h1963 refused to translate? [2/5]

After An Liang negotiated with Vasilevich, he immediately called Philip VI to explain the situation.

Philip VI was the active collaborator. After An Liang explained the situation, he agreed and waited for the three-party video conference.

Under the arrangement of No. 4, the channel of the video conference was quickly prepared. An Liang sent the addresses of the video conference to Vasilevich and Philip VI respectively.

An Liang was the first to enter the video conference room, and Philip also came in quickly. He didn’t worry about whether there was any problem with the link address of the video conference, such as reverse intrusion or something.

Vasilevich was a little more cautious. After reviewing by the network security department, it was determined that the link address of the video conference existed in the deep web, and it was only after the highly confidential video conference link that he finally entered the video conference room.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Vasilevich.” An Liang greeted proactively, “I’ll introduce you first.”

After an introduction by An Liang, Vasilevich and Philip VI greeted each other in simple English.

Hearing the two greet them in English, An Liang suddenly realized that he clapped his hands, “I remembered, you don’t know each other’s language, do you have translators ready?”

Before the two sides answered, An Liang continued, “Although I can speak Russian and I can speak Spanish, I don’t want to be a translator, so you need to prepare your own translators.”

Even if An Liang’s rhetoric was relatively unkind, both Vasilevich and Philip VI were happier.

Because Vasilevich and Philip VI prepared their own translators, they showed an attitude that he did not want problems in the translation process.

After all, if An Liang himself is a translator, it means that An Liang may have the opportunity to manipulate both parties during the translation process.

Now An Liang let them prepare their own translators, naturally avoiding such trouble.

In less than ten minutes, translators from both sides were in place, and the video conference resumed.

This video conference is mainly the preliminary communication between Philip VI and Vasilevich, including the development location of iron ore resources, the investment amount, the proportion of shares, and the profit sharing, all of which have made a preliminary discussion .

These things have nothing to do with An Liang.

An Liang’s only requirement is that North Bear’s iron ore cannot exceed that of Great Australia in terms of final cost.

Because the iron ore grade of North Bear Country is slightly lower than that of Great Australia, the cost of steelmaking is naturally slightly higher, so An Liang requested that the comprehensive cost should not exceed that of Great Australia.

Otherwise why choose Northland instead of continuing to trade with Great Australia?

For An Liang’s request, both Philip VI and Vasilevich agreed unanimously.

That is the premise of cooperation between the two parties.

After some discussions, Vasilevich and Philip VI reached a preliminary consensus. Vasilevich concluded, “His Majesty Philip, I am going to personally lead the negotiating team to the Western Hemisphere. May I ask your negotiating team? How will it be arranged?

This is Vasilevich’s cryptic hint to whether Philip VI can be the master of the house.

In fact, Philip VI cannot be the master of the house!

But this kind of thing that is good for the Western Hemisphere can be easily promoted by Philip VI, so he responded, “We will also arrange for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology to negotiate with you, and we will also arrange for the Ministry of Development to discuss iron ore with you comprehensively. development and development.”

Vasilevich agreed with satisfaction, “In that case, can we agree on two days later?”

“No problem at all! Philip,” King VI agreed.

Vasilevich asked An Liang in the video conference room, “Mr. Jiu’an, will you participate in our negotiations in person?”

“Two days later?” An Liang raised his eyebrows, “Let’s see! I plan to return to Xia Country on July 8th.

“That would be a shame!” Vasilevich responded.

Philip VI also seconded, “If Mr. Ann participates, I believe our negotiations will go more smoothly.”

An Liang responded with a smile, “Thank you for your compliment, but it’s the same with or without me, I’ll try my best to participate!”

“Okay, I look forward to Mr. An’s participation.” Philip VI did not ask An Liang what the circumstances were.

Vasilevich seconded.

The three parties had a brief exchange before leaving the video conference room.

After Philip VI closed the video conference, he started to work overtime for the first time, contacting the court departments that may be involved, so as to evaluate and judge this cooperation.

Vasilevich is independently evaluating the partnership.

If they can really reach a cooperation, it will be a very important good thing for the North Bear Kingdom. Labor-intensive work such as mining iron ore will provide a large number of jobs for North Energy.

Coupled with the benefits of selling iron ore, it will ease the pressure on the North Bear country’s economic crisis.

Vasilevich supports this cooperation even if the Western Hemisphere has no role to play in the oil dispute between the Europa League and the North Bears.

After all, cooperation is beneficial!

Benefit maintains cooperation!

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