H1950 change a battlefield? [4/5]

What should I do if the wolf has more meat and less meat?

Every wolf wants to eat meat!

There is no formal investment channel in the Greater Australia stock market in Xiaguo, which means that investment companies and financial institutions qualified to enter the Greater Australia stock market are not simple roles.

These guys are already surrounded by Fuyi Group and Jialiang Group. Even if there is less meat, they have to fight for it. After all, it is the meat that comes to the mouth.

Anxin Investment Company naturally discovered such a strange situation, and Fan Ping personally called An Liang to report it as soon as possible.

Waiting for the call to be connected, Fan Ping quickly and accurately explained the current situation of the stock market in Great Australia, saying that when the market opens the next day, Fu Group Yi and Jialiang Group will definitely be attacked.

An Liang sneered, “The size of these two wine groups is too small to hold too much capital. What’s more, the stock market in Great Australia is ridiculous!”

Fan Ping seconded.

The stock market in Great Australia is generally too small, and all the top companies in Great Australia have chosen to list on the US stock market.

Although there are legal restrictions in Great Australia, and there are legal restrictions in the Bald Eagle Country, is there no way to circumvent it?

Take Ari Company of Xia State as an example. It is a company of Xia State, but it can also be listed on the Bald Eagle State stock market. In fact, it adopts a scheme called “Depository Receipt”.

Simply put, depositary receipts are depository certificates, a means of bypassing legal restrictions to land on the stock market in the target area.

Some of the top companies in Great Australia have adopted this scheme to circulate in the US stock market.

An Liang added, how big are these financial institutions and investment firms?”

Fan Ping responded, “According to our guess, these hot funds may exceed the scale of one trillion Xia Guoyuan.”

“…An Liang was speechless.

so much?

It seems that he underestimated the size of those hot money.

“Since there is so much hot money, prepare well. I plan to make a fortune from the U.S. stock market and run away, and by the way, cause a shock to the four U.S. stocks.” An Liang said.

“What about the specific goal?” Fan Ping asked.

“The first one is PLL Mineral Exploration and Development Company, their stock price should be around $45 now, I think it’s a bit high, just to suppress the pressure.” An Liang explained.

Xia Guo and Da Australia have disputes over iron ore, and there must be risk fluctuations in the related industrial chain.

“There are also two major retail groups in Greater Australia, Wesfarmers and Woolworths, which are also on the victim list,” An Liang added.

Woolworths is the second largest retail group in Great Australia, not the world’s No. 1 Volvo, and there is no relationship between the two.

The reason why the two major retail groups are listed as victims is that An Liang is ready to use the shipping alliance to release the information of the increase in shipping costs. A considerable number of products in the Great Australia come from Xia Guo. Once the shipping costs increase, the retail group will bear the brunt.

The last victim is naturally BHP Billiton Mining Company, they are the absolute core, because in the iron ore dispute between Xia Guo and Great Australia, BHP Billiton Company is the culprit of the price increase.

An Liang picked a total of four victims, of which BHP Billiton was very complicated.

This company is toxic!

Because BHP Billiton has two ticker symbols in the U.S. stock market.

One is BHP Billiton, a company registered in Great Australia. It is BHP in the U.S. stock market and has a market value of more than $180 billion.

The other is called BHP Billiton BBL, which is a British company, formerly called [Biliton Billedon/), the symbol of the US stock market is BBL, and its market value has reached 150 billion US dollars.

Although the two companies are BHP Billiton Group, they represent two separate operating entities and separate legal entities, thus allowing two ticker symbols, different share prices, and different market capitalizations.

Although BHP and BBL together exceed 330 billion US dollars, BHP Billiton will also be hit hard if it is hit by the trillion-level financial impact of Xia Guoyuan.

The combined market value of Wesfarmers and Woolworths is barely close to $100 billion, but they are mainly concentrated in the OTC over-the-counter market, and the main firepower is still BHP Billiton.

As for PLL Mineral Exploration and Development?

This is just a bonus, because its market value is not even a billion, only 560 million US dollars, but it happens to belong to the mining industry, and it happens to have depositary receipt transactions in the US stock market, so by the way, it is a wool.

…0 asking for flowers…………

An Liang sorted out the goals, and then used the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to send messages.

Dreaming of Future Graphene:

First of all, I declare that my work is very stable and I am still Guan Bojun.

Secondly, don’t make a wild guess, this time it is @王冠 Import and Export Trading Company that manipulates wine-related matters.

There are rumors that the actual owner of this company behind the scenes has a very good relationship with the king of Spain.

I guarantee that I am not involved in wine-related transactions.

After all, the size of Fuyi Group and Jialiang Company is too small, and Anxin Investment Company simply doesn’t bother to pay attention to them. Even if they plan carefully, the final income will be frighteningly low.

Look at the performance of Jialiang Group in the Australian stock market, the share price is less than 1 Australian dollar, this is too miserable?

Although Fuyi Group is slightly better, it is also very limited.

If Anxin Investment Company wants to target Great Australia

Let me declare first, what I said is if, don’t think about it!

Under the premise of the assumption, Anxin Investment Company should target PLL Mineral Exploration and Development Company, Wesfarmers Group, Woolworths, and BHP Billiton Company.

This Weibo message is completely the situation where there is no silver 300 taels here!



Ordinary netizens may still believe it, but the financial institutions and investment companies that have long been concerned about the dream of the future graphene official blog account have turned their guns and entered the US stock market from the stock market of Australia.

As An Liang said, whether it is Jialiang Group or Fuyi Group, they are all lambs, not enough for everyone to eat, so why surround them?

When Xia Guo’s hot money rushed to the U.S. stock market, the U.S. stock market responded quickly, and the four named stocks were immediately surrounded by wolves.

If it weren’t for the non-trading day on Sunday, I’m afraid I’d be dismembered on the spot!

Even so, in the over-the-counter market, the value of the four companies has already plummeted, and after the market opens on Monday, the stock prices of the four companies may directly plunge? 9.

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