h1957 Kindness! [1/5]


Compassion for the weak and compassion is also a kind of strength!!

‘Thanks to the host for caring for the visually impaired, congratulations to the host for the special reward!!

Special Rewards:

1. An image recognition technology solution

2. Image recognition chip processing technology scheme

3. High-end technical solutions for laser ranging

Important Notes:

1. The reward [1] will be provided by the chief [Lu Zhihua] of the depth-of-field pattern recognition team;

2. The reward [2] will be provided by (Longzheng);

3. [Reward 3] will be provided by the chief of the laser ranging team [Dai Xin];

An Liang looked at the prompts issued by the Life Winner System, and he was secretly satisfied that the reward channels provided by the Life Winner System were as flawless as before, all of which were well documented, not just rewards that appeared out of thin air.

The three awards seem to be around assistive devices for the visually impaired for more than 30 years, but just as Han Zhenglong said that the two teams poached from Bear Paws can bypass the competition agreement, these three awards can also be applied in other fields. .

For example, it is used in the autopilot system of flying motorcycles.

Originally there was no benefit, it was purely a matter of love, but after having three rewards, it became profitable. After all, there is no profit in the project of assistive equipment for the visually impaired, but with the help of the three rewards, you can get benefits in other fields.

Is this inadvertently planting willows and willows?

It was 0:39 a.m. local time in Vienna.

An Liang returned to the Royal Palace Hotel. He looked at the suites of Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang respectively. They were both asleep, and An Liang didn’t bother them. He quietly washed and fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.

It is not that An Liang has no family status, but that An Liang is willing to pay for them so as to avoid waking them up, which is a basic human respect.

Chen Siyu is willing to accept Ning Ruoshuang, and Ning Ruoshuang is also willing to not make noise or make trouble. The most important reason is not that An Liang is rich, but that An Liang is willing to respect them.

That’s the premise!

If only for the money?

The body will instinctively refuse.

One can deceive oneself, but cannot deceive instinct.

If you don’t like someone, even if you are together because of money, it will be very awkward.

For example, Chen Siyu likes to be the cat in An Liang’s arms. Generally, when An Liang is sitting on the sofa, as long as Chen Siyu has nothing to do, she is willing to sit in An Liang’s arms.

If only because of money, not because of love, would Chen Siyu do this?

After all, it’s not because of liking, how could Chen Siyu accept Ning Ruoshuang?

Money is always only one of the conditions, there are more reference conditions, including but not limited to: mutual respect, caring about each other’s feelings, mutual compromise and so on.

Could it be that some people really think that An Liang is nothing but money?

the next day.

At seven o’clock in the morning, Chen Siyu woke up. She looked around first, but did not find An Liang’s figure. A trace of loss flashed in her eyes, and then she got up with a yawn.

Today is another day to practice the piano hard.

Tomorrow is going to participate in the semi-finals, Chen Siyu has already thought about the competition repertoire, so he must practice hard today.

When Chen Siyu walked to the living room, she found that An Liang was sleeping on the sofa. Her eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then she showed a distressed expression.

She walked to An Liang’s side and looked at An Liang who was still sleeping, with love in her eyes.

“What a fool!” Chen Siyu said softly.

She understood the meaning of An Liang sleeping on the sofa in the living room, that is, she didn’t want to disturb their rest, but Chen Siyu didn’t mind being disturbed by An Liang.

Looking at An Liang sleeping on the sofa, Chen Siyu didn’t have the idea of ​​practicing the piano immediately. She sat on the sofa next to her and watched An Liang quietly.

Nearly ten minutes later, Ning Ruoshuang also got up.

When Ning Ruojian saw the living room, the original warm atmosphere gradually changed.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang discussed in a low voice, and within two minutes, the two returned to their suites, carrying cosmetic bags to the living room. They smiled at each other, and then began to apply makeup to An Liang.

From the lip gloss to the beauty mole between the eyebrows, plus the red light, they are all arranged together.

If it were a normal day, An Liang would definitely be able to find it, but yesterday An Liang drank a lot of wine at the wine tasting session, and even though An Liang’s alcohol intake was very good, he was a little more sleepy today than before.

So Brother Liang is cold!

An 423 Liang was painted with bright red lip gloss by Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, as well as a red beauty mole between the eyebrows, and a red like a plateau red. Both Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang began to take pictures with An Liang.

When the two were going to An Liang for a photo together, Chen Siyu accidentally pressed An Liang and finally woke An Liang up.

An Liang noticed the problem the first time he woke up, because Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang couldn’t hide their smiles.

There’s something wrong with these two guys!

An Liang picked up his phone and turned on the front camera, and he saw his situation.

Sure enough!

“Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, you two need to clean up!” An Liang hummed, then grabbed the two of them together, and kissed both of them on the face, leaving a red lip print on each.

Looking at the red lip prints on Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang’s faces, An Liang followed them one by one, and asked Chen Siyu to take a three-person selfie with the help of a selfie stick.

After taking the selfie, the three of An Liang looked at the photo together, and then they laughed and slapped together again. The three of them felt natural and warm together.

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