How else can h1959 be restricted? 3/5]

The new projects that the dark core technology has silently started have not attracted any attention, because the dark core technology has not been publicly promoted, how can the outside world know about it?

Vienna local time, more than nine in the morning.

Because the rematch site of the International Piano Competition is in Prague, but Prague and Vienna are only more than 200 kilometers away, and it would be more troublesome to fly over with the Rain and Frost.

With a distance of more than 200 kilometers, the climb and landing of the Yushuang may exceed this distance. Why use an airplane?

So An Liang decided to drive over as a group.

In order to ensure safety, this time the team has a full seven Chevrolet bulletproof version of the Saab.

It’s nearly twelve o’clock noon.

An Liang and his party arrived in Prague successfully. The situation here is almost the same as that in Vienna. Renyi Security Company has already completed the corresponding infiltration work to ensure the security.

To be honest, An Liang is really worried about the safety of these Europa 423!

The venues chosen for the International Piano Competition are all poisonous. Among the three venues, Vienna is already the best one.

As for Prague?

Does anyone not know that Prague is famous as the city of thieves?

Although thieves are mainly targeting money, a little bit of mishandling can lead to further conflict and serious security problems.

After Renyi Security Company entered the control field in Prague, a safety distance of a street was isolated near the Rudolph Concert Hall where the International Piano Competition was held, thus ensuring the relevant safety.

If Chen Siyu passes the semi-finals and advances to the quarter-finals, he will go to Budapest.

Budapest has the worst law and order of the three cities!

Because the local economic situation is relatively bad, in some backward neighborhoods in Budapest, taking a selfie with a mobile phone on the street is likely to be robbed.

Such a situation is something that most people in Xia cannot understand!

What’s the use of robbing a cell phone?

Does the phone have fingerprint lock or face lock?

However, in Budapest, it is possible to rob a mobile phone, and if the fingerprint is locked or something, it can also be unlocked on the spot, otherwise the robbery will become another vicious case.

Budapest often appears in film and television works, but An Liang really does not recommend traveling to Budapest.

Even if it is tattered, the security problem is also very serious. Apart from taking pictures to locate the wave of Versailles, what is the point?

If he had to accompany Chen Siyu to participate in the International Piano Competition, An Liang himself was not too willing to travel to the poor areas of the Europa League.

As the ancients said, the problem of poor mountains and rivers is indeed bigger.

Prague is the same time zone as Vienna, which is 7 hours behind the Xia Empire time.

At 2:00 p.m. local time in Prague, An Liang and his party checked into the Prague International Hotel. It was still the same as in Vienna. An Liang directly covered three floors, and everyone lived in the middle floor, leaving the upstairs and downstairs vacant. This ensures maximum safety.

“You can play in the hotel for a while, and we will invest in the U.S. stock market with peace of mind.” An Liang said to everyone in the hotel (daaj).

At two o’clock here, the corresponding Bald Eagle country time is nine o’clock in the morning, and there is still half an hour to open.

Hu Xiaoyu was the first to say excitedly, “Invest with confidence and take action?”

An Liang nodded, then quickly said the basic situation, and finally added, “According to our estimate, because it is public information, it is only the hot money for our return to the country, I am afraid that it has increased to more than one trillion.”

In addition, “In addition to the domestic funds of the Bald Eagle Country, there are at least one trillion dollars of funds waiting there, so don’t act rashly, and you may become cannon fodder if you are not careful.” An Liang added.

Hu Xiaoyu said distressedly, “Brother Liang, we should take such a good opportunity ourselves.

An Liang smiled and denied, “You are wrong. If we don’t disclose the information, we will not be able to attract the attention of the hot money. It is because we disclose the information that the hot money will take the bait.”

Actually it is!

If Anxin Investment chooses to operate privately, it is impossible to manipulate the trend of the broader market.

Only when Anxin Investment Company discloses its goals can it attract the participation of hot money.

In fact, there is another hidden weight, which is the credit of Anxin Investment Company. Because of Anxin Investment Company’s outstanding record, after Anxin Investment released the signal, everyone is willing to follow the footsteps of Anxin Investment.

If Anxin Investment Company does not have good credit, then everything is fake!

After all, from the analysis of the information released by Anxin Investment Company, if it is only aimed at the wine industry of Great Australia, there is no problem at all. Judging from the current revelations, for the wine industry of Great Australia, there are indeed certain problems. blow.

Yet relying on such a blow to target Great Australia’s iron ore industry?

That is dreaming!

Because the real iron ore resources are there, and the iron ore in Great Australia has natural advantages, BHP Billiton has the basic iron ore resources, and it is very difficult to be shorted.

After all, a natural mineral resource-based company like BHP Billiton is not the same as Apple.

Apple can be restricted by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to limit the supply of graphene batteries, resulting in a decline in market competitiveness, but BHP Billiton’s iron ore is there, and it cannot be snatched away, how can it be restricted?

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