H1951 see you again? [5/5]

If Anxin Investment Company is famous in Xia, it is famous in the U.S. stock market.

Because in the U.S. stock market, none of the companies targeted by Anxin Investment Company will end well!

Taking Neon’s senior hall in the US stock market as an example, to this day, the sales of some of senior hall’s products are still sluggish, and a large number of self-media people like to buy senior hall’s products for testing, and then do things.

Let’s take a look at Bentian Automobile. It was also broken by Anxin Investment Company, and the loss on a global scale has started and stopped at the level of 100 billion?

If you add Tesla and Apple, it will completely prove the evil name of Anxin Investment Company!

As we all know, Dream “April 20” Future Graphene Technology Group is the younger brother of Anxin Investment Company, and what is revealed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is likely to be the next goal of Anxin Investment Company.

This time, the four companies released by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group have completely analyzed the reasons why they were listed as targets after the analysis of investment companies and financial institutions.

In this case, not only Xia Guo’s hot money is eyeing the four companies, but financial institutions and investment companies in the US stock market are also eyeing them.

In the U.S. stock market, there is no such thing as protecting one’s own people, let alone the company of the Great Australia, let alone the little brother of the Bald Eagle.

Even the company of the Bald Eagle Country is not good!

When Anxin Investment Company suppressed Apple before, didn’t the financial institutions and investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country also go downhill?

Profit is the only eternity!

After An Liang sent the information using the official blog of Dream Future Graphene, he logged into the official blog account of Wangguan Import and Export Trading Company. Although this official blog account has not been authenticated, he was named by Dream Future Graphene. , The current number of fans has exceeded 100,000, but no Weibo information has been released.

An Liang logged on to the official blog of Wangguan Import and Export Trading Company. He quickly edited the copy information, and after uploading the video, he posted the first Weibo.

Crown Import & Export Trading Company:

Thank you good brother @dream future graphene for the recommendation.

Thanks to His Majesty King Philip VI of Spain for his support.

After the integration of relevant resources, our crown import and export trading company will shift the focus of imported wine from Great Australia to Western Hemisphere starting from July.

In order to better serve the consumers, we have reached an agreement with His Majesty King Philip VI of the Western Hemisphere. With the assistance of His Majesty, the wines exported from our Xiaguo will update the bottle label information to make it more convenient for consumers. Identify and distinguish authenticity.

At the same time, His Majesty Philip highly appreciated the drinking method of using Sprite mixed with wine in our country, and recommended their drinking method of sangria in the western half of the country.

Cheers to the wine friendship between Xiaguo and Spain!


Because of the support of the dream of future graphene, after the official blog of Crown Import and Export Trading Company released the information, it immediately attracted attention. In particular, the copy showed the existence of the king of the West and half, which made some people who eat melon become curious.

So is there a king in the West?

The melon eaters clicked on the video. In the video, Philip VI first greeted him in Mandarin, and then introduced sangria. At the same time, he praised the innovation of consumers in Xiaguo in using Sprite to mix wine, and invited the The netizens went to the western half of the country to taste the Sprite and the wine, and also took some pictures of the wine and the Sprite at the wine tasting meeting. Finally, they used Xia Guoyu again to express the hope that everyone will support the Spanish wine.

This set of processes went down, and immediately won the love of the melon eaters.

How can such a down-to-earth king be unpopular?

The people who eat melon hate that kind of pretending to be noble Versailles.0


Is this the king?

kinda handsome!

Love love love!

This king is too down-to-earth, may I ask is travel in the West half of the country expensive? I want to go to the West half of the country to drink wine and mix Sprite, and let those Versailles pretend to be squeamish and drink a piece of wine every day. How about f*ck?

This reply is the most popular comment. Sand sculpture netizens always occupy the majority, so they have time to hang on the Internet every day. These people really like a more down-to-earth existence.

Under the reminder of An Liang, Philip VI was very down-to-earth and naturally won the love of sand sculpture netizens.

Western Half, Royal Hotel Ballroom.

An Liang handed the mobile phone to Philip and translated the information on the Weibo for him, “Your Majesty Philip, it seems that you are a little popular in our Xia country. Would you like to open a social account on our Xia Guo’s Weibo?”

The members of the royal family of Europa have opened accounts on social networks to post the life and work of the royal family. Has that become a daily operation?

For example, Philip VI’s sister, her daily job is to share the lives of past members on social networks, and to tout her brother Philip VI.

So opening another Xia Guo social network account is no problem, right?

In order to let Philip VI open a social media account in Xia Guo, An Liang continued to fool around.

“If His Majesty Philip opens a social account on our Weibo account in Xiaguo, it can not only promote the wines of the Spanish half, but also promote the tourism industry of the Spanish half!” An Liang explained.

Philip VI immediately asked back, “Really?”

Update time: January 21, 2021 02:55:49, fell asleep in the chair for 30 minutes halfway, too sleepy, good night.

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