h1940 big cat, rush! 4/5

The night is getting darker.

In view of Chen Siyu’s schedule at ten o’clock in the morning, An Liang especially spared Chen Siyu, at the cost of selling his secret.

An Liang turned into a yoga master and taught Ning Ruoshuang two yoga moves in a row.

Ning Ruoshuang’s character felt a little wronged by her little daughter-in-law. Although she was taught two yoga moves in a row by An Liang, she also chose to submit to it.

While waiting for the end of the yoga teaching, Ning Ruoshuang fell asleep in An Liang’s arms.

the next day.

Saturday, it was nearly half past eight in the morning.

When An Liang and Ning Ruoshuang woke up, they heard the sound of the piano in the living room. It seemed that Chen Siyu had already woken up?

It must be too much pressure, right?

After a simple wash, An Liang walked to the living room. Sure enough, he found Chen Siyu practicing the piano in the living room. He walked over and sat beside Chen Siyu.

Chen Siyu said a little anxiously, “Don’t make trouble, I’ll play for a while, and I’ll go to the venue at a quarter past nine.

An Liang reached out and hugged Chen Siyu’s waist, “Actually, you don’t need to worry.”

Chen Siyu leaned on An Liang’s shoulder, and she responded softly, “No, I’m actually very worried. If I can’t pass the preliminary round, I will feel very guilty.”

“Mr. Sun has high expectations for me. She thinks that I can definitely pass the preliminary round and thus keep my place in our academy.” Chen Siyu continued.

An Liang responded, “Believe in yourself!”

“Our family’s Siyu is great!” An Liang affirmed.

“Besides, even if we don’t pass the preliminary competition, there is no problem. The piano road will not work. We can still be racing drivers!” An Liang joked.

“You, hum!” Chen Siyu couldn’t help humming, An Liang’s jokes dispelled Chen Siyu’s tension and anxiety.

“Have you heard the singer Lin Jie?” An Liang asked casually.

Chen Siyu affirmed, “Of course. I quite like his songs.”

“This singer’s family is very rich. When he debuted, if he fails, he can only go home and inherit hundreds of millions of dollars. An Liang” explained.

Siyu “You are the same now, the big deal is to go back and be a happy charter wife.” An Liang joked.

An Liang gave the Honey Garden B&B to Chen Siyu. The annual profit of the Honey Garden B&B is less than 5 million, plus its own value is close to 200 million. Isn’t Chen Siyu the charter wife?

Chen Siyu angered, “I’m not a charter wife!

“Yes yes yes, you are my baby.” An Liang responded with a smile.

Nine thirty in the morning.

An Liang and his party all arrived at the Vienna State Opera, Chen Siyu was preparing backstage, An Liang, Ning Ruoshuang, and Hu Xiaoyu were waiting in the auditorium.

Ning Ruoshuang sits on the left of An Liang, and Song Qian sits on the right of An Liang. This is a reference to the relationship between Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang. Chen Siyu likes the left, so the left is the bigger one.

Song Qian leaned into An Liang’s ear and said in a low voice, “Are these contestants particularly strong?”

An Liang felt itchy ears, because Song Qian’s lips touched An Liang’s auricle, and the warm breath hit An Liang, making An Liang feel strange.

“It’s a little strong.” An Liang responded, “but I have confidence in Siyu.”

At 9:57, Chen Siyu came on stage. She looked in the direction of An Liang. An Liang waved to her. She introduced herself first, and then sat in front of the piano.

Chen Siyu’s entry is “Thinking of the Galaxy”, which An Liang once played in Yunjing International Apartment, and when playing, he said that all the stars in the sky are the meaning of Chen Siyu.

…0 ask for flowers 0…………

The second reason for the popularity of the International Piano Competition is that it does not stipulate the range of repertoires to be played, as other piano competitions more or less stipulate some ranges of repertoires.

As for not specifying the selection range of the repertoire, whether it is good or bad, this is a matter of different opinions, after all, the selection of music is also a kind of ability.

If you choose a bad track that doesn’t resonate with the judges, it’s entirely your own problem.

As Chen Siyu’s playing began, An Liang recalled the process of his first encounter with Chen Siyu.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough at the beginning, otherwise I would have almost missed Chen Siyu!

Back then, the big cat in the imperial capital was full of vigilance, and when he said that he wanted to invite An Liang to dinner, he was actually fooling An Liang.

Looking back now, the process of getting to know Chen Siyu at the beginning was full of drama.

An Liang secretly thanked God in his heart!

Song Qian also listened attentively. She found that she underestimated Chen Siyu, because when Chen Siyu played “All the Stars”, she seemed to incorporate a kind of emotion. very good.

Waiting for Chen Siyu’s performance to end, Song Jia spoke first, “Siyu is so strong?”

An Liang smiled.

Song Qing continued, “I think at least 80 points or more, there is full hope to enter the semi-finals!

The scoring mechanism for the preliminary round of the International Piano Competition is on-site scoring. Fourteen scorers quickly scored. After removing the two high scores of 9.5 and 9.4, then the two lowest scores of 8.2 and 8.4 were removed, which is the final comprehensive score of Chen Siyu. score.

In the end, Chen Siyu got a high score of 89.5! Nine

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