of the way, I’ll continue to practice. By the way, Shuangshuang is next door.”

“Okay!” An Liang stepped aside, he was going to find Ning Ruoshuang.

An Liang came to the next suite, Ning Ruoshuang and the others were playing the game again, Song Jia was looking at her phone, An Liang sat down and asked casually, “You don’t play games?”

Song Qian was taken aback, “Master An, you don’t want to be a ghost, I’m scared to death!

An Liang joked in turn, “How else can you be frightened, what are you looking at?”

Song Qian hummed, “What do you think?”

An Liang was not fooled, he changed the subject, “Is it fun here?”

Song Qing shook her head without hesitation, “It’s not very fun, I feel a little backward, I’m fed up with their Buddhist takeaways, I want nothing, I just can’t stand it!”

“I’m going back on the 8th, do you want to go back together?” An Liang asked casually.

Song Qing rolled her eyes at An Liang, “You want to sow discord?”

“My relationship with Siyu is good, your trick is useless!” Song Qing responded.

An Liang was helpless, “Where is this and where? There is work to be done in Xia Guo (daaj), so I will go back in advance.”

“Have you forgotten that I am also from the piano department of the National Conservatory of Music?” Song Qing reminded.

“I came here to exchange and learn, to see the gap with those masters, I will be more motivated when I go back.” Song Qian added.

An Liang asked, “Are these people really strong today?”

“Very strong!” Song Jia nodded affirmatively.

“What if you go up?” An Liang hypothetically asked.

Song Qing shook her head speechlessly, “My strength is a little weaker, if you let me go up, I won’t be Song Qing, but a food delivery!”


Is it alright to deliver food?

Song Qian added, “Today’s lowest score was won by the Bulgarian player, only 47.6 points. This player was autistic on the spot. I don’t want to be so embarrassed.”

“Isn’t the lowest score 60?” An Liang wondered.

“Why?” Song Qing asked back.

“Anyway, give a passing score and keep a little sympathy?” An Liang said of the golden mean.

Song Qing shook her head, “The reason why the International Piano Competition is getting more and more famous, but in this competition, the strength is the first, and the score is fair, it is impossible to give any consolation passing points, bad is bad, I’m afraid it will be thirty or forty if I go up. The fate of points.

“What if I go up?” An Liang was a little curious.

“You?” Song looked at An Liang speechlessly, “Master An, you really have no self-knowledge in the field of piano. If you go up, I estimate that you may be under ten.”

“So miserable?” An Liang raised an eyebrow.

“It’s not just a miserable problem, it will also affect the quota limit.” Song Qian explained.

Song Qian added, “We only have two places to participate in the Xiaguo National Conservatory of Music. If Siyu does not break through to the semi-finals, we may be reduced in quota next year.”

“If you become the top eight, you can get one more place. If you become the champion, you can get two more places. These are the honors of the academy. You can’t get on the stage with a real level of food.” Song debt said sarcastically. .

In the face of Song Qian’s ridicule, An Liang not only didn’t care, but felt that this kind of Song Qing was more real.

What kind of words did he like to please him in the past?,

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