h1958 Are you playing President Li? [2/5]

In the Shishan District of the Imperial Capital, it was more than two o’clock in the afternoon local time.

In the conference room of DarkCore Technology Company, Hanzhenglong held a preparatory meeting for hardware auxiliary equipment for the visually impaired.

Letter Long first conveyed An Liang’s meaning, “Dear colleagues, the big boss above has agreed to our plan, and let us ignore the issue of profitability for the time being.

Lu Zhihua, the chief technical expert of the depth-of-field pattern recognition team, responded, “The big boss said to ignore profit?”

“Yes.” Han Zhenglong said affirmatively, “In fact, our dark core technology has been losing money, and our big boss is very powerful.”

Dai Xin, the chief technical expert of the LiDAR comprehensive team, asked, “I heard that our big boss is who?”

Han Zhenglong’s right index finger pointed to the east, the dark core technology is in the west of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, so the east is the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

“The next door is also the business of the big boss.” Letter Long explained.

In fact, Lu Zhihua and Dai Xin knew more or less of this information, but now they are only more certain.

Lu Zhihua responded affirmatively, “Since the big boss ordered to ignore profit, I have a technical solution that has not been formally proposed, and I am going to present this technical solution now.”

The letter confirms the dragon’s doubts, “What technology?”

“Variable Generative Adversarial Learning Natural Image Recognition Technology!” Lu Zhihua responded, “I will call it NVL technology for short.”

Lu Zhihua briefly continued to introduce, “This technology is to use GAN generative confrontation network to learn and recognize natural images, and to understand the variability of images, for example, houses have different shapes, human beings have different heights, shorts, fats and thins, and each leaf is different. Just wait.”

“Better understanding of natural images through such variability.” Lu Zhihua explained.

Dai Xin laughed on the side, “Old Lu, you said it’s a coincidence that I also have a technology that I haven’t come up with.”

Fortunately, Li Hongyan didn’t know the situation of the meeting here, otherwise he would have doubted whether Lu Zhihua and Dai Xin were playing him on purpose when they were in Bear’s Paws Company?

Listening to Dai Tao’s remarks, Letter Chen and Lu Zhihua looked at each other together.

Zaixin explained, “My technology is called “Laser Ranging 3D Space Structure Perception Technology”, and we can call it TSR technology.”

“This technology allows LiDAR to use the measured distance to construct a virtual three-dimensional space, and to use the spatial distance change to provide behavioral predictions, and then provide accurate response plans for the visually impaired.” Wearing explained.

Dai Xin continued to add, “TSR has a brand-new algorithm scheme, through TSR technology, the information of laser ranging can be fed back faster, thus avoiding the problems caused by delay.

“Old Lu, how is your NVL technology in terms of delay?” Dai Tao asked.

“I know what you’re going to say. For example, when crossing the road, if there is a delay in recognizing traffic lights, is that a fatal problem?” Lu Zhihua asked back.

“Of course!” Dai Xin said with certainty.

“I will definitely set a priority recognition level for NVL technology. For example, when visually impaired people want to cross the road, NVL technology will give priority to identifying traffic lights, thereby minimizing delays.” Lu Zhihua explained.

Lu Zhihua continued to add that in the final user system, we will also add a voice recognition system. The visually impaired can use the voice reminder system to indicate that they need to cross the road, and then the NVL technology can recognize the relevant information according to the voice command. ”

Lu Zhihua added, “For example, the status of traffic lights, as well as the behavior prediction of passing vehicles, coupled with the vehicle distance provided by your lidar ranging, etc., so as to protect the visually impaired people to the greatest extent. The problem of crossing the road.

“It’s interesting!” Dai Xin responded.

Letter Long interjected, “You submit the technical plan, and after I review it, I will start the project directly. By the way, what do you think our hardware auxiliary equipment for the visually impaired is suitable for?”

“Let’s brainstorm this issue, and you and your team members will also discuss it. I will apply for a bonus for the big boss. The hardware design plan that finally passes will receive a bonus of 100,000 yuan.” Letter Long explained.

Dai Xin was the first to say, “I think it’s enough to make a mobile phone, and we can use the same lidar as Apple’s tablet.

Letter Zhenglong stopped Dai Xin from continuing, “The specific plan, you can discuss it slowly, and hand it to me before six o’clock tomorrow at the latest, and I will hand it over to the big boss and let the big boss decide.”

“Okay, you now notify your team members.” Letter Long signaled the end of the meeting.

After Letter Long left, Lu Zhihua looked at Dai Xin, and he said jokingly, “Make it look like a mobile phone?”

“Can’t you?” Dai Xin asked back.

“This kind of thinking is definitely Tie Hanhan’s idea!” Lu Zhihua tunes.

“What’s your opinion?” Dai Xin asked.

“I’m going to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, do you think I’ll tell you?” Lu Zhihua joked again.

“Then you won’t treat yourself with the bonus?” Dai Xin complained.

Lu Zhihua spread his hands and said, “I’m also a member of our team who wants to treat guests. There is a Keriya barbecue opposite us. I heard that the price is not expensive and the quality is quite good. President Han often goes there. When I get the bonus, I will Take the team.”

The bonus “must be mine!” Dai Xin said with certainty.

After Lu Zhihua left, a sly look flashed in Dai Kui’s eyes, making the hardware auxiliary equipment for the visually impaired look like a mobile phone?


It was just that Dai Xin deliberately confused his sight, he already had an idea in his mind!

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